"There are also some artistes in the industry, you know," Chris goes on to explain. "You shouldn't put your whole faith in one person, I'm not saying I'm not gonna continue elevating this entertainment industry but come on there are good singers in here too, I think you should nurture them."

"You're quite right," Jake Freddy asserted. "There are good talented singers here and I was planning to give the next songs meant for you to someone else to sing when you started messing up but on a second thought I changed my mind. And you supported this entertainment when it went bankrupt, when it seemed all faith was lost but with your resilient and persistent spirit, you picked up the pieces and put them back together with your voice and personality."

"I guess I should say thank you to that, you still see me that way," Chris chuckles. "So why don't you give the songs meant for me to sing to another artiste?"