
Broken Rule

I was being shaken. "Andrie! Andrie please wake up!! I didn't know you were feeling ill...is that why you acted the way you did?! I'm so sorry...please wake up."

What happened again?....oh yea. Didn't mean to say that to her.

I touched her hand. "I'm fine. And I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier." The three of them hugged me and let out sighs of relief.

I feel just fine. I won't need to sleep for at least 30 minutes....which means if I go to the terrestrial world, I'll be fine for 3 days....

"I'm fine you guys."

They smiled and everyone went to bed. It was really late afterall.

Which world should I go too....We're already in the Sky Realm..... Sesepia?.....there does have a ton off hot springs and fine weather. Or should I go to The Abyss Domain? That's a nice quiet place where the demons worship me. Hmm.....what about aha! The Azure Ocean Realm. I can enhance my swimming and water control skills plus have a wonderful time relaxing on it's wonderful beaches.

I packed a few swimsuits and a little other stuff. I quietly left the room with a bag on my back and snuck out to the front terrace of the school.

"An angel sneaking out? Interesting. Wait...you're Andrie right?"

"Hello Nate. What is it that you want. If it's nothing, I'll be on my way."

"Yes. I want to know how you manipulated time."

I smirked a bit. "You're not as weak as I thought. I underestimated you. So you aren't really a weak devil."

"And you're not a simple angel. You're higher than an arch angel."

"You're not a devil. You're higher than a demon." I wasn't one hundred percent sure about that statement.

I had a smirk on my face while I narrowed my eyes. "Ta-ta cutie. You just may be a legible partner." I said getting further and further away.

I opened a portal to Azure Oceans. I entered and inhaled the air around me. I changed into my mortal form and a bath suit.

I spread a mat on the sand, put on shades and lay there. This is the life....



Someone's P.O.V

"That plan failed horribly! How are we to open the sacred gates now!? "

"Calm down hot-head...jeez. We don't know much about that so called angel, but what we do know it that she isn't who she portrays herself to be. Once we can get her in our grasps, everything is easy after that."

"But I still don't know who intervened in our plan! who manipulated time and helped her!? It's not possible for an S class angel to do that and she's a B! How did that plan not work!"

"I don't know! Stop yelling at me! We will get her alone and take her from there. The reader's crystal showed me her stats. Just as the information we know. B class angel."

"What about her energy and power levels?"

"They are both normal for B class!"




"Always sleepy and lazy."

"That was kinda obvious."

She screamed in aggravation. "This doesn't make any sense at all!!!"

"We just need to get her alone I said.....be patient. With her stats.....she's a basic push-over."

"You don't understand do you... you inconvenient sorry excuse for a frigging arch angel! She's not what she presents herself to be! What if as soon as we attack her she unleashes that dormant power!? I don't know about you but I don't want to die. For all we know she could just be an angel in disguise!"

I sighed.

Brooke's P.O.V

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. "Hey.....Andrie.....I'm sorry okay....."

She didn't answer. "Yea....I deserve the silent treatment."

I got up and gasped when I saw her bed empty. 'Andrie!?! Where are you!?"

Rachel and Honey rushed into the room. "What happened!?"

"I-It's Andrie...she is missing!"

I held my head and walked around my room. "She's probably already in class. We did wake up a bit late."

"You're right! S-she probably asleep in the classroom..." I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"See, that's the spirit."

We got ready and headed straight to class. Uggh....a mixed class with the devils again. I frantically searched around for her. "Andrie...where are you."

One devil decided it was funny and was laughing. "It isn't funny you know! My friend is missing and you take that as a joke!"

"Brooke? What's the matter? Andrie is missing you say?" He said with a fake concerned look but then laughed.

"Yes....something happened to her yesterday and she wasn't herself. This morning she disappeared." I gritted my teeth.

He was still laughing. "What's so funny!!" I stomped my foot.

"The fact that I know where she is and you don't." He grinned.

What.....how could he know where she is. Unless.

"What did you do with her!!?"

"What are you saying Brooke?" Honey came next to me. "If he didn't take her what happened! It has to be him!"

Just then the door opened. I turned and saw..Andrie!? What!?


"Hmm....I'm so tired. Disclaimer. Don't sleep on the beach and forget.....you'll be swept away by the tide."

She walked lazily to her seat and put down her head. Phew....she's okay.

"You owe me an apology." He dared say to me

"No I do not!"

I sat down in my usual seat next to her. "Where did you go...."


"Okay class! Remember the better you do this term, the higher your chances of becoming an A class angel."

"Same for the devils. You will be promoted to A class. On that note, we again invite the arch angel Arcadious and demon Alexia to talk and possibly train you all."

What's up with Andrie...

"Today we are checking your stats via a reader's crystal. When it scans you, a sheet of paper will fall to your desk and a visual reading will be in front of you."

There was only one crystal. Us angels got it first. "Hmm...I'm okay." Rachel said.

"Wow. I didn't expect this." Honey exclaimed.

I touched it and my readings were average for B class guardian. Since Andrie was sleeping I rose her hand and let her touch it. W-what's happening.....why is it glitching like that.

"Problem over there?"


It finally gave her reading. T-that's below average....oh Andrie....

"Ha! Look at that angel's stats. She's so weak! I'm sure I can beat her without magic and a stick." Tom blurted.

"This may be her stats but Andrie is strong, I know it! This isn't giving her real stats I'm sure! That's impossible!"

"Okay Tom. Try beating me with a stick. Let's see if it won't replace your spinal cord." She rose her head and said.

"Yea, yea...all that talk and nothing to back it up with."

The crystal was passed to the devils.

"How!! My stats aren't that low!' I burst out laughing at Nate.

"And you're the most atrocious devil there is? Ha! It's more like approach with caution, he might scratch you..!"

The angels turn to laugh.

"That's not possible! How did you two become B class if you have ratings lower than a C class!?" Arch angel Arcadious yelled.

Andrie's P.O.V

I knew something was fishy about those two. I disguised Nate's stats also. What is their plan. I sat up straight. Nate doesn't even know his own stats....what he does know is that he is strong and has dormant power. Guess I'm the only one my age having to deal with this.....

"Arch angel, I have a question for you."

"What is that?"

"Can you and your demon friend please show your stats."

He hesitated for a while then agreed.

"Wow. S class...."

I broke through their barriers and snickered a bit.

"Well well...isn't this illegal?"

"What are you talking about."

"You're not an arch angel, grand master Arcadious.....and you're a demon lord Alexia. Now explain to me why you are here? We are petty B class students. We have our own headmaster. What do you want from us? Or should I say......what do you want from me?"

"H-how do you know that...she's lying!"

"I can't lie in this form...." I lied.

"How did you break through our barriers! Only a God can do that!"

"Not really...." I sat on the table with both my legs crossed. "You see....even though I look weak...I still have skills you know. One is barrier breaking. And that measly disguise barrier....pfft..." And why do we have stats? Is this a video game or something.....Earthlings don't have stats.

"Why can't we break though your barrier then!?"

"Because...I don't have one...." I lied. "Plus, I thought only God's could use barrier breaking? Now that I've exposed you.....tell us why you're really here. Rule breakers. It's not permitted that you use a reader's crystal. Only Gods of the Royal decree and higher can own one....which means a God is behind your arrival."

They did that time stop again. I once more manipulated it and looked them both in the eyes. I acted as if I was frozen also. "Now we can get her! She isn't as weak as we thought! This is our only chance! grab her Arcadious!"

Once more I drained their magic. I started time and they fell to the ground by my feet. I falsely widened my eyes.

"How in the world did they get here!?"

Our teachers took them away. I'm not tired because I slept for two weeks straight. Didn't mean to stay there for so long.

I went up to the reader's crystal. "No! Andrie don't! if you're not strong enough you can't move it! The spell they had that allowed us to touch it has perished." Nate actually pulled back my hand. Shit...that actually hurts, so devils and angels really can't interact with each other. I made it look like it didn't happen.

"I just wanted to examine it you know, I wasn't going to touch it." This belongs to the Goddess of Fire.....Atheria. How did they get their hands on it. Something like this is always supposed to be with it's owner. Is she the instigator for this war.....will aunt really begin the war that will destroy worlds?

"Do you know something and isn't telling us Andrie!?" Brooke yelled at me

I looked at her coldly. "Yea weakling! What are you hiding?!" One of the devil's added.

I can touch the crystal with ease but I won't let anyone know my true strength, not yet at least.

I made a magic bubble around it and held it up in the air. "I will take this to the headmaster. Prepare yourselves. What just happened is only the beginning. If you must, tell anyone you care for your last goodbyes."

"W-what are you talking about!?"

I walked out of the classroom. I said that to scare them. No one dares call me weak and laugh in my face. What just happened wasn't the beginning. It's far worst than that.

I must go speak to daddy at once....since he is the ruler of all things evil and has all those special crystals, he'll have the answer. Atleast he should....

I looked around. I then opened a portal to the Fallen realm. As quickly as I opened it, I entered and closed it. As soon as I entered I was teleported to him.

"What brings you here."" He asked all God like.

"Oh cut the crap old man.....I came in need of your help."

There he goes again. "My daughter finally needs my help! Oh how happy I am!"He said in a baby voice hugging me.

"Aren't you supposed to be an Infernal God...what's with all this love....."

"Only for you my child."

I rolled my eyes and showed him the crystal.

"Atheria's Reader's Crystal. How did you get it."

"One of your demon lords, Alexia and a grandmaster called Arcadious somehow got their hands on it. They tried twice to kidnap me using time stop."

"What! How dare she! Doesn't she know your....wait....you used your barrier to hide your stats didn't you sweetie." Still don't know why stats even exist jeez.....they don't in this realm or many realms I've been too!

"Of course. I didn't want anyone to know who I really am. That will cause unnecessary problems for me."

"Typical Andrie....always using strategy and thinking. That's what makes you the best daughter in the world!" He again began babying me.

"QUIT IT!!!!!!" He never listens to me. If anyone were to meet him like this they wouldn't fear him anymore....but he is one of the strongest Gods out there. Because of me, he himself has stopped attacking worlds. I didn't even tell him to stop, he just did.

"Will you kept the crystal or will I have to/"

"So you weren't planning on returning it to your aunt?"

"No way! What if she is the instigator!?"

"Someone slept alot.....you're usually less aggressive and your eyes are half closed most off the time. I don't know how you turned out so lazy and spoiled.....who taught that to you."

My jaw dropped. "You did! You're the laziest being I know! Except for me of course...but still! You spoiled me! You and mom!"

"I guess you're right. Anyways, before your friends begin to worry, return to the Sky Realm and you can leave the crystal here."

I narrowed my eyes at him and put up a barrier around it. "You're a pervert, you know that right daddy? Because aunt is one of the strongest and mom is always with her you were going to use the crystal to spy on them am I right....just because it has the ability to show it's owners movement."

He looked away from me. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I rolled my eyes and opened a portal. "Bye.."

"Come back soon my lovely child. Daddy will miss you!" I shook my head and left. I reentered the school and looked around. Good. Wait.....

"So you saw everything didn't you?"

"Who exactly are you Andrie? Not even I am capable of opening a portal to go to another world...far less the Fallen Realm. Infernals and demons are the only ones capable of entering the Fallen realm...who are you really..?"

"I'm Andrie. Who else could I be? I said I may be weak but have many special skills."

"Your power has to be great for them to pair you with me and you know damn well that the destiny crystal doesn't judge on rank. You could be a D class first time angel, If you have the strength you can be paired with an arch angel.....so Andrie. Mind telling me a little more about yourself?"

"Well, it's also said that your partner either has strength greater than or equivalent to yours. I admit I did use a barrier to shield both our stats from impostors. But from the little I saw, your strength surpasses mine." I lied. What a big lie...

I'll be going now. He's asking to much questions. I began walking off and he pulled me back. "Don't touch me. that hurts!" I'm not used to pain.... "We aren't allowed to physically interact with each other....come on...let me go."

"I feel the pain too, but I want to weaken you...or awaken whatever you're hiding from me." Why does he wanna know so friggin bad!!!?!

"Nate.....that's a really bad idea. I hide it for a reason." I yanked my hand out of his. Something like that won't do anything to me permanently. The longer he touches me though increases the pain. And the print of his hand is present on my skin."Now I have a mark on my hand."

"Same do I. But I will find out the truth about you sooner or later princess." I walked away. What a stubborn idiot.

Uggh....now I'm sleepy again. I'm going to my dorm. I wanna sleep.

"One more thing princess...."

I stopped. "What."

"Are your traits really always sleepy and lazy?"

"Yup. And you don't want to believe me when I say you're stronger." He's right not to believe me. I was also granted the one of a kind skill of lying in an angel form. That's so convenient.

"Still gonna find out."

"Do your worst." That vibe I'm getting from him. Is it true that there is one person out there who can actually kill me? Well.....