12. The Machine

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The continuous hit of metal and unfathomable power was lifting the machine in the air when Col burst in the lab with Harley. Col was angry enough to immediately kill all of the five people in black.

The man lifting the machine felt a heavy power that is enough to make him feel death was in front of him. That was the first time Col had suppressed someone. The aura of suppression was strong enough to shake the building, even Harley was down on her knees. The party had stopped, all that could be heard was groaning noise, people with abilities were all on their knees while the powerless and the common tier were all bleeding.

The man lifting the machine felt like killing himself, the pain he felt was truly remarkable. The machine still in the air clashed with the glass made bulletproof, causing it to break.

The man in black, lifting the machine, gave up and dropped the machine. The machine landed on the ground. The machine dug deep into the ground and sunk.


"Col, stop... you're hurting me." Emily cried out, trying to get Col to realise what he was doing.

"Hm, sorry ...I'm so sorry," Col apologized, shivering and sweating.

"Col it's alright, you only had a nightmare," Emily said, trying to cheer Col up.



Col, Harley rushed into the room like a jackal, yelling at Col. "While would you do that? While would you use that ability? I hope you know that you almost killed us all, and YOU,... what are you doing here?"

Harley calm down, Emily said calmly. Calm down...calm down, I almost died it you don't know. We could have all died. If you don't know how that feels, BACK OFF b*tch. Harley yelled at Emily. "Col had a nightmare." Emily yelled back, living the room and slamming the door hard behind her.

"Is it true? You had a nightmare, is it about ..." Harley asked sitting beside Col and holding his hands.

"Harley, I hurt you then, you could have died, now I've hurt Emily too. I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I should ask father." Col said sorrowful.

"Collins, I know you feel bad about what happened, but it wasn't your fault, besides you were just figuring out your abilities then, don't feel the guilt." Harley said solemnly.

"They stole the machine and I still couldn't control my ability, not until I was knocked out. Besides, we have to find The machine." Col said. "But first, I'm going to look for a way to control this ability."


Emily, there you are, where's Col? Jill asked looking around. Is he alright? Kate and Charlie asked. He's okay now. Emily answered. He a little bit shaking up. Did you feel the gush of power that suppressed us all. Jimmy asked. I wonder who could do that? Jason mummered. Yeah! The person would be super strong. James noted.

"Guys, it was Col that release that power, he had a nightmare and he just ..." Emily said, worried.

Oh no! Kate muttered. Not now, why know, he shouldn't be able to use that ability. Not now anyway.

Kate, what is it? James asked, do you know anything about this.

Guys, ... Kate said breathing heavily, Col is not just any one ...he his the...

"Great Cave King!" Jason said.

Col ...he has more abilities than anyone in the universe, all he needs is to find himself,...and he would have all the powers we do, making him a legendary supreme almighty. He would be a god. He his the chosen one.

The truth is, our name isn't even BraveStone, but Heywood. Emily said looking at everyone, especially Jason.

Jason and I met grandpa, he told us the tales of the BraveStone and the unison of our family.

Legend, has it that a man would be born into a young boy and he shall bring back light from the darkness. Emily said, hoping Jason could continue from where she stopped


Guys, ... Harley called out, Col is gone.