Fortune sat in the classroom, listening to the teacher teach them the designs in fashion. Thank goodness no one tried to talk to her when she walked into the classroom but sincerely speaking she heard murmurs when she entered the classroom and she really don't care about it. No matter what you do on earth, people will still talk so if you keep on listening to what people say or do not say. You gonna die early and that's why she never listened to anyone.

She swore she saw some of her course mates giving her angry glares, she wondered what she ever did to them, she only had issues with the three girls so why are they murdering her with their eyes?. She told Ada to accompany her to the Hod's office to plead with him to bring Cara back after lecture. She sat on her seat, listening to the female teacher before them. Oh how it feels so good to be back to school, it's feel so refreshing but something or would I say someone kept disturbing her when the lecture was going on.

A paper plane hit the back of her hair to the floor, she tried to ignore the papers being thrown to her, she wondered if the teacher doesn't see the paper or she was pretending to ignore them simply because they're thrown by Vincent, she wondered what people especially girls see in him. Even most of the female teachers fan over his beauty. She ignored him as he threw another paper plane to her, let's say he has thrown like four paper planes to her and she tried as much as she could to ignore him even though she was flaring up with annoyance at his childish behavior.

Ada, Ekene as well as his two friends were all aware of the endless paper planes he threw at her but no one talked cause they don't want to disturb the lecture going on. She turned to glare at him but he made a face at her which almost made her laugh, she turned her attention back to the teacher as she continued to rant on about designs, fashion and stitches. She picked all the paper planes thrown to her and a voice in her told her to open the papers, maybe they contain something. She opened the first one and something was written in it.

"Finally you're back to school, how did it feel staying at home for a month?."

She scrunched her face at what he wrote, who gave him the right to make fun of her. She wanted to ignore the three paper planes because they also contain some gibberish write-ups from him but the the curiosity in her didn't let her. She opened the second one and the write-up took her by surprise, how did he know?.

"Stop scrunching your face, you look like an oldie with that face."

Really?, instead of listening to the teacher, he's busy looking for who to upset and thanks alot to him. He has succeeded in upsetting her. She opened the third paper plane and her jaw dropped at what was written in there.

"You know I missed you when you were away". Her face heat up at his words but the following sentence brought back the annoyance on her face.

"Because I don't have anyone to make fun of, you were the perfect bait for that, welcome back." She crumbled the three paper planes and shoved them into her backpack. She thought he had something reasonable to say only to have him say gibberish things.

She decided not to open the fourth one because it also contains another gibberish write-ups of his. She turned to the teacher when he threw the fifth paper plane at her. That's it!, She turned to him to give him the piece of her mind but the face he made at her left her with no other option but to turn back to the teacher. After lecture, she will have to talk to him, she opened the fifth paper he threw at her and the write-up she saw in it left her speechless.

"Meet me on the rooftop of this classroom." Seriously, who is he to order her around and she has never been to the rooftop of their class room. Their classroom was the only building that has that kind of rooftop, other buildings has aluminum over their heads. Their classroom being a two storey building, she's never been up there. Although some students used it to play some pranks on other students or read their books if they don't feel like going to the library since the library was like miles away. Or some students use it as a leisure place.

She isn't afraid of heights, just that she never want to go up there. The thing is that he doesn't have the right to order her and she isn't meeting him. Finally the teacher left, giving them an assignment on what she taught them now. Immediately she left, the classroom became noisy, some students started chatting. Some doing other stuffs. She packed her books back into her backpack, thanks to him. She couldn't concentrate on what the teacher was saying and the assignment the teacher gave, she wondered how she's gonna do it. Well she will have reread the passage the teacher taught.

She shoved her books and other stuffs into her backpack, ready to march up to him and talk the hell outta of him. She rose up from her seat, walking to his desk only to have him walking out of the classroom with Jeff and Jeremy. If he thinks she will go after him, then he's wrong. She has other things to do than go meet him at the rooftop like he ordered.

"Glad to have you back in school." Ekene said, walking up to her. "I really missed you."

"I'm glad to be back." She smiled at him. "I'm glad to see you two again." She referred to him and his twin Ada.

"So what have you two been up to when I was away?." She asked, as they walked out of the classroom to the alley that leads outside.

"Nothing much." Ada answered. "We have been doing our daily tasks expect those two girls, Amanda and Clara trying their best to pick on someone but anyways we avoided them."

"That's nice." Fortune said. "I guess my presence wasn't needed that much but I still have to go to the Hod's office to plead with him on Cara's behalf."

"Why?." Ekene asked, twisting his face at the mention of Cara's name. "Why would you want to talk to the Hod on her behalf?."

"Because…." Fortune began. "Our exams are fast approaching and you know the Hod gave her a three weeks suspension, that will mean she won't partake in the exams."

"So?." Ekene asked, nonchalantly. "She deserves it and more."

"I know what she did to me was so uncalled for but I'm not complaining and besides I'm the victim here." Fortune smiled at him. "So why are you behaving like you're the victim?."

"Because you're my friend and who ever messes with you messes with me." He prompted. "So I will suggest you not to go to the Hod's office to plead with him to call off her suspension, let her serve her punishment."

"Bro, it's okay." Ada chipped in. "Fortune is the victim. Let her decide if she should let her serve her punishment or not."

"And I say, let's go to the Hod's office now." She gestured, making the twins laugh.

They marched their way to the Hod's office, after much pleading from Fortune. The Hod finally gave in to her pleas and decided to call off the suspension of Cara.

"Thank you." She smiled at the Hod.

"You're welcome but I won't tolerate that kind of act ever again and no matter even if you are the victim next time. I won't listen to you."

"Alright Sir, thanks." She thanked him and zoomed out of his office with the twins.

"So what are we going to do now?." Ekene asked, yawning. "I don't think we have any other lecture to attend to and I'm starving, I think my stomach is gonna rumble soon." He joked.

'It's already rumbling." Fortune inserted. "I can hear the rumbling….." Suddenly her phone started ringing, she checked the screen and saw brat written on it. No need to know who's that because it's Vincent, she tried to ignore the calls but his persistence was driving her insane.

"Are you not going to answer that?." Ada questioned, motioning to her phone. "I think the call is urgent."

"The call is not urgent." Fortune rolled her eyes dramatically. "Just an annoying human being who wants to talk some gibberish."

"Really?." Ada gave her a weird look. "But I think you should answer it, it might be urgent and if the caller starts talking gibberish. You should end it."

"The caller is Vincent, he wants me to meet him on the rooftop of our classroom."

"What?." Ekene asked. "Why does he want you on the rooftop?."

"I don't know but one of paper planes he threw at me in class contained meet me on the rooftop after lecture and I'm not going." She inserted, walking towards the cafeteria.

"Really, he wants you to meet him?." Ada asked rhetorically. "And I think that call sounds urgent, you should really answer it and tell him you're not coming."

"I'm not answering it." Fortune prompted, marching her way towards the cafeteria when she heard someone shout her name from on top of their classroom building.

"Fortune!." Vincent called her name, earning the attention of some of the students outside. She looked up and saw him standing on the rooftop of their classroom building with his phone on his ear.

"I want you up here now!." He commanded. "Come up here right now."

"I'm not coming up there." Fortune retorted back, rasing her voice so he could hear her. "You can stay up there for all I care but I'm not coming."

"Fort, I think you should go up there so he will stop creating this scene." Ada insinuated. "People are already staring at you, you should really go up there. Please?."

"I repeat Fortune, I want you up here and why weren't you picking my calls?." He questioned, folding his arms against his chest.

"Ugh…. fine, I'm coming and stop yelling my name." She shouted back. She reluctantly made her way towards the direction of the rooftop, she marched her way through the stairs to him. This is the first she's ever been to the rooftop, a long wooden bench stood beside one end of the small wall of the rooftop, the floor is a cemented floor and some cabbages littered on the floor. Students are fond of littering things over any place they have been and by the look of things they're the only ones up there.

She was tempted to look down to watch students but the height of the building terrified her, she came close to him as he watches the students and everything walk pass.

"Isn't it great?." He asked, looking down from the rooftop.

"Huh?." She wondered what was the great thing he's talking about.

"Looking down from up here and monitoring everything everyone does." He inserted, wearing a smug smile on his face. "You can even prank someone up from here without them knowing."

"So this was the reason he wanted her up here, to talk nonsense...to tell her all these?. Really this guy is too much, she thought he brought her up here to say something reasonable only to tell her that you can prank someone from up here. Well she isn't surprised, he's a bully and does whatever pleases him.

She turns to leave when he held her back. "Where are you going?. I'm not done talking."

"Why did you ask me to come here?." She asked, snatching her arm away from his hold. "Did you call me here to talk all these rubbish, to tell me you can prank someone from up here?. If it's that, then I'm not interested in it."

"Hmphh..so boring." He said. "Try to be a little fun and stop playing hard to get."

She looked at him, speechless at his comment. He thinks she's being so hard to get, well he should think whatever he wants to think because she's outta here. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him or listen to his taunts.

"Thanks for your compliment." She gave him a forced smile. "I'm starving so please don't stop me from leaving." She inserted and turned to leave when his next sentence halted her on her tracks.

"I want you to be my date at the music gala in two days." He informed. "My brother is gonna perform there."

She turned, giving him a weird and skeptical look. "You mean Chris?."

"Yes." He nodded his head as he watched the doubt in her eyes. He wondered why she thinks he's lying. She doesn't believe Chris is his brother, majority of the students and teachers do know that, that's why they treat him with upmost respect and that's also the reason girls flaunt themselves around him.

But she Fortune is different, she doesn't flaunt herself for him to notice her, she's just headstrong and tends to say the piece of her mind to anyone. He wasn't excluded and let me say that's one of the reasons he finds her appealing and attractive.

Seriously V, I thought you don't like her, you despise her cause she's the only one who has ever talked back at you and doesn't leave a chance to upset you. Why then do you find her appealing and attractive?. Hhmmm something is going on here….

"Heh…that's right." She mocked, doubting everything he said. "If Chris is your brother, then I'm Ariana Grande's sister."

"No I'm not joking or bragging." He insinuated, sitting down on the bench, he motioned her to join him but she refused. "Chris is really my brother, my elder brother."

"I'm not lying either." She inserted sarcastically, folding her arms against her chest. "Ariana Grande is my elder sister."

He brought his phone, opening it and going through the gallery. Since she won't believe, the pictures he took with his brother will be a proof to her. She watched him, if he's trying to deceive her with some pictures then she's not buying that. How can the world famous Chris be related to him?. And number two, he's so rude, arrogant, bossy and all the negative attributes are described to him so there's no way he's related to her favorite Rock star. Chris himself doesn't have any character of his…..

"Here come look." He motioned to her, rasing his phone up for her to see the content in it. She moved forward but didn't sit down, on the screen of his phone. She saw him with Chris on the street, he's with his dog ( I mean Vincent ). He took a picture with Chris and his dog popping out his tongue.

Did he think she will believe that and judging by the location of the place, maybe he accidentally bumped into Chris and requested a pic from him. He's just another fan of his not his brother. "Yeah right." She scoffed. "You think I'm buying that."

"You met him on the street and requested a pic of him but he isn't your brother so just tell me the truth and stop bragging." She pointed at him. "I hate guys who brag….."

"I'm not BRAGGING." He emphasized, cutting her short. "I know I'm not normally seen with him, that's because he's always busy or sometimes travel out of the country to any other countries to perform so I can understand if you doubt me. But he's my brother and I'm his younger brother, I haven't been home to meet my parents or him. So that's the reason I want to go to the music gala to meet my brother. It's been long I ever set eyes on him."

She stared at him as he talked, for a second she was tempted to believe him. She saw the sincerity in his eyes…..maybe he's telling the truth. Maybe Chris is really his brother.

"I still don't believe you." She inserted. " You're making that up. We're talking about Chris. The world top 10 musician, how can he be related to you and you're schooling in this kind of place. You could have opened a private tutor for yourself."

He chuckled at her words. "My brother might be among the world top 10 musicians but we came from a very disciplined home and my father wanted me to go to a normal school like other kids."

"I see." She muttered, lowering her gaze to the cemented floor.

"Hey look." He showed her more pictures of him with Chris. He and Chris at the dinning with their parents, at the gym center and some at his music concert, she saw so many selfies he took with Chris at different places. Totally convincing her. "Do you believe me now?."

"Ummm....yes I do but that's doesn't mean I'm going to be your date at the music gala." She prompted, scratching her right leg with the back of her left toe. She has been standing way too long since she came up here to meet him.

"Why?." He looked at her, wondering why she was rejecting his offer. Most girls would accept his offer even before he finishes his sentence. "Most girls will accept this offer, why are you playing hard to get?."

"First of all, I'm not any girl and second I'm not playing hard to get, I'm not going anywhere with you, you have so many girlfriends. Why don't you take one of them?." She suggested.

"And I want to take you." He rose up from his seat, walking to her and closing the distance between them. She took some steps back but he pulled her to him, running his hands down her arms. Her blood turned cold as his hands came in contact with the bare skin of her arms.

"V, stop." She said, her voice sounded more like a whisper as she took another step backwards. "Stop, this is a school and people are watching us cause we're on the rooftop of a building."

"I will stop if you accept to come with me to my brother's music gala." His voice turned hoarse as he said that. "And I don't care if people are watching, I can do whatever I want. It's nobody's business."

"I do care." She said as she gently removed his hands from her arms. "And why me?. Why are you suddenly interested in me?, you don't like me. You despise the sight of me so why do you want to take me instead?."

"Yes, you are right, I don't like you." He said, staring deeply into her eyes. "I don't know why but I just want you there with me and you look like a very cultured girl, that's why I'm choosing you and for your information I have no girlfriend."

She shots him an inquisitively and confused look. "You have no girlfriend?." She scoffed while asking. "You're the school number one fuckboy, who doesn't know what you do with girls?."

"Hahaha….." He laughed at her comment. "Yes I'm the school fuckboy, I don't doubt that and that's because I want everyone to see me that way. I don't even know why I'm explaining myself to you, just forget what I said now. So back to our discussion and you're coming with me."

"And I said I'm not coming." She replied. "Find one of your girlfriends and take her with you, as for me. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Then you leave me with no option than to do what I want to do now." He inserted, confusing her the more.

"What do you mean by that?." She asked, moving back as he moves close to her.

"Kiss you." He inserted with an annoying smirk plastered on his face and that smirk, she finds it annoying. Once he wears that smirk then he's up to something.

"You're a joking right?." She asked, maintaining eye contact with him.

"Try me." He smirked the more, closing every little space she creates between them. "You have two options, either you agree to go with me to the music gala or I kiss you right here and now, in front of the whole students." He leaned closer to whisper in her ear, making her to shut her eyes close and swallowed hard at his closeness. "And most especially in front of your friends and I bet they're seeing us right now."

She opened her eyes and looked down and saw Ekene and Ada giving her confused stares. She saw the questions in their eyes and she already knew what was going on their minds.

"Fine, I will go with you." She muttered the words, breathless.

"Good." He smiled kindly at her and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach churning. For 10minutes her mind was completely blank and it took her 5minutes to regain her sanity..

"Come with me." He took her hand gently and led her down the stairs. They came down, meeting face to face with Ada and Ekene. "Sorry guys, she's coming with me to somewhere." He informed.

"And where are you taking her?." Ekene asked, glaring at him.

"Geez, stop glaring at me that way, I'm not kidnapping her and I know fully well you like her." He smirked. "I won't try any stupid thing on her."

"Where are you taking me?." Fortune asked as she wriggled her hand free from his hold.

"Don't worry, I'm not kidnapping you." He inserted. "I just want you to come with me somewhere."

"And where is it?." She asked.

"You are full of curiosity, just come with me." He said, taking her hand again, leading her to the unknown destination.

Fortune looked apologetically at her friends before moving away with him.