Chapter 3

(Year 42-41 BBY)

It has been a few months since then. My training is proceeding at a moderate pace. Of course, moderate as in no commando training yet, but I did push myself mentally and physically to see how far I can go. My courses are taking up the majority of my time. I focused on electromechanics, ship mechanics, droid mechanics, piloting and coding and slicing. I didn't go for my original plan of..." tony starking" my way through courses, as I unfortunately overestimated my IQ. As the courses continue, I find the limit of my intellect is not much higher than that of Trock. As my physical conditioning progresses, I make steady gains in both stamina and muscle strength. Due to having a highly adaptive body I can quickly recover from the strains of the strenuous workout regime. And add into that cellular recovery I got quick healing, and can heal torn muscles and ligament and mend broken bones quicker. While we are on the topic of cellular recovery, that also didn't go the over powered healing factor route either. Instead of having Deadpool level healing I end up with an almost wolverine type of healing. Well can't complain, I will at least be stronger and smarter than your average Mandalorian, plus tough to kill. Sort of like a Captain America of Mandalore… Captain Mando'a if you will. My dorky jokes aside. My main aim was to get as physically and mentally stronger before I was thrown in to the maelstrom, that was my uncles commando training.

(time skips)

(Year 41-40 BBY)

I finished my courses last year and received my certifications. This year I joined my clan members in warrior training. Of course, my uncle paid special attention to me and my training was twice as hard. Remember the maelstrom I was talking about, well let's just say I got more than I bargained for, and got my ass handed to me in more than one occasion. My Physical attributes started increasing as well at an astronomical rate, but all good things don't last and it plateaued out after sometime. An approximation of my strength I could come up with was three to four times an average Mando. This continued for the year. Training in C.Q.C, Fire arms and explosives. I also got to train using jet packs. While it may have seemed awesome, who hasn't seen the scenes of bounty hunters jump packing around in games and movies. It seems fun, but for a beginner it's not so fun. Remember Neville Longbottom from the Harry potter movies, him trying to learn broom flying in their first year. I didn't break anything, just face planted a few times. After a few days I was ducking and weaving through obstacles and jumping from platforms. It took me a month or two to reach somewhat satisfactory levels. I also found my assassination skills developing smoothly as well. I couldn't smooth talk a girl like Ezio could, well you can't have everything now can you. My parkour and evasion skills where increasing. I also found it somewhat easier to read people at blend in with the crowd. This al culminated in what my uncle called the meat grinder. Think of hells week for the US navy seals, now multiply that by two and you get the culmination of Mandalorian commando training. I couldn't be happier for my healing factor as quitting wasn't in the options. It sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

(Year 40-38 BBY)

After passing out of the hell known as training. Me and three other boys from my clan joined the military academy on Mandalore. I was assigned to a squad, and somehow became squad lead. Well the selection was in many ways unique. They evaluate you for your skills, then start a free for all with your squad mates. Thank the divines for my perks or I would have had my ass handed to me on a silver plate. They were Doth Qyss, Subail Khool and Vanzii Zahawr. Doth was the heavy ordinates and demolitions guy, Subail was the scout and reconnaissance expert, while Vanzii was the medic and triage expert, while yours truly was Assault/reconnaissance/tech expert. We went through a 6-month training in the military academy. Then we served in the local law enforcement agency. A branch of the Mandalorian Guards. It was un event full for the most part we would bust some smuggling rings now and then, maybe take down an insurgent here or there. But one raid stood out. A Corellian smuggler was suspected of smuggling Sith artifacts. We had to run a raid on the request of the Jedi council. My squad breached his ship and took him into custody. We split up and went to clear the ship. I got the captain's cabin. On a passing thought I sliced into the captain's terminal and got the catalogue of stuff being hauled. They were Sith artifacts alright. But what caught my eyes where old data chips that belonged to the Eternal Alliance. From what lore I could remember both the Old Republic and Sith Empire had erased them from history. So, whatever was on these data discs could help me survive this galaxy. Without a second of hesitation I nicked those data chips and erased them from the manifest. What they don���t know won't hurt me.

(37 BBY)

After two years of service I chose to make a voluntary retirement. I had looked into those data chips... Most of the data was corrupted or lost. What I could recover was data on

Ship core, shield generators both personal and ship based. It also had data on droids, droid brains and coding. The only other thing I could get out of those chips was a set of coordinates that was in the unknown region. Apparently, there was a small hidden base there. It was supposed to be well hidden. It also apparently had a large resource stock pile and small ship yard, weapons and droid foundry. So far, my plans where just to do some random interference here and there, not change canon too much. But this gives me some leeway. A hidden base is always good. To further these plans, I had to pull some strings to get a full access apprenticeship at Mandel Hypernautics. One of the benefits of being known around as a genius and also being one of the surviving heirs to clan Eldar. Benefits of a clan which has good ties with the current ruling faction. My main aim was schematics for ships, energy reactors, power generators and shield generators, ship-based weapons and such. Over the years I Have also "borrowed" different schematics for power armor, planetary shielding and planetary weapon systems. I somehow got myself working with my cousin. He was working on ship designs, so I proposed to help him make new a few new designs. We mainly worked on the Crusader class corvette and improved Fang fighter aircraft. I took a few months to finish the vanilla design. The company already had made some leeway on the design before mothballing them. This helped expedite things for us. Plus, I used the designing these ships as an excuse to again "borrow" schematics and designs which I had intended to and then some more. I used the current situation to my advantage and with the help of my cousin and company staff designed a personalized schematic for both the crusader and fang fighter. The excuse being just a personal project. And oh boy did I make improvements.

The original cruiser was about 150 meters in length, my design was approximately 200 meters and made it larger. The ships armor was also designed like the Bismarck's thicker outer layer, a small gap (a vacuum layer), then another comparatively thinner layer of armor. I slipped in the fastest sublight engines currently available. The original design housed a total of 80 crew member which I did not need. At most I have a need for 10 crew quarters. The extra crew compartments where stripped and extra space on three levels which include the cargo compartments. I added a hidden hangar, which is revealed when a section of the armor slides opens like the Corvus, and also had a gravitational shield in place to prevent the air from being sucked out. to hold at least four fang fighters. The other two levels where minimaxed to hold cargo, a couple of speeder and a dozen holding cell. The first of these two levels he the cells, these where enclosed in both durasteel and force field cages to hold the extremely dangerous cargo. They were arranged in such a way that they had the ability to space the prisoner at any time. The lower level will hold the cargo as well as the speeders. An adjacent room was set aside for droid repair and maintenance, this place also housed the repair and maintenance droids. There was also an armory to which I added a weapon and amor repair, modification and fabrication benches. There was a med bay with four full on med tables and two kolto tanks. The main deck also had the captain's quarters, which I enlarged and added additional storage, armory and repair and fabrication tables, I also upped the security of the quarters. I also designed into the ship droid brains for the ship and droid maintenance, operating the ships weapons and security and a final one for cyber warfare. Three droid shackled droid brains. There was also six Turbolaser canons for both starboard and port sides of the ship the bow also had a moving turbo laser canon attached. I added ion canons, which had a firing arc of starboard and portside as well as forward. It also had point defense 5 laser canons which I made sure could also cover the rear of the ship. It had a Class 1 hyper drive and a backup class 5 hyperdrive (original only had a class 12). I made sure there was enough generators to power the extra shielding and weapons. Removing those crew excess crew decks gave more room for me add stuff. It also came with hidden missile launcher, each launcher with 3 tubes. All in all, the original design was a well-rounded corvette. I just added a little more tooth to it. And made sure she was a tough ship to crack.

The fang fighter only got some minor adjustments. Better armor, added a pair of extra laser canons, improved shielding and onboard systems. This internship went on for a year. I also used this time to purchase three used Baleen Class freighter from Corellia and had them to be retrofitted with better armor, shielding and a little more laser canon. I had finally gained access to the accounts my parents left me. I Invested in some medium level companies focusing mainly on trading, mining and arms and armor companies. I had made them discretely stockpile resources I would need to get the hidden base running again. Material to build the ship and fighter. Material to repair the base and ship yard. Material for planetary shields and weapons. Droids of all kind. Pilot droids to fly the freighter, medical droids, maintenance and construction droids in large amounts, mining droids, large amount of security droids (basically large amounts of B1 series battle droids and loads of them), astromech droids mainly R2 series and so on. I will need all the help to get that base and planet under control. And even mining equipment just in case. I had it arrange them to be stored in large storage depots on Corellia where I had the freighter being retrofitted, so that by the end of the year I could load the freighters with all the resources and head to the hidden base.