The Most Important Little Person

"Congratulations Mr. Thompson. I have no doubt you will do great things." Claire said as she stood up. As if it where a signal, the doors to the conference room opened and four police officers walked in.

"That's the trash that needs to be taken out if you gentlemen would be so kind." She said as she gestured towards George.

She left the room Anna following closely behind. They made their way down the hall and towards the elevator without once looking back. The mysterious green-eyed man walked out of the room and disappeared from everybody's sight as soon as he shut the door. Leaving the officers to handle the now arrested ex-chairman of Flinn Corporation.

As soon as Claire stepped out of the elevator at the main lobby floor she was greeted with employees bowing their heads in respect to her. The doors where opened for her as she walked towards a black Maybach car. Her chauffeur was already waiting for her arrival holding the car door open. "Where to Madam?" He asked.

"The villa." Claire answered.Her phone started to ring while her driver started towards their destination.

She pressed to answer it after she saw 'Chief Man' on the screen. "Good afternoon Mr...." Claire paused for a brief moment to lift her gaze and look at Anna who was sitting infront of her already holding her tablet up. The name Mr. Long was shown on the screen. "Mr. Long. I asume this call is in reference to he package I just sent your way ?" She continued to say.

"Yes Miss Collins. On behalf of the country's whole police force I once again thank you for your cooperation. Who knows how many years and resources we would have wasted in the search for evidence against Mr. George without your gracious efforts. His wrongdoings will be severely punished and it's all thanks to your help." The man on the other side of the call replied.

"Nonsense Mr. long it was a joint effort. I can only hope that the evidence I provided helps our community be a safer one. I'm glad I could be of help." After a short while Claire noticed she was near the villa where the most important meeting of the day was to take place and ended the call after saying goodbye to Mr. Long.

Once the car pulled up to the entrance Clair wasted no time in stepping out in her usual elegant way. She quickly went up the steps of the grand villa with Anna a little further behind her.

The villa was as big as a mansion. It was an all white structure with round pillars at the grand entrance which had decorative gold details on the main doors. The windows alongside the house were large but covered with long curtains on the inside as to give the people living there some privacy. It was two stories high and was surrounded by an amazing green garden filled with many different kinds of flowers.

As Clair took the last step of the stairs the door was immediately opened and she rushed inside. A tall man with dark brown hair greeted them.

"Welcome home Madam Claire. Welcome Miss Anna." Ben the butler greeted them with a warm smile on his face. He was a gentle looking man in his late 40s, yet maintained his body in pristine condition. His face still lacked obvious signs of aging and he would always have a soft expression in his eyes.

As soon as he shut the door Claire kicked her heels off and ran up the grand stair case infront of her without saying a single word. She disappeared as soon as she turned right into the hall of the second floor. Nothing was poised or elegant about the way she ran through the halls.

"Hey Ben. It's nice to see you as always. How is she?" Anna picked up Claire's heels as she asked the man. Neither of them were surprised at Claire's reaction as it was always the same when it came to the one she called 'her heart'. She would leave aside anything and everything without a second thought when it came to her.

"She's better. The fever wasn't as high as it was this morning and she ate all of her lunch. She's sleepig now." Ben answered her as he took the heels from her hand to put them away.

"That's good to hear. I'll go ahead and go home then. Let me know if anything happens. You know I'll come flying." Having said that Anna left the house to go back to her own apartment.

Once Clair reached the door of the room she was running towards, she opened it softly to avoid waking up the person inside. When she stepped in she saw a little bump in the sheets of the princess castle themed bed in the middle of he room. Quietly she made her way to it's side. As soon as she reached the edge of the bed, she bent down so that her eyes could meet with the most important little person in her life.