The sun shone brightly in the sky although some of the clouds covered part of it but it was like it was trying to fight its way to come out. It rained heavily last night and this morning the weather was cool and cold. The streets of the town were so empty and not a single souls was find on the streets expect for few. It was still a very bright morning and as usual the birds kept singing as if preparing for an audition.

Karen pulled her curtains apart, letting the cold weather in her bedroom, the gentle cold breeze caressed her skin. She spread her arms wide looking out of her bedroom windows staring as the morning dews descend on the buildings. She smiled as the cold gentle breeze continued caressing her skin but something or someone interrupted her morning ritual. It was kinda of her thing to open the windows whenever it rains every last nights. Because the feel will be new and fresh and she always liked the smell of the aftermath.