Once upon a Starbucks- Bang Chan

You X Bang Chan

All credits go to me


•Y/n POV•


After a rough day at school I really deserved my iced laté. Who the hell made up Mondays!? I curse them.

I went to my favourite Starbucks. It's my favourite store because the interior is in Victorian style. Which is my favourite interior style. 

I wanted to go inside, but I was daydreaming so I didn't notice somebody stepping out of the store. Until that person spilled Frappuccino on me. Ooh what a great day, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. I hear the boy say "oh my god I'm so sorry!". I wanted to scold the hell out of that boy, until I saw who it was. He is the best football player of our high school. I immediately began to blush.  He apologized again to me and said "Y/n? I was in a hurry I didn't see you standing there." Most people don't see me because I'm really small. I just wanted to forget this ever happened and go home. After a quiet moment he said "I know how I'm gonna make it up to you. I'm gonna take you on a date." While I was standing up I answered him and said "N-noo that's not necessary. Look I'm all good no need to worry."

OMG this was so akward! And you know what I left without my drink. I hope I don't run into him at school tomorrow.

-The next day-

I'm peacefully walking down the hall to my locker until I hear someone should my name. I look behind me and see Chan on the other side of the hall.

Oooh nooo why now, why him? He really knows no shame!

My mind is telling me to run away and hide, but my body won't move. I don't know what to do.

Oooh noo he is standing next to me. Chan lays his arm on my shoulder and says: "Hii beautiful. How are you doing today?" "Don't call me beautiful and take your arm off me." "C'mon babe don't be so harsh." "I'm not your babe." Whilst I say this, I take his arm off my shoulder. At this moment my best friend comes and saves me. She tells Chan Hyunjin needs his help for training.

Before Chan leaves he says: " oohh okay I'm gonna go and help my mate. See you later sunshine!"

After he left your best friend says "damnnn he really likes you." " Yeah I know, but that's it I don't want him to like me. We don't live in a fairy tale. I don't need somebody at this moment." We walked to our class. "We now have English literature, de lesson of love" my best friend said. " Don't start again."

We sat down on our places and the teacher started his lesson. The teacher said: "Sudents, you are going to work in pairs of 2. You are going to read a book of a famous writer. Here is a list with the name of your partner."

As the teacher passes the list, I see to my horror that Chan is my partner. Faith really isn't on my side. Chan sits down next to me and says: "Hii sunshine." "Howmany times do I need to say it to you that I'm not your sunshine." I say a bit irritated. "We are here to work togheter on this project. So choose a book." "okee, I choose this one." Chan says while pointing at the picture of Dorian Grey. "Okay, Dorian Grey it is." "Do you want to meet at  Starbucks after school? I promise I won't spill coffee on you this time." "Oke, I will meet you at the main entrance after school." Chan gave you his number so that you could contact him when you were almost there.

Saturday morning ~

Chan was right. The book really did read easy. I finished it in one day.

My bestie called me and explained me that Chan has a crush on me for a very long time now and that I never see the hints he gives me.

Y/n got ready and left to go to Chan's house. It's just an assignment nothing more, nothing less. Y/n sends Chan a message that she is on her way. And that she will be there in half an hour. It hasn't even been a minute and Chan had send a message back saying: ''Okee sunshine x''.

Saturday at Chan's house ~

Y/n was now standing before Chan's house and rang the bell. Hyunjin, Chan's teammate opened the door and says: ''come on in. Everyone is in the garden.'' Questions were starting to flood Y/n brain. Like who is everyone? I thought it was only gonna be Chan's friends. How many people are here? Y/n was starting to panic a bit but remained calm on the outside.

You follow Hyunjin to the garden. When you arrived in the garden you hear Chan saying: ''Ooh there is my sunshine.''

Chan went to seat next to you and introduced you to everyone. ''This is Jeongin, he plays in my football team and is a year younger. The one over there is Felix, he is also an Aussie like me and follows cooking lessons. There you have Jisung, he follows music lessons and next to him sits Changbin. I have know him sinds we were little. You already met Hyunjin, so no need to introduce him. Over there you have Minho and Seungmin. They take singing lessons and are here to help with the lightning.'' After Chan introduced you to everyone you said: ''Hii, nice to meet you all.''

"The costums are ready. Y/n and Chan it's time to get changed." Seungmin said.

"We look amazing." Chan said when we came out of the changing rooms.

"Omo you guys look like a couple." Jeongin says as a compliment.

"Aniyo, we are not a couple." Y/n answers shy.

"Come guys, the lighting is perfect to make the cover." Minho says.

We took some photos and are now deciding which one is the best.

"I think the 3th one is the best." Chan says. "Okee, than we take this one. This is indeed the best one." Y/n agrees.

"Guys and girl, I want to eat kimchi and fried chicken!" Felix yells.

"Okee, we will order some kimchi and fried chicken than. There playing a really good film tonight" Changbin says.

The food is ordered and everyone gets ready to watch the movie.

After the movie ~

"Oooh is it that late already. I should head home." Y/n says while she's collecting her things.

"If you want to you can stay here. We have a spare bedroom. That way you don't have to head home in the dark." Chan suggests.

"Ooh I would love to but I don't have extra clothes with me." "You can borrow some clothes from my sister. I think you guys have the same size."

In the middle of the night Chan heard a loud scream coming from the room where Y/n was sleeping. He went to her room and knocked on the door before walking in. He saw her sitting on the bed whit her head between her knees crying. He went over to her and hugged her tight. He asked her if she had a bad dream and she answered yes.

''Do you want to talk about?'' Chan asked. Y/n began explaining her nightmare and Chan listened to every word she said was and comforted her.

After a while the begun talking about random stuff. It felt like they had know each other forever.

At that moment something began to grow between them and that something is love.


Thanks for reading