
Torn Between Both Worlds

Being a forbidden offspring is hard.

Who thought a Celestial couldn't lie? My mother sure proved that wrong when she broke my father's heart with the news of my fake death after birth. The thing is, it is said the Fallen King cannot have children, so when I was conceived, he was overjoyed. Not like his description...grim and evil, but he was anxious to have someone that could be in his world with him so he won't be alone. It is true that my birth almost killed my mother, but it didn't.

They still were together after, but she broke up with him not wanting me to be anywhere near him. It was getting more difficult to hide my existence as time passed by. For three years she kept me to herself till one day, I asked her a question that I've always wanted to know.

'Mommy, where is my daddy now? When's he coming to get me?"

She was shocked at my question but refused to answer. Then she told me he was dead. I had many skills and one was to tell when someone was lying. Because she lied to me, I threw a chaotic tantrum. That was brought to my father's attention and he suddenly appeared behind me. A normal kid might get scared but I didn't. I'm no normal kid. At that time I didn't know how he got to me.

"A-Andrea.....you....lied to me...."

"Damien I....I can explain....I.....you see.."

I sat looking at them. Interesting.....

"You told me she died Andrea! You heartlessly told me the only chance I had of having a child had vanished! Why! Why did you lie to me....."

"You're....my daddy?" I asked looking up at him.

He outstretched his arms. "Yes! Yes I am your father." I was happy, that's all I wanted to know so that's why I hugged him and he took me in his arms.

"NO! Andrie.....come back to mommy please!"

"No no mommy...I wanna go with daddy."

"Oh please my precious child! "

"Daddy look what I can do with my eyes." One turned white and the other black. "I think it's funny....but mommy doesn't like when I do that. She gets mad and yells at me."


"Give my daughter back to me!" She screamed. She fired an attack at him. That will hurt him....

"No no mommy! Time to go on time out! Bad bad mommy, that could have hurt him."

She fell to her knees powerless. Time out drains her powers completely.

"What did you just cast?"

"I call it time out. Mommy needs it alot. She has a naughty temper. Time out takes mommy's magic all away!" I said excitedly.

"You're perfect. How long does time out last."

"Umm....I no know....very very long.."

"Amazing! And Andrea...I did nothing to be treated the way you did to me. If you thought you could have kept her away.....you were wrong. Trust me when I say she would have killed you as soon as her inner darkness tried to take over because she wouldn't have known how to control it. I thank you for providing me with the only possible child I can have, but you should know that there would be consequences to being with a God. Even though you are one yourself."

He turned and walked away. That's how I ended up staying with my daddy.

I'm now 17. I attend a school where angels and devils go to rank up to the highest form possible for an angel or devil which is, an S class arch angel or S class demon. Both devils and angels attend the same school. I recently enrolled. Before I had no interest in coming here or even temporarily becoming a different form, but there are perks. I get to be with my friends and even sleep in those comfy beds in the dorms....

My dad was the one who told me I had to go all because I'm half Celestial and Infernal, meaning both good and bad. He calls me the mistress of despair and beauty.

Everyone knows me as a lazy.....D class angel. I prefer to be a simple angel for multiple reasons, even though my rank is way higher. The headmaster, my grandfather, who thinks I'm actually an arch angel, allows me to be a simple angel and attend the school.

I arrived at the school and three familiar faces rushed toward me. "Andrie!!!!!!" they squealed and squeezed me.

"Hi to you too." I smiled.

My three friends, Rachel, Honey and Brooke. I've known them for a year. Despite that fact, they all know me as only a simple angel just like them.

We headed into the school and toward our dorms. "So glad you got us all in the same dorm Brooke!!" Honey hugged her.

I yawned and stretched a bit. I've not seen my mom for a while... and she never tries looking for me.....I wonder why. I'm always the one who goes to her....

It was time to go to class. We headed there and entered.

"Hello students! I'm your teacher Mayweather, nice to meet you all."

I'm so sleepy.....

A book suddenly appeared infront of us all. Rules!? And tests?!

"A devil, will be paired with you to do those quests. Think of it as a challenge between the two of you. The winner of each challenge will win as much points as the quest offers. Points will go to your overall grade to determine if you'll rank up this term. Oh and Andrie, the headmaster is requesting you meet with him"

I nodded and headed straight to my grandpa's office.

"Yes gramps?"

"My dearest Andrie. The time is quickly approaching." He passed his fingers through my hair. In the front of my hair, it's purple. "No wonder you're the one chosen to defeat this future foe.....you're perfect for the job. But I must warn you my child, the devil you are to be paired with has power equivalent to that of yours."

As if....oh grandpa...if only you knew. I'm sure he's talking about my angel form. Funny how he is a lower class than his daughter. Well I guess grandma was the stronger one. Whoever she was...

"I'll be careful. But how will I know who my paired devil is?"

"I don't know.....I can only tell of the angel. I'm in no dealings with those dastardly devils. I have all my fate in you Andrie." I shook my head. Don't you know how lazy I am...

I left the room and there leaning on the wall is who I suppose my paired devil is....something about him....can it be? I narrowed my eyes.....is he even a devil?

I shrugged off the feeling. "Well, hello there....I'm guessing you're my devil? The name is Andrie"

"Who knew angels could be.....so..." He was looking at me. I thought he would never raise his head.

"Be so what? Tardy? I was having a discussion with my headmaster. Shall we commence? I'll allow you to pick the challenge out of the book first."

"Hmm.....I'm Nate.....weird....don't you want the slightest chance of winning? You know I'll pick a challenge that is at my advantage right...?"

I shrugged. "Doesn't bother me."

"Fine." He made his book appear and skimmed through it then a grin spread across his face. "Let's see if you're a dare devil like me. We will go to the Golden Terrain. One of the most deserted and tropical realms there is. We have 72 hours each to survive in this realm. In the end, you have to have a raft, a camp set up and oh, you can't use magic. Here is a little list to make it easy for ya."

"So easy? Are you sure you don't want to increase the difficulty? Remember, you are paired with someone who has strength equivalent to or greater than yours."

"Stop your blabbering! Let's go!"

I was automatically changed in a green t-shirt, brown shorts and shoes fit for the climate. I was on an island. Quite a big island. It has trees, fruits and a natural water source....the ocean around. Sadly I will have to eat since I'm stuck in mortal form. I'm too lazy for this man.....!!

Time to get to work. The faster I make a bed....the faster I can stop working.

I cracked my fingers and stretched a bit. Oh jeez... this place is hot. I looked for big rocks and when I found the perfect one, I sharpened it on another. I hacked at a tree and it came crashing down. I crafted myself an axe. Hmm....should I make my camp or raft first? The raft...yea, then I can get that off my to-do list.

I collected and chopped up alot of wood. I bond them together and put the raft aside. I don't care about that....so onto ma house! Mamma needs a bed.

I made three wooden walls and then realized how hungry I was. I scavenged for food and found berries. Glad I can tell what's poisonous from what's not. I'm definitely not touching those white or yellow, I'm not chancing it with those red berries. And what do you know, my favorite colored berries...the purple ones. I filled my jersey with a bunch of them and went back. I found a wide enough leaf and lay them on it and ate some. That quenched my thirst in the slightest.

I continued building the hut. Sigh....I didn't sign up for this.....I rolled my eyes and then picked some huge palm leaves and made a roof. It's already dark....aw man.....I don't have a bed.....or even a pillow....wait.....hmm..

Before the sun is fully gone, I better make a fire while I can still see. I left the hut and gathered some wood right outside. I sparked two rocks and boom.....fire. Now what...I want a pillow.....I'm the only one here. I took off the t-shirt and folded it . It's worth it. This material is nice.



I woke up the next morning and I felt cold...what the....how?!

Well smarty, you took off your jersey, went into the hut, no fire at all...

I stretched and went out into the blazing sun and squinted my eyes. I'm sick and tired of this. I lazily sat on the sand. This realm is so wack...the water stays completely still...there are wild animals and I haven't encountered any.....how sad. I can't use magic and I want ice-cream....or a smoothie.

Wonder where that devil is....they don't play by the rules at all.....

I decided to finish my little hut by adding a bed. Maybe I can sleep through the next 2 days....

With wood, stuff to bind it and leaves, I successfully made myself a bed. When you're lazy...any bed is comfy. Need some more berries though. That jersey was doing a good job as my pillow so I didn't put it back on and no....I wasn't walking around with my upper half completely exposed.....that would be uncomfortable.

I lazily walked toward the berry bushes when I heard movement. I swiftly hid behind a tree and peered from a side to see what made the noise. Huh.....what's he doing here!?

He made himself a spear. Not me. I'm not killing anything.

Now Andrie.....why'd you have to go breaking a stick to draw attention. Feels like a damn movie you saw on earth....

I moved my head and soon enough a spear was near my neck. "I swear.....cut me with that spear and I'll end you." I seethed.

"Oh....it's j-...ust...you...."

"Stop looking at me...I don't like people looking at me...."

I pushed past him and sat picking berries. Crap.....nothing to carry them in. Eh....don't matter.

"Were you stalking me to see if I used magic?" he asked.

"Uggh.....you're still here....no. I was not. You didn't even cross my mind. I came for berries....now leave.....and again. Stop looking at me."

Did he listen? No. So annoying.

"You look like you've only been eating and sleeping."

"Yup....you got that right and I was also attacked by a group of the natives here. They stole my jersey in my escape.." I lied.

"What!? Really! Lucky...I only came in contact with a baby boar which ran off..."

We both stopped talking when we heard the slightest of movement. I stood up and we backed into each other as we were surrounded by a ton of strange looking people with strange markings on their faces.

"Kişi günahkar silahlıdır" One of them said. (The male trespasser is armed)

"Onlar�� öldürməliyik?" another one said. (Should we kill them?)

"Do you know what the hell they are saying?" He whispered in my ear

"Do I look like I know what they are saying!?!" I shout-whispered.

"Rəhbərə nə etməli olduğumuzu söyləyin, düşünürəm ki, hücum qururlar!" Another one said. (Tell us what we must do chief, I think that they are plotting an attack!)

"I'm so confused right now....do they want to kill us....or not...." He asked sounding confused.

"I don't know...." I sighed.

"Kişi tərksilah edin və ikisini də qurban məbədinə aparın !!" (Disarm the male and take them both to the sacrifice temple!!)

"Hmm....if I'm correct, I'm sure one of them just said to take your spear and kill the both of us. I have stuff to do in life so I'm not gonna die here today. You can take the win." I touched one of the natives and he freaked out thinking I wanted to kill him. Now I can take that form since I now know their history and ways.

Wow.....I like this form.

"The heck!!! Now you have the strange markings on your face too! And you used your magic didn't you...."

"Again.....take the win."I outstretched my hands and turned to look at them all. "Azerbaycan xalqi! Dinlə və mənə yaxşı qulaq as, qoy mənə və ya dostuma heç bir zərər gəlməsin və ya Aijani ilahəsinə xəsarət yetirməyin nəticəsi hamınıza və gələcək nəsillərə böyük ağrı və əzab gətirsin!" which translates to, People of the Azerbai! Listen to me and listen to me well, let no harm come to me or my friend or the consequence for injuring the Goddess of the Aijani will bring great pain and suffering to you all and every generation to come!"

Nate looked at me so confused. "When did you learn to speak that language....I'm so confused..."

They bowed down to me. "Üzr istəyirik ki, səni incitmisən! Zəhmət olmasa bizi əsirgəməyin və bizə lənət etmə!" they pleaded for me to spare them. This is funny....

"Bunu birdəfəlik əlimdən alacağam. Bir daha məni incitmə." I said sternly. (I will spare you this once. Do not offend me again.)

They disappeared just like they came. I went back to my normal form. A portal opened because I broke the rule and used magic. "You win and also got the 10 points. I lost. And.....I don't care."

I yawned and walked through. How nice to finally be back in this form.

"You didn't have to do that, I could have fought them off."

"Oh no hun.....I let you get the win. I was bored.....sick and tired of that place. I did it on purpose. I'll get my points back on the next challenge."

"If you think so...."

When we went back into class, on the board was a picture of the Divine Realm and the Fallen Realm. There is where all Gods and Goddesses live. And then there is the fallen realm. Complete opposite. Bruh...we're gone for like what. A few minutes if you compare the times and work is already there!?

Devils were also in the classroom. This must be important. But not important enough for me to stay awake.

Mayweather, a devil teacher and two others entered the class. Who are the other two. The teachers are normal but those two are strange...

"Hello class. As you may have noticed, there are two pictures on the board. Can anyone tell me what those two are?"

I'm not saying anything. Another student spoke. "That's the Divine and Fallen Realm."

"Yea, that's where the Gods reside."

I put down my head. "Today we have here the arch angel, Arcadious and supreme demon, Alexia. We know this is your first week at school but the destiny crystal has predicted a war to fall upon us. So they are here to train you all so you will be able to fight. Any questions?"

I knew this already.....since daddy is a God....he owns one. Every God and goddess has a destiny crystal. I can't get one till I'm at least 22...how sad.

"Andrie, you will have to pay more attention! This isn't child's play. You cannot be asleep at a time like this."

I didn't move. "You're stupid. If I were really sleeping.....do you know how idiotic you would sound talking to the air? Luckily I wasn't. And I'm not part taking in your foolish war. It has nothing to do with me."

"How dare you!" The devils were laughing. I could feel glares from every direction.

I stood up and my head was tilted. Don't they understand why I'm always asleep?...I guess not. Never bothered to say.

"Andrie! You're an angel! You're not acting like yourself!" Should have let me sleep Brooke....

"Do you even know me?" I turned and gave her a deadly sharp look. "Why is it so important to weather I listen or not? What difference would it make for one out of thousands of angels exclusive of the arch angels and grandmasters if I decide to join or exclude myself from the future war? Why not even asks the damn Gods huh? Why do you need my input?!"

The arch angel chuckled and the demon snickered. "Well, well....that's exactly why we want you especially in the war honey.....with an attitude like that..."

They came at me and I dodged them. I contradicted their spell and reset time. "You're trying to control time to try and take me or was that a test of my skill level and reflexes?"

I did their spell on them and took their magic. I returned them to the front of the class and sat back down. Time started once more.

"What the!? When did you two get so weak!? Y-you're power level is zero...."

He used up his last strength and pointed at me. The demon's power was stronger making my eyes turn red....I forget what time out does to me.... I put down my head. I need two minutes to even it out...

"What happened...did someone use time manipulation!?! That's impossible for a simple low class angel! Who broke into this school. The two teachers rushed out.

I laughed with my head down then rose it, "What insignificant fools....." I left the classroom. I need to sleep. Right now... I cast an enchantment that would slowly drain my energy. If not....I'll be exposed. I staggered toward my dorm and fell to the ground near my bed.