She let him kiss her to his satisfaction, she was still shocked that he kissed her, she never dreamt one day he will lay his lips on hers, she always admire him from a distance, she always wonder how it will feel to be kissed by him and she was right. It feels so good, she thought maybe she's driven by her own feelings that's why she thought of it that way. He kept kissing and she was loving the way his lips worked against hers.

Ummm...let me put it this way, it felt so magical for her to be kissed by a man she has deep feelings for but as if brought back to reality. As if some sense was knocked back into her head. She broke the kiss and pushed him away from her.

Her cheeks were already red and her heart was pounding fast. She casted her look on the ground, trying to fathom what happened now. They kissed each other,. The famous Rock star KISSED her. As if she finding her voice back. She looked up to him inquisitively.

"What was that?." She asked, the taste of his lips still lingered on hers. "Were you trying to take advantage of me?."

"No I wasn't." He said to her, watching her twitch with uneasiness. He wondered what she's so unease with, was she feeling uneasy because he kissed her. He only did that to shut her up.

"Then why did you kiss me?." She asked again.

"I did that to shut you up." He responded, making her shot him a baffled look. "You were talking too much and it was getting on my nerves so I decided to do that to keep you quiet."

She still stared with that baffled look at her face, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She was trying to find the right words to say.

"I'm asking you again." She finally spoke up. "Why did you bring me to your house?."

"Let's go in first." He implied, walking towards the front porch of his house, she followed suit, marvelling at the beauty of his house. There was a patio adjoined with the main door. He led the way inside and she followed in, she marvelled the more at the interior of the house, she stared at the paintings of the walls, including the paintings she did of him. Seeing the paintings she did of him made her smile, it warmed her heart.

He still kept all these paintings, she thought he would discard them. The cushions are wow, she saw a glazed sculptural piece of him standing on one end of wall in the sitting area. She was lost, staring at the things which made up his sitting room. Well she isn't surprised, this house will suit any Rock star not just Chris.

"Stop drooling over my house." He teased. "This is nothing."

"You call this nothing?." She asked, surprise at his understatement. "You really got a great house here, your house is really amazing."

"Thank you." He responded, smiling, watching her admire his house. "Do you want something to drink or eat?."

"Is that a grand piano?." She asked and gasped when she saw a piano under the stairs which lead to the bedrooms. "Wow, how much I wanted to meet one in my life." She marched her way there, sitting on the long bench before it.

"Do you play this?." She asked, as she lays her slender fingers on the keyboard.

"Of course I do." He asked, joining her on the bench. He also lays his fingers on the piano, their fingers grazed each other and she immediately withdrew her fingers from the piano. She glanced at him but his attention was on the the music scripts attached to the piano. Thank goodness he didn't notice.

"Of course I do." He answered and looked at her, giving her a kind smile. "What will a piano be doing in my house if I don't know how to play it."

"Yes, right." She chuckled nervously. She watched the music scripts before them, seems like he's working on a song.

"What song are you working on?." She asked, watching his long fingers on the keyboard. "Are you going to perform this in your next show?."

"I'm not sure." He looked at her with a wry smile on his face. His eyes became distant all of a sudden. She wonder why he sounded so unsure.

"Why?." She asked, giving him a worried look. "Why are you not sure?."

"I wrote this song." He began, returning his gaze at the music scripts before them. "So I'm not sure if it will be a big hit in the industry and I don't even know if my manager will approve of it."

"Why?. What do you mean?." She asked, with the curiosity in her. "Those songs you sing, who wrote them for you?."

"Ghost writers." He confessed, taking a deep breath. "All those songs I sang weren't written by me so I decided to try writing one, I don't know why but it seems I'm lacking some inspiration in the song."

"How long have you been working on this song?." She asked, looking at the pained expression on his face. That look on his face made her feel pity for him, he's always working his ass off to come up with good songs that will be great sales in the market.

"For over a year now." He answered.

"Over a year?." She asked, widening her eyes with surprise. "That's too long."

"Yes, you're right." He chuckled at the expression on her face. "Coming up with a good song can be really tough you know, you have to get the right verses and the right tune for it."

"Yes, you're right." She nodded her head in agreement. "Writing a music script can be really frustrating sometimes, I do understand so what's the title of this single?."

"I named it BECAUSE OF YOU." He replied. "And it's not done yet, I mean I haven't completed the lyrics, I'm still trying to find the words to complete it. I'm just tried, I might just give up."

"Don't be." She smiled, genuinely at him. "I know how hard it can be but it's worth it. You have to take the risk, it might take long but I know you will do great. I will help you."

"Help me?." He asked, giving her a questionable look. "You're a painter, you don't even know how music works and you haven't written a music script before."

"Don't underestimate me." She said, placing her fingers back on the keyboard of the piano. "I'm a painter but I do write songs too."

"Really?." He looked at her surprisedly. "How many talents do you have?."

"I don't know." She laughed at his question. "I'm still discovering myself."

He smiled.

"What verse did you stop?." She asked, taking one of the music scripts in her hands.

"Only verse one." He answered innocently.

"Only verse one took you over a year?." She casts him a shock look at what he said. "What have you doing throughout the months?."

"Oh, come on." He said, nonchalantly. "I told you I haven't tried writing my own song script and I decided to write one. So I'm having some challenges since all of my songs were written by ghost writers and besides I have other things to do."

"Oh okay." She said. "Can I hear the tune for verse one?. I want to know how to help you in the song writing."

"Okay." He replied, moving his hands on the keyboard, playing it. He started singing.

"I'm gonna be fine, you left me alone

Can I heal the wounds myself?

So what can I do and why did you come?

To make my heart beat for you

Don't, don't lose my mind

Dream of you again and I look to you

as it fell. I want to make a wish in the well."

When he was singing, she found herself drowning in the sensation the song carried and the lyrics was something...how will she put it. The lyrics were pointing at how much his heart is hurting. But he doesn't believe in love so who hurt him and yes, his Mom told her the reason he shut his heart to love was because of past hurt. Really who ever the girl is, he must have truly loved her that he ended up shutting his heart close permeantly to love.

"Nice lyrics." She complimented. "But what inspired you to write this song?."

"I can't really say something inspired me to write it." He replied. "The feelings just came and I started writing it."

"Hmmm, that's good." She nodded her head. "So you're saying no feelings are attached to the lyrics?. But the lyrics are filled with emotions, they're talking about past hurt. Were you hurt in the past?."

He stopped playing the piano immediately, she stared at him but he wasn't talking. His face turned rigid, his muscles tensed up. She wondered what happened in his past love life, what did that girl do to him?.

"I rather not talk about it." He responded coldly. "It's in the past and I don't want to resurface it. Let's just bury the hatchet."

"Oh okay, if you don't want to talk about it, I won't pressure you." She inserted, giving him a soft smile. "I won't bother you with the question again?."

"So how are you gonna help me with the lyrics?." He asked, looking at her. "I only wrote verse one, the remaining verses are yet to come."

"Okay, continue playing the keyboard." She prompted. "I will try and compose another verse. Does your song have chorus?."

"I don't think so." He shook his head. "I haven't thought of giving it a chorus."

"Why don't we give it a chorus?." She suggested, smiling at him.

He stared at her sweet smile, that smile warmed his heart. He can't tell if he asks her to be his date to the music gala. Will she agree?. Will she shove off their differences and come with him as his date, he found himself wanting her to come with him. He really wants her to be there. He stared at her as she continued smiling, she has a very plain personality, a very simple creature.

"You have a very beautiful smile." He complimented, taking her by surprise.

"Huh?." She mumbled, looking confused and surprised the same time. "Umm…. thanks." She answered, feelings her cheeks grow hot at his compliment. She felt her heart palpitating at his words.

"Okay let's hear the chorus you have." He inserted immediately, clearing the tension in the room a minute ago.

She coughed, clearing her throat before singing, trying to find the perfect words for the chorus.

"Everytime I trade my soul because of you

If you wanna be in my way cause of me

The stars are shining to me away

Whispering I want you to know that you're my


He watched her closed eyes as she sings, really she has a very nice soothing voice. Her voice will be a big hit in any music industry. He smiled, taking in the sweetness her voice carried. He wondered if she ever dreamt of becoming a singer too, she will make a nice singer in any music industry. Some music industries are seeking for voices like hers.

"Umm…. I think I have run out of ideas." She immediately opened her eyes and found him already staring at her. "Ummm....is something wrong?. My voice isn't good, right?."

He curved his lips into a smile, smiling at her frivolousness. "No, your voice is great, just that you look different when singing. I mean you look like you came from another universe when singing." He joked.

"I will take that as compliment." She smiled. "So how did you see my chorus?."

"It's great but too short." He replied, bluntly.

"Aishh... She made a sound under her breath at his choice of words. "Haven't you seen a song with a short chorus?. A song mustn't have a long chorus."

"Actually when you were singing, some ideas gave in my head so I can add it to the chorus to make it longer."

"Really, let me hear it." She urged.

"I don't know if it will fit your own chorus but anyways let me sing it."

Everytime I'm crazy is because of you

If you're looking right at me because of love

To me it's a pretty wonderland

Do not make me make me wait again

I need you right now.

Loving the sensation his voice carried, with all the emotions welling up in her. She joined him in singing.

Hey boy, do not be shy?.

Why not we give it a try?.

Stay next to me, push the bad

Memories aside.

Put me in the palm of you

All my lifetime I will be thinking of you.

Sincerely saying, she didn't know where those words came from. They just popped in her head and they started flowing out of her lips without her realizing it.

"Wow nice verse you have there." He compliment. "Where did you get it from?."

"I don't know." She answered, innocently. "Maybe I was flowing with the one you sang that's how they came to be."

"That's nice." He complimented as he stopped playing the piano. There was a moment of silence between them. She wanted to speak up before he spoke up first.

"I…you….will you?." He stuttered, staring deep into his eyes. She saw hesitation in them and wondered what he wanted to say. Is he trying to propose to her officially to be his wife?.

"Chris, what are you saying?." She asked, feeling nervous. "Why are you stuttering?. Rock stars don't stutter with their words."

Her remark made him chuckle. "I wanted to say if you will be my….."

Oh God, it shouldn't be what's she thinking it is. She doesn't even want to be married to him anymore, in as much she still harboured feelings for him and her feelings for him has ran deep in her. She just doesn't want to be married to him anymore, she doesn't want to be new gossip in the society or his fans talking trash about her. And besides she was at the ring mall with Ethan when he took her.

Yes, Ethan. She has forgotten about him, she was so lost in the song composition with Chris that she totally forgot about his existence. She wanted to stand up from the bench when he pulled her back down.

She looked up to meet his eyes and he was already staring at her. The look in his eyes made her blood turn ice, they locked eyes with each for a brief moment and his hand was still on her arm. He wasn't making an effort to talk, eyes still on her. He leaned closer to her that their face were two inches away

She watched him keeping his eyes on her, his eyes searching hers. The world has come to standstill, nothing was moving. His eyes captivated her as he drew more closer to her. Her insincts told her to stop whatever he was trying to do. She felt his breath brush her nose.

Her heart was pounding fast at his closeness, what is he trying to do?. He leaned closer to her at the verge of his lips touching hers when his phone rang. He immediately jerked away from her, fetching his phone from his pant's pocket.

"Hello father." He answered, immediately he picked his call.

"Hello Chris." He could hear the fear in his voice, he wondered why his father is so scared, did something happen?.

"Dad, why are you sounding this way?." He asked, worried. "Did something happen?."

"Chris, your Mom fainted." His father answered, his voice sounded more like a whisper. "We're at the hospital right now."

"What?." He said with an emphatic tone, standing up abruptly from the bench. "How did that happen?. Why did she faint?."

Jane stiffed on the bench when she heard Chris's Mom fainted. Her heart completely went blank, her pulse racing. What happened?. What resulted her into fainting?. She was lost in her own thoughts when he brought her back.

"I'm going to the hospital." He informed, snatching his car keys from the transparent dining table where he dropped them. "I will drop you off at your house."

"I'm going with you at the hospital." She prompted, making him to look inquisitively at her. "Your mother is not well, I want to see her."

"Okay, if you want." He said, making his way to the sitting room's exit door. She followed suit as they went outside, they entered the car and he zoom off. Reaching the hospital, they ran up to his father who was pacing up and down in the waiting area.

"Dad, what happened?." Chris asked worriedly, reaching his Dad. "Why did Mom fainted?."

"I don't know why she fainted." His Dad answered. "The doctor and nurses are still in her ward attending to her." Jane could hear the worry and agitation in his voice, his eyes are filled with terror. What happened to his wife must have really shook him.

"Hello Sir." Jane greeted, trying to smile as an encouragement that everything will be alright.

"Jane, you also came." Mr Bruce said, noticing her presence. "Why are you here and how did you know we're here?."

"I was with him when you called." She answered, still wearing that smile. "Don't worry Sir, Ma will be fine. Nothing will happen to her."

"Thanks dear but I'm worried." She could hear the pain in his voice. "I mean what resulted her into fainting, she was perfectly okay a minute ago and the next second she collasped. What if something happens to her?. What if she never wakes up?."

"Dad, Stop being negative." Chris cautioned. "Nothing will happen to Mom, she will be fine. Maybe she's stressed out that's why she fainted."

"Yes, Sir, you need to be strong for your wife." Jane implied.

Just then the doctor and the nurses walked out of Chris's Mom's ward. Immediately they saw them, they rushed to them and bombarded them with questions.

"How is she?." Mr Bruce asked the doctor, feeling restless.

"Is she fine?." Chris asked. "What resulted to the fainting?." He prayed silently that nothing should happen to his Mom, he won't bear it if he looses his Mom the same he lost his brother.

"Calm down, she's fine." The doctor assured him. "She's doing great, she's responding to treatment."

"But what caused the fainting?." Mr Bruce asked,still worried. "Why did she faint all of a sudden?."

"She was stressed out." The doctor answered. Her blood pressure was high cause of too much thinking and stress. Her skin looks pale too."

"What?." Chris asked rhetorically. "How can be stressed out when there's nothing to be stressed about?."

Really, Chris?. I thought you told your father that your Mom must have fainted cause of too much stress.

"Over thinking can cause stress but not to worry she's fine, she's now picking up." The doctor smiled assuredly. "She's awake now but she's tired."

"Can we see her now?." Me Bruce asked.

"Yes, feel free and you can take her home as well." He said and left with the nurses.

They rushed in, Chris's Mom is lying on the bed, she looks so weak and pale. Chris rushed to her side immediately they walked in. "Mom, how are you?." He asked, feeling nervous. "How are you feeling?."

"I'm feeling….. much…. better." How Mom answered with a weary tone, her eyes half open.

"Mom, I was really worried about you." Chris said again. "When Dad called me and told me you fainted and you're in the hospital, I almost lost my balance. I was so scared that what happened to brother will happen to you."

His Mom gave him a pained smile. "Don't worry I'm fine, just a minor fainting but I'm good."

"Honey, the doctor said the fainting resulted to too much thinking." Mr Bruce inserted. "I have told you to stop overthinking, I don't want to loose you early."

Mrs Gwen closed her eyes, letting out a deep breath. "How can I not overthink when Jane refused to marry my son, I really want her as my daughter in-law. I can't find a better suitor for my son."

Chris and his father narrowed their eyes at Jane who stood stiff on the ground when his mother said the reason of her fainting. She has been going through a lot ever since she rejected to be Chris's wife.

If she knew this will result to Chris's Mom fainting and going through too much stress, she wouldn't have called off the proposal. Now she's feeling guilty for what she did. Chris's Mom is in this condition because of her even when Chris tried to tell her what his Mom has been going through since the day she called off their engagement, she thought he was using his Mom to make her marry him. Now she realized he was telling the truth.

"Mom, Jane is here." Chris informed.

"She's here?." His Mom opens her eyes immediately and wanted to sit up but Chris and Jane stopped her. "Jane you're here, daughter you're here." She said touching Jane's face.

Little tears was beginning to form in her eyes at the love Chris's Mom has for her. "Yes, I'm here. I was with your son when your husband called saying you are at the hospital."

"You were?." Chris's Mom questioned, looking from Chris to Jane.

"Yes." Jane nodded her head, trying to take back the tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry for keeping you in this condition, I'm sorry for being the cause of your predicament…..if only I haven't called off the engagement. You will be fine."

"Don't put the blame on yourself dear." Chris's Mom cooed, touching her face. "I blame my son, if he has done that, you won't have called off the marriage so I blame him. He kept me in this condition."

"Mom?." Chris was shocked at his mom's remark.

"Don't Mommy me." Mrs Gwen said. "You know I'm telling the truth, you have been a dork to her."

"Yes son, you're the cause." His father inserted. "If you have done what you did to Cass, she will be willing to marry you. Jane is really a nice girl, you won't find a better partner than her."

"Seriously why are you two blaming me. I didn't do anything, I have already asked Jane for forgiveness and she had forgiven me." Chris defended himself.

"So does that mean you will marry my son?." Mrs Gwen asked but it looks more like she's begging her to agree. She held her hands, looking hopefully at her.

Jane saw the joy and hope in her eyes and if she rejects her son once again, it will crush her. It will leave her broken and who knows what might happen to her next. In as much as she doesn't want to marry Chris, she will have to do it for his parents. With heavy heart she nodded her.

"Yes, I will marry him." She voiced those words with much difficulties. She swallowed hard the moment those words left her lips. "But I'm only going to marry him because of you two."

Mr Bruce and his wife exchanged looks, smiling, she thumbs up to her husband. Making sure Chris and Jane didn't see her do so, Yes it was all an act to make Jane agree to marry their son. His wife told him this plan will make Jane reconsider.

Mrs Gwen said if Jane comes to know she's at the hospital. She will come looking for her and if she tells her to marry her son, she won't hesitate to do so. You can't blame her, she will go to any extent to have her as her daughter in-law. Jane is the daughter she never had and she will make a good life partner for his son. And secondly Mr Bruce told the doctor to say that his wife fainted cause of too much thinking which resulted to high blood pressure.

But the truth is that his wife wasn't experiencing any of that. Although sometimes she doesn't eat, she became distance from everything the moment Jane called off the engagement.

"Come here daughter." Mrs Gwen said, opening her arms for Jane. She embraced her, patting her head. "You don't know what you have done for me and I promise you, if my son tries to hurt you in any way. I won't hesitate to kick his ass."

Jane smiled at her words, still in her embrace. Chris stood there, watching the drama before him with his mouth slightly open.

Seriously speaking, his Mom really loves Jane, he can see the love for her in her eyes. She really wants Jane to be his wife.