11. About A Year Ago

About a year ago, at a warehouse downtown, Mariano, in California, they were many people wearing long white coat. Tubes were lying around the tables, glasses of wine bottles could be seen in ice buckets. The scientist were wearing happy face, some were too excited that they formed a group and started chatting.


Ting! Ting! Ting!

Mr. Sheldon hits his glass of wine to call the attention of the scientist, that were chatting and laughing. "Good afternoon everyone, it has been a great year for us all. I know, we have faced a lot of hardship and challenges, but there is no greater joy in reaping the fruit of our labour. We have all sowed with out sweats and some with their blood, but it's not without a profit." "So, let us all appreciate ourselves."

"At these point, ... At this point, Mr. Sheldon said hardened his voice and increasing his tone, calling to their attention. I would like us to welcome our CEO, and most of all our friend. Mr. Michael BraveStone."

The scientist smiled and clapped beaming with joy in their eyes. "I know we have all put our efforts and time on this particular project, so, I decided to celebrate you for all your hard work and the time you put on this project. I personally want to appreciate your help and support on the project. As my work assistant has said we are here to celebrate, but if you all check your phone, you will see my personal gift to you all."

Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping!

There were continual pings heard as the scientist pick up their phones, alerts could be seen on their phones. The small amount of money Mr. Michael said he sent to all the scientist, is enough to bug a presidential seat in a company for life.


After the speech, Mr. Michael three a party for the scientist to relax and have fun.

Colourful lights could be seen in the dark, glowing with pride. Hip hop music could be heard, dinging in the ears of the scientist. DJ's were brought in and even other party goers were invited. The party could be called a "Blast."

Yes, A Blast.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In a well equipped room, down the hall, not too far from where to scientist were holding the party, four loud bangs were heard. That room was were the machine was kept. The new device that was designed to help stop the evil, done in their city. That particular project was the soul and heart of the scientist, now it has been compromised.

In legends, people talk of a machine, bringing back the dark ages, if, it felt into enemy hands. Well, that machine, is the one that has just been compromised. This machine, was delivered to Mr. Michael, has a vision, and a gesture of goodwill. Though, Mr. Michael has many enemies, none of them can break his security.

Most, of them even joined the rally against evil, some contributed, some did not.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The four holds that were pinning down the machine was continually hit. Every bang was strong enough to render a common tier useless and paralyzed for the rest of his life. The bang was so good and well aimed. The machine was built with uncommon tier metals, some part were even made of common and supreme metals.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the continuous bangs, the party still went on, screams and shout were heard. People were drinking some were smoking and heavy bangs were resounding, over and over again.




Sorry guys for not posting any chapters for the past few days. My devices were spoilt, so I had to fix it and get my documents back. I might be slow in getting you the story forward, but I'll be posting it, four chapters a week. Thanks for your understanding.

But right now, I'm dealing with some personal issues. Thank you for understanding.