Chapter 4

I had spent almost a year in my internship, looting schematics and refining upon the designs I already have. I had access to high power computing systems and different software needed to run a ship yard. Which I conveniently pillaged. All I had to do was tweak it to run the system autonomously. I used this time to slice into Mandal Motors servers and steal their schematics as well. After I was done acquiring every schematic and tech blueprint I could , possibly without alerting anyone, it was time I start venturing out. Well other than my small visits to Corellia to buy the used cargo haulers , I leased a few large ware houses under a trade and logistics company I had started via proxy to store the resources I will need for my little venture in fortress building. In the past few months, I have arranged for some beskar mined on Concordia to go missing. Some slicing here, some bribes there, and I had the trading firms I invested in ship the pillaged goods sent to my warehouses in Corellia. And this would continue as long as no one finds out. The trick is to take a little from multiple areas. No one notices one or two containers missing from the storage. Spread that out over a larger amount of time and the little trickle will turn into an ocean eventually. Well at least I hope it does. I finish my apprenticeship; this makes it so that I have something like a masters in the fields that have everything to do with ships. This will help me with the next phase of the plan. But before that I had a few farewell and arrangement to make. I had one Week before I leave.

On the fourth day before My departure I had arranged a little gathering of my squad, well former squad now and hopefully they will join me later as well. These three and I became quite tight knit over the years. I reached a local watering hole, which the boys decided on. This establishment is not like your everyday cantina. Let's just say it's a kind establishment that functioned as a "gentlemen's" club, and provides certain services other than booze. I walk in to the pre-booked VIP room. The boys were already there drinking the place dry. I went in and sat down and start joining in as well. Doth was hammering away at a bottle of tihaar , Subail was drinking a funky colored drink and Vanzii was mixing different stuff to make more funky colored drinks. Good thing he has a medical training or we would have four dead Mandalorians the next day.

Doth was the first to speak when I came in "What took ya so long?" Which was followed by Subail ribbing him and saying "Yes a few minutes more and this mook would have finished all the good stuff". I snicker at this and my eyes fell on his drink again. "What in the seven hells is that concoction".

Vanzii was quick to reply "I call it rainbow death". I was used to his unique eccentricities, but I had to ask "Why name something that looks like a rainbow and an aurora had a baby, something so morbid"

He snickered for a while before pointing at the variety of alcohols arranged around him as well as different colored drinks. His little concoction is a mix of the strongest stuff this place had.

He gives and evil smile and says "Have a few of this and you won't remember what you did tonight. Plus I had to make it at-least sound a little Mandalorean"

Before I could say anything Doth says "Bah. Ya make a fruity drink and make tall claims of it knocking everyone on their asses"

Vanzii glares "Well since you put it that way, make it a competition, whoever can drink 10 of these wins and you have to stay on your feet as well."

I had a bad feeling about this. But hey why not. But before that. I ask "Before we go over the deep end, I have to ask what do you guys plan to do, say a year and half from now?"

The three looks at each other and share knowing looks. I had a feeling they were expecting this question. Well no surprise there, for the past few years I had been doing a wide variety of thing, that a typical Mandalorean might not consider doing. Plus, I might have dropped a few hints here and there. Subail is the first to speak" Well we were planning on retiring in a year or so, the jobs getting boring as well, we intended to head out and unleash our shenanigans on the galaxy." I gave a few knowing nods." Well spit it out will ya, we know ya got something brewing for a few years"says Doth.

"Well, let's say I have been working on a plan which coincide with yours, say I might have coordinates for a secret base, might be able to get us a heavy hitting ship and fighters. And some long-forgotten tech. I will be heading out at the end of the week to check if things work out. What I wanted to ask was, if this does pan out, will you boys be willing to join me and form my crew?"

The room goes silent for a few minutes and all three snickers." Well look at that boys, he finally came around and asked, oh and Vanzii you owe me 10 credits" Doth says and ribs me.

"We guessed it would be something like this, well with you going all extra super commando in super commando training and suddenly doing an apprenticeship" said Vanzii. All the while Subail is doing his best sagely 'I knew everything' nods and says "oh and before you ask, we had a pool going on when you will come clean on your little scheme".

Well now it was me looking like an idiot." So, You guys joining me?" I asked.

All three look at each other, then gives me a nod of confirmation.

"we were worried ya would go soft on us and turn into an egghead, we will gladly join your motley crew when the time is right." Replied Doth for the group.

Well that was a load of my shoulder, because if these guys refused. I didn't know where to get a trust worthy crew. And with that over, we went on to our little competition. The last thing I remember that night was drinking those nightmare mixes one after another.

Next morning, I wake with a killer headache and a world ending hangover. I slowly opened my eyes, slowly my eyes refocused. First thing I notice was I am nude and in an unknown room. It looked like one of the rental rooms in the Gentleman's club. Next to me was a green skinned twi'lek, who for sure works for this establishment, covered in only the sheets. I am quite sure I had a fun night; only issue I don't remember any of it. Kriff Vanzii and his concoction. I slowly dress and sneak out of the room and made my way home.

I spent the next few days recuperating and getting things ready. It was the day before my departure. Well it was night time to be precise. I was having Dinner and ale with my uncle and cousins. Yes cousins, apparently it wasn't just me and Trock, another one of my cousins survived the shit show that was the civil war. He didn't have as close a relation with me as Trock did before the war. But hardships like that bring family together, especially when very few survived. Janak was working in a Mandal Motors shipyard. Now you know how I was able to get near their servers. Working as a lead mechanic in the repairing and maintenance to ships. Half way through dinner uncle asks "Thrunn what do you plan to do after you leave tomorrow?"

Both my cousins perk up to hear my plans." Well tomorrow I catch a shuttle and head to Corellia. Uncle, you should remember I invested in some companies last year, right?"

"Yes, the logistics company, which I had Havar look after for you". Yes, one of my uncle's confidants was looking after the company in Corellia. Taartur Havar. Other than just the one company , I had invested in other smaller companies as well. This will help me with gathering resources under the radar as well as set up ties with the black market. What my uncle and Havar doesn't know is that I have all the protocol and service droids working for and around the company programmed to spy on him and report to me, if he moves against my interests. I even had them slice into his devices and had them monitored.

"Well the main reason I had that set up is, I might have come across a secret base. And a setup to get my hands on an advance and newer model of ship and fighter. I can't be pulling punches when I want to head and 'adventure' with my crew. "I said. My uncles had an inquisitive look "Your Crew.? You mean the boys from your squad? They will be joining you?" …. "Yes", was my reply. He simply nodded.

Then I turned to my cousins "I know Trock isn't interested, what about you Janak, want to join me in a year and a halves time?"

Janak did a thinking pose for a minute." You said, you were going to acquire a ship and fighters. Mind if I ask which model and how you are going to acquire them?" he questioned.

"Well how I am going to acquire them is a secret. And about the designs, you remember me doing an apprenticeship with Trock right?". I give an evil smile.

Trock's eyes widen "Don't tell me you…."." Yes. remember the personal project that didn't work out. And I "deleted" all the related files. Let's just say I didn't delete them and I managed to 'acquire' many more things during those days".

My cousins could only give me a diminutive smile and slowly shake their heads. Hearing till here Janak was intrigued and these little tidbits helped him make up his mind "Well, I will join you. How about I join you at Corellia in a months' time? "he asks. That surprised me. "Are you sure you want to quit your job this early and join me? And not after I set things up", well I had to ask.

"Quitting now or later is all the same to me. I know you are considered a genius when you set your mind on something and all, but I won't trust you with a hydro spanner, to save my life. Plus, I have to make sure you don't muck up the ship and fighters", was his snarky reply. It was clear he liked the idea of working on a state-of-the-art ship.

I accepted his offer. Plus, I could use someone with a little more technical skill to get things rolling.

And with things decided and plans laid out, we continued the dinner, sharing idle banter. I made sure to savor every minute, because I don't know when I will see uncle and Trock again. Well at-least in person. And like that the night went on, till we parted for the night.