Mafia Love - Hwang Hyunjin

Part 1

You X Hyunjin

All credits goes to me. (That's includes the story not the names of characters)

It's a mafia theme (I will try not to make it super dark and gore)

Y/n's POV

Life is crazy, nothing is normal and that's okay. All humans live and die. No one is safe for Death even me. Hi my name is Y/n I'm 17 years old and I live with my stupid parents I love them but they made decisions that I hate. We live in a small house in a not so bad neighborhood. I think that my dad is not a hero. He is the cause of all the money problem. That's why I have to leave them.

Flashback time

Men in black took me away and the strange part was I didn't cry I felt relieved that I left them. Maybe this is a new start in my life? With this thought I went in the car for a long drive into the woods and mountains. At the end of the road there was a big house. My new home for the rest of my life. The family that lived there would change my life forever.

End flashback time

Present time

I arrive and maids take me to my room. To be honest the room is big like bigger than my own house. It is my dream room it has everything I want. The maid says to me 'Prepare you for dinner you will meet the Hwang family. The dresscode is black.' 'But i don't have cloths.' I tell her. 'Don't worry in this closet you will find something to wear.' the maid point to the closet. 'Thank you'. The maid leaves me alone and I prepare myself for the dinner. The outfit is a black dress that's not too tight around my body, a little of make up and my hair in a high ponytail. With a little heart i go to the dinner.

The dinner hall is massive in the middle stands a long table with food. 'Good evening miss Y/n' the butler greets me. 'The family will arrive soon. I will guide you to your seat.' After 5 minutes the Hwang family arrives. 'Good evening Y/n.' the oldest son of the family greets me. 'Good evening sorry but I don't know your name' I say a little embarrassed. 'My name is Hwang Hyunjin. The oldest child of the infamous Hwang Family. I will be the next leader. And what about you?' He sits besides me and I can tell I like his voice. 'Well there's nothing interesting about me. I'm Y/n I graduated high school this year. I don't have a lot of hobbies but I love reading books and watching movies I like every genre.' I tell him my not so interesting life and he looks like he cares about my life. 'Later this evening I can give you a house tour.' 'That will be great.' I answer him. We start to eat and I learn more about his family. They discuss things that are illegal. (Are they mafia?') I question myself.

After dinner Hyunjin gives me a house tour. He shows me every floor of the house. 'Don't go to the basement. You are not allow to go there.' he warns me. 'Why?' I question him. 'Because we handle there our family business. Just don't go there for your own safety.' (What kind of family business?) 'I want to show you the best for last' he takes my hand and we run trough the hallway to a big room. 'Close your eyes.' I do what he tells me and he guides me through the room. 'Now you can open them.' I open my eyes 'Wow Hyunjin it's so beautiful.' I stand in the middle of the most beautiful library. 'I knew you like this room the most.' I walk trough the different book aisles. 'Oh you have 'Frankenstein' in here. That's my all time favorite book.' We talk about different books, authors and different writing style. Time flies by and when we are done talking it's already 2 A.M. 'I think it's bedtime I'm tired.' I yawn. Hyunjin brings me to my room. 'Goodnight my lady.' he says to me and he gives me a goodnight kiss. 'Goodnight Hyunjin.' We say our goodbye and I close the door. 'Am I falling in love with a guy i just know? Yes probaly yes.'

The next moring

*gun shots* I wake up hearing gun shots. (What's happening?) I jump out of my bed and I dress quickly. A maid runs into my room and tells me 'Stay in your room. We are under attack.' 'Where is Hyunjin?' I ask her. 'He's dealing with the attackers. He will be safe. I know he will.' the maid leaves me alone. (Thank god I got some self defense lessons) I look in my room to find a weapon to defend myself. After a while i found a dagger hidden under a table. (I need to find him. I need to help people) I go out of my room and witness a whole battle. Gunshots in the walls, dead bodies on the ground. (What happened here?) I see maids running for their life. I go to the main entrance in the hope I will find Hyunjin there. More gunshots, more screaming and yelling. I stand behind a wall and I see Hyunjin and different men holding him at gunpoint. They are speaking in a language I don't understand. Some men are leaving him and it's just him and a dude. I decide to attack him from behind. With all the courage I have I sneak closer and closer. Hyunjin sees me and I sign him to act normal. I stab the man in the back and he growls in pain and drops his weapon. Hyunjin grabs it and shoot him. 'Y/n what are you doing here?' his voice sounds angry and frustrated. 'Looking for you. I woke up hearing gunshots and screaming. I'm scared.' 'Says the person who stabbed a person in the back. I didn't knew you were capable of doing that.' he compliments me. 'I took some self defense lessons and it was just an instinct. What happened here?' 'Some mafia family were mad after a deal that ended sour for them.' 'I KNEW IT you are a mafia member.' The adrenaline rushes through my body. 'We have to go the safe house. When we are safe I will explain everything.' We sneak by the hitmen from time to time Hyunjin shoots them down. We go to the basement and we pick a car and drive away. 'I bet that you thought your first day would be different.' Hyunjin says it with a little irony. 'Are we safe?' I ask with a angsty tone. 'Not yet my lady. But soon we will." His eyes are focussing on the way. (I think I dig the I-runaway-from-the-bad-guys Hyunjin look. He looks so handsome.) We drive on a brigde and Hyunjin looks to me and tells me 'My lady hold on tight.' He pushes a button and the brigde explodes. 'Now we are safe.' We drive deeper into the woods. 'Welcome to our new house.' Hyunjin tells me. He opens my car door and we go into the house.

At the safe house

I see a lot of people doing stuff, guns on the table with maps and different computers. 'Guys Hyunjin is back with a girl.' a deep voice announces. All eyes are on me now. (Well this is awkward.) 'Guys back off this is my girlfriend and soon to be wife.' Hyunjin tells this to his gang. (What girlfriend, soon to be wife?) 'Hyunjin what are you saying?' I ask Hyunjin. 'Your dad didn't told you the truth? Well my family 'bought' you. So your parents are debt free. My family bought you as a maid normally but when I saw your photo's I fell in love with you. I convinced my parents to you would be my fiance.' Hyunjin tells me all this stuff and I don't know how to react. 'Y/n say something please.' Hyunjin begs me. 'I don't know how to react to this. I just need some time to progress this.' I tell him and I can see in his eyes that he is disappointed. 'I understand, I almost forgot to introducing to my own small mafia gang.'

Bang Chan (sniper and driver)

Changbin (hacker and material arts fighter)

Lee Know (spy)

Felix (contract killer)

Han (the ICT/ drone guy control)

Seungmin (the cook, mama of the group and also handy with knives)

I.N (the innocent ninja. Don't be fooled by his innocence)

After Hyunjin introduced his gang I just want to go to my room. This is too much to handle. 'Here's our room. You can rest here, if you want something just let me know.' Hyunjin gives me a kiss and leaves the room. (is this is my life now?) I decide to wear just a loose shirt with comfy sweatpants and my hair just loose. (I just started to live with him and we already moved in a different house.) *knock knock* Someone is knocking on the door. 'You may come in.' 'Y/n I got a surprise for you.' Hyunjin hands me a gift. I unwrap the paper and see what it is. 'You saved it from the library.' Hyunjin is sitting next to me. 'When I knew this is your favorite book I had to save it. I got some news my family is okay and the hitmen are dead. We need to stay here for a week and then we will travel to Canada. There will be a mafia meeting with all the mafia family's around the world.' Hyunjin explains me what the planning is for the future. 'Why Canada? I thought a mafia meeting was held in the USA of Russia.' 'Well because most people won't expect that. When we are in Canada stay with me. DO NOT wander off.' 'Don't worry I can handle guys like you.' I say with confidence. 'Seungmin is making dinner. So we gonna eat soon.' We are walking to the dinner room. 'How did you meet them?' I ask. 'We are family's are friends so I grew up with them.' 'Oh that's sweet. I didn't have friends so this a lot.'

'Dinner is ready!!!' Chan yells through the house. 'What are we eating?' I.N asks. 'Chicken noodle soup and with a lot of side dishes.' Seungmin answers. They talk about their plan to move out the country safely. 'I got the order new guns so we are sure we have enough.' 

A recap of a week with Hyunjin's gang

- Learning how to shot with Bang Chan

- Cooking time with Seungmin

- Discover 'The Dark Web' with Changbin (I'm still traumatized)

-Learning how to fly with a drone with Han

- Learning how to spy with LeeKnow (That dude gets easily distracted by cats)

-How to kill with Felix (I have to say the guy is good very good)

- Playing video games I.N (because why not? It was fun)

Me and Hyunjin had also little dates they were very cute. I'm falling hard for this guy. He's just perfect. We talked about our lives and I learned more about the whole mafia world. Some family's are good some are bad. We even planned our soon wedding. In 3 months we are getting married. On my birthday we will getting married. Hyunjin is 20 years old and achieved a lot in his life. I feel that I know him for years and in reality it's just a week. Everybody is preparing for the trip to Canada. The whole crew took a privet jet to Canada Ottawa. Where the mafia meeting will be held. Every Mafia family from every country will be there.