Chapter 7: He's Fine

'What's the meaning of this?' he thought and was about to follow her when his mother stopped him and pulled him inside the room.

He saw his father sleeping soundly with his face showing the pain. He slowly moved towards his father where his mother and sister were already sitting beside him. He said

" Just what happened? What kind of doctor is she? She was too rude to be the doctor I mean why she didn't tell anything about the condition of her patient and go out without a word"

Mary knew her son is worried about Thomas and didn't want to explain anything to him about the unknown energy as she didn't know whether he believes it or not. If he doesn't believe he'll shout at them and if he believes then he'll be scared.

Not knowing what to say, she thought for a second and said

" She'll come back with the medicine"

Mary knew that she'll come back after dealing with the foreign energy, as she had seen her once in her friend's house during an exorcism.

Stanley was worried when he saw blood on his father's shoulders earlier, he thought that it may be the reaction to the medicine that he took, but when he came near his father he was shoved off as to not to touch him.

He didn't even know why his father reacted in that way, he was acting strangely towards him since he came back. He never once let Stanley touch him, he kept his distance, even during dinner he had served himself despite Stanley who tried to feed him.

When Stanley tried to give him his medicine in hand, he refused to take it, he just took the medicine from the table nearby without touching the one in his hand.

Stanley didn't think much about it as he was worried about his father's condition. But now when the doctor didn't say anything, it made him furious.

"Mom is she a doctor, how do you know her?"

His voice showed how angry he was, he couldn't stand it when he saw a few traces of white powder near the bed, he moved forward and was about to touch it but his sister caught his handed pulled him in a hurry.

She took him outside and said

"Don't worry, mom knows what she is doing, just do not disturb them"

She knew that her mother had lied to him, and somewhat knew about the exorcism handed by Reema. Being a friend of Riya, she had heard many stories about the bad spiritual deities.

When she saw that her brother was about to touch the powder used for exorcism, she was petrified and pulled her brother out and made an excuse to let her parents take a rest.

Although she didn't know how much effect the powder may cause, she didn't want any bad omen for her brother.

She held his hand and sat on the sofa without letting him go and waited for Reema to come back.

On the other side, Reema went to the cemetery found its grave and slowly dug a hole on its left side.

After burring the bottle in her hand she made a star on it using a stick nearby. The caretaker of the cemetery stood by the side and watched everything.

He knew why she had come, she is a regular visitor to the cemetery but not to visit the elders but to bury the souls of the dead beside their grave.

Reema is new in this field and she doesn't talk while performing, unlike her grandmother who was a pro.

She only comes out when her grandmother is not in the city, she was afraid of making a mistake this she keeps on chanting, she knows how to chant while talking, this method was taught to her but she doesn't want to take any risk.

If once the soul gets to know that she had failed, then that's it, it would be her last day of the performance as it sucks all her stamina and can make her motionless throughout her life.

After a while, she came back with a bottle of oil mixed with the soil of the grave. She came inside and without looking for anybody she directly went to the room where Thomas was resting.

She put a thump on the centre of his forehead to ease the pain. Took out the small bottle of oil, shook it and applied it to his shoulder.

As soon as she applied it, the wound on his shoulder was healed. Then she took another bottle mixed with the soil and gave it to mary

"Aunty apply this on his shoulders regularly three times a day for three days and of still the oil remains then send it back to me. Don't keep it at home, understand"

As the oil had the soil of the diseased grave, that was not reasonable to keep it at home or should be discarded with proper measures.

Mary nodded her head, after some time Reema bent down to take the small amount of white powder she had left without any trace of it from the four corners of the bed.

When she was about to reach the bedroom door Stanley came in. He had gone to drink water when Reema came so he didn't know about her arrival.

While giving water to his sister to drink, he heard the voice and came in to check. When he saw Reema, he asked

"How is he now?"

He wanted to ask her why was she so rude earlier but didn't want to make her angry so he changed the question.

"He's fine"

Seems just said these two words and left. Stanley stood in his place, he wanted to ask her more about his condition but she left in a hurry without looking back.

Stanley went near his father to help his mother. His mother was trying to make her husband sit so that she apply the oil on his shoulder.