He drove his way to her house even though the weather forecast wasn't good, according to the weather forecast it's gonna rain heavily but that didn't stop him from entering his car, starting the ignition and driving uptown to her house. The guilt was eating him up he couldn't remain calm anymore. He looked up to the sky through his windshield and the skies were darkening, thunderstorms heard every where. Not even the rain can stop him, he has wronged Jane's family. He really did, he wondered if they will forgive him for his carelessness and accept him the way they accepted him the first time.

He drove into their compound, parked his car at one corner of the house, he inhaled a deep breath, battling with himself to remain calm. After giving himself a pep talk for some minutes, he got down from his car and stood face to face with Hailey who was just coming in.

"You?" She snorts and gave him a dirty look. "What are you doing here?"

He ignored her, he knew from the beginning she never liked him, he didn't know what he ever did to her to warrant this much hatred from her but all he could say is that she's one hell of a possessive friend of Jane and now she's dead. Her hatred for him must have been multipled. He ignored her and wanted to make his way into the house when she stopped him with her sentence.

"What did my friend ever do to you?" She crossed her arms against her chest. What did she ever do to you? Only what she did was love you but you ended up taking her life. I knew from the start you're not good for her but my friend, she will never listen because she was blinded by her love for you." She digged her finger in his chest.

He gently brought her finger down and stared deeply into her eyes and they were clouded with rage. "I know how you're feeling and it's okay if you blame me for being the curse of her death but the same way you're feeling right now is the same way I am feeling. Please understand me, I haven't still recovered from the shock she's dead. She's a nice person.….."

"You know she's a good person then why did you go breaking her heart every single time? my friend is very fragile but you won't just see it because you're the Rockstar and you can get anyone's love anytime you please. Do you know how much she cared for you? She shut her heart to men because she believed in you, she believed in her love for you even when she haven't met you in reality. She still held on and the first day she went to your concert."

"Do you know how happy she was that she finally got to meet you in person but still you were a dork to her. You kept hurting her and when your parents proclaimed her your wife, I could see the joy in her eyes. I could see the happiness radiating in her and she was prepared for the worst in her married life if she ever get marries to you because she believed you're capable of loving someone. But she was wrong, she was wrong. Her silly love ended up costing her life."

He looked at her and saw the tears rolling down her face. "She's dead, you're happy. Go on with your life, no more Jane to bug your life, no more her to lecture you. You're free. I hope you're satisfied."

She turned to go into the house but she stopped on her tracks and turned back to him. "And one more thing, I never liked you or your songs. I despise you alot, you don't deserve to be a musician who sing about love and feelings because you don't understand one, you don't have a heart. I hope your fans see you for who you're. You're a murderer."

Her last sentence shook his footing. She called him a murderer, he watched her go in. He stood stiff, he didn't know what to do or how to feel. Her words were like daggers piercing into his heart. He almost hit his butt on the ground at her words. Why must it have to be him? Why must he be the one taking other people's lives. He was the reason his first true love left him. The woman he ever loved and she was the reason he shut his heart to love the day she left.

He was the reason his brother and wife left now Jane. Is he really cursed? Is fate playing tricks, doesn't fate want him to have a beautiful love life. Was it because he turned his back to love, it turned its back to him too?

Unable to control the itching in his heart, he entered his car and cried out. Those hidden feelings in him, he lets them out, he really wished all these was a big fat nightmare. He slapped himself so many times to be sure it wasn't a reality but on every slap proves everything is real.

Why is God so cruel to him? Why did he turned his back at him?


Hailey walks into the sitting room after giving Chris a piece of her mind, this is actually the first time she too is seeing him in person and thank goodness she got to unleash the hatred she had harboured for him in her heart. He doesn't deserve her friend, he doesn't deserves to be loved by anyone. He just toys with people's feelings like they mean nothing. She hated him, she prayed not to come across a man like him in her entire life because he will bring nothing but bad luck into her life. She wondered also who signed him into music industry.

She entered the sitting room and saw everyone sitting on the couch, looking all gloom. Well she expected that, she expected those expressions on their faces. Loosing a loved one is very deep, staring at their faces hurt her more. She still couldn't swallow the bomb that her friend is dead, it's a hard nut to swallow.

She greeted her parents but they kept quiet, Fortune was staring at the thin air as if something is there. Really their mood doesn't give her joy, a once happy family is now a gloomy one all because of that douchebag who called himself Chris.

"How are you?" She sat beside Fortune. "I know I shouldn't ask that question but you all sitting here wearing those expressions is not giving me any happiness."

"What do you expect?" Jane's Mom interjected. "Do you expect us to smile knowing that your friend, my daughter," She emphasized, pointing at herself. "Is in the mortuary?"

"I still can't believe my sister is gone." Fortune mumbled faintly, tears clouded her eyes threatening to fall down. She sniffed and cleaned her eyes with the back of her palm. "I'm not going to cry anymore, not matter how much I cry it won't bring back my sister. She's gone for good."

"She's dead, I hope he's happy now." Her Mom sniffed. "He ended up killing her, it was all his plan to kill her. I despise him. My daughter's life went into disarray the moment he walked into her life, I warned her but she won't listen...."

"You know I can remember the last time I saw her, she was looking so vibrate. She was actually dancing and I was...." Hailey trailed off as the memory flashed in her brain, a lump grew in her throat and she finds it hard to voice out her words. The pain in her heart was too unbearable for her. She sniffed back the tears welling in her eyes. "She was looking all happy, we were discussing on how she gonna paint me but she.....she...isn't….."

"The milk is already slipped and there's nothing we can do." Mr Alfred cuts in. "No amount of tears gonna bring her back, I know it hurts, it will pain us but we can't do anything. We can't control death, it happens unexpectedly. You all must be feeling tired, I suggest you get some rest, wipe your tears, Jane won't be happy to see you all crying your eyes out. Anyways I'm going to freshen up." He walks in to the room.

"You will be fine." Hailey sat beside Jane's Mom and circled her arm around her shoulders. "Even though Jane isn't here with us I know she lives in our hearts." She turns to Fortune and smiled at her but that didn't reach her eyes. The pain behind that smile was clear to Fortune. "Be strong for your Mom, you don't want her to loose you too right?"

Fortune shook her head and cast her look on the wall tv there.

Mrs Esther looked up the moment she saw his silhouette step into the sitting room, what's he doing here? Who allowed him here, what gave him the right to step in after what he did to her daughter? She angrily stood up and walked up to him.

"What are you doing here?" She pushed him forcefully. "What gave you the audacity to step your feet here?" She continued pushing him even when Hailey and Fortune tried to stop her.

"Mom, Mrs Esther, please stop." They tried to calm her down.

"I'm....sorry, I'm terrible sorry. I understand what you must be......" Before he could finish his sentence, he felt her hand come in contact with his cheek. She slapped him, he looked up to meet her eyes and they were clouded with rage, he could feel the anger brewing in her as she looks at him coldly. This is the first time she slapped him, he knew Jane's Mom didn't like him much but she never raised her hands on him.

"How dare you step your feet here after killing my daughter!" She thundered. "How dare you walk in here with that fake concern of yours as if you don't know how she died? You murdered my daughter and you came here pretending you care. You hurt my daughter so much yet she overlooked it and kept loving you but still her love wasn't enough. You wanted her life instead."

Chris still rubbing his cheek stared shockingly at her. He tightened his eyes closed as her words pieces his heart completely. She sees him as a monster. Will she ever forgive him? Will she ever return to the loving woman she was once. Her daughter's death really shook her.

Life is cruel.