Hell On Earth

Meanwhile back at Flinn Corporation.

"George Flinn Maverick, you are under arrest with the charges of ilegal drug trafficking, human slave trafficking, kidnapping...." the officer continued to state the charges and his rights as George stood frozen in shock.

'What's happening? How is it that they have so much on me? That bitch is not capable of all this! Who's her backer? She must have one!' He thought as he was forced to walk out of the room while none of the board members did a thing to help him. 'I did not work and scheme all this time just to be humiliated and thrown out like this! These worthless bastards!'

After George was arrested he had to bare with the walk of ultimate shame throughout the building as he was escorted out by the police officers. He could hear the whispers and mocking tones in his employees voices. The same employees that sucked up to him and roamed around him like flies in hopes of earning his good favor. The same women that wore skimpy clothing just to gain a chance to end up in his bed sheets, were now taking pictures of his misery to boast about how they personally witnessed his downfall.

As soon as the elevator doors opened on the lobby floor they were bombarded with questions and blinded with flashing lights. It seemed as if all of the country's paparazzi and reporters were now surrounding them.

"Mr. George, is it true that you have been embezzling money out of Flinn Corporation to sustain your drug use habit for years now?"

"Is it true you buy and sell slaves from third world countries as a means to make profit?"

"Mr. George, how do you respond to the accusations of being involved in over 32 kidnap and disappearance cases?"

"How do you think your father would feel about you tarnishing the Flinn family and business legacy?"

Question after question the reporters fired away without fear of consequences. Usually they were not allowed to even lotter around the building due to Flinn Corporation's strict privacy and security measures. But today they were personally invited by Flinn Corporation's Rep. team. They were all given pamphlets with information, photographic evidence and other documents that involved the Chairman, Mr. George Flinn, in a large number of illicit dealings. Not only were they shocked, but they were also surprised at the amount of detail the very Flinn company was providing them with. Information like this being leaked in the news would definitely plummet Flinn Corporation's standing as it was a major scandal. Why would they deliberately hand all this valuable information with the potential to ruin them to the media?

In spite of their confusion, they did not let such an opportunity pass. They fired questions without remorse towards the man in hand cuffs being dragged through the crowded lobby in the exit's direction.

The person in question was as pale as a piece of paper. Not only did he feel his ability to speak to have all of a sudden disappeared, but his thoughts were everywhere.

'No no no no. This can't be happening. I need a plan. I can't be locked up. The company aside, I'm gonna be dead before I even reach the precinct!!' George's head was about to explode while it was being pushed down, forcing him to bend and enter the back seat of the patrol car.

As the officers finally managed to evade the swarm of reporters and paparazzi along with the crowd of civilians that had gathered around the office building in hopes of seeing the drama unfold, they started to drive towards the precinct. Followed closely behind buy a number of patrol cars as escort.

Once on the road, the officer in the passengers seat dialed his boss's phone number to report their status.

"You have him in custody?" Was the first thing that came through the phone.

"Yes Chief Long. The perp is in custody and being transported to the precinct for initial interrogation."

"Good." Mr. Long sighed in relief. Not only was George Flinn wanted for his crimes, but he also had information on who knows how many others that where currently being sought out by the police force and even the FBI. "Do not waste any time or even dare to make a mistake. Keep him under strict guard."

"Yes sir. We won't take our eyes off him. You will be notified with an update as soon as he is placed in his cell." The officer replied.

"Very good. Let me know." He answered as he hung up.

'Shit! Think George think! What the hell am I gonna do!?' George had started to nervously sweat while thinking of his next move.

"Hey! Stop squirming back there you trash!" The driver yelled as he saw George looking around for ways to escape the moving car.

"Keep moving around and I'll-"

He was cut off as the car was crashed into by the drivers side. The car immediately started spinning out of control until it hit a wall on the side of a building forcing it to stop with yet another crash.

The black van with tainted windows that had just rammed into the cop car a few seconds ago, was now being dismounted by men in all black. Their faces were covered, but the weapons they carried told all that anybody needed to know about them. They were not friendly. And together as thy stalked towards the already thrashed and smoking up cop car, they looked like those inn charge of doing the grim reapers bidding. As they quickly finished off the rest of the police officers that were escorting George to the precinct, all that could be heard were gun shots and shouting. Meanwhile, two of the men walked towards the wrecked car to get what they came for.

It's windows where shattered and smoke came out of the engine. The driver was slumped over the airbag and the one on the passenger's side was groggily holding his head. George was now trying to sit up straight after being slammed against the middle partition due to the force of the impact. He couldn't move his hands from his back thanks to the handcuffs so he was having a hard time. His blurry vision started to focus again as he saw two men in all black open the door on his side. One of them harshly pulled him out of he car by his arm as the other shot both of the men. upfront. Both receiving a single finishing bullet to the head.

George was still in a groggy state due to the pain in his head and couldn't stand straight so he was being dragged by both men into the van. As soon as he was tossed inside, the rest of the group swiftly followed and shut the door before speeding off. Leaving twenty five police officers dead in the middle of the street in broad day light.

"Who do you work for? Where are we going?" George tried to understand his situation as his mind started to clear.

"Boss still has use for you." One of the men told him as he uncuffed him.

George sat up and held his head in an attempt to sooth the aching. A smirk slowly appeared on his face as he realized that he was saved.

'You thought that you could get rid of me and take what's mine!? You stupid bitch! Just you wait. Once I get my hands on you you're going to feel hell on earth!'