
Urgent Rank Up

"Andrie!! You know that today is really important! Get up now!"

I snored louder. I don't want to go through the rank up thingy........they brought it up so sudden, we only had two days to prepare....although I don't need to prepare. I'm not planning on part taking at all....

She tossed me off the bed and spun me around and straight into the bathroom. Dear lord... this water is cold. I sat there as if dead. How dare she strip me of my beautiful sleeping attire....

"A-Andrie....d-did I go too far..."

I smirked a bit then acted like if I went unconscious.

"Andrie! I'm sorry! Please don't die on meeee!!!! I didn't mean to throw you so hard! Honey! Rachel! Come quick!!!! I killed Andrie!" She cried. She sure is stupid....

I burst out laughing. "Weak or not. A simple impact can't kill me."

She narrowed her eyes at me and then they widened. "I did hurt you! Look! A mark on your arm!"

I looked at it and sighed. That bafoon....dare touch me. I'll make him pay. I got ready and headed to the arena with them.

How come it's always just the four of us with those four devils.

"We know that it was quite sudden. but instead of a written exam you'll do a practical one" Gramps said.

"This will enhance and show us your strength level. We wish you do your worst..." the demon added. I don't like him. Such a pain in the ass.

"If you do not pass this and get under average points, you will be disqualified from fighting in the upcoming battles."

My face lit up. "All but you Andrie."

I flopped down to the ground. "You're not fair!!! Why do I have to participate!"

"What else would you be doing my dear?"

"Sleeping.....duhh...and I refuse to fight!"

"I'll bring in the two people you despise looking after."My eyes widened.

I stood up and crossed my arms. "That still doesn't mean that I'll try my-"

"Ash, Annie, your big sister is calling you."

"Wait what! Those two little demons are here!?!?!"

Everyone was confused. "What's.....going on Andrie.."

I hid behind Brooke. "Don't let them come near me......"

The two rushed out. "Andrie! Andrie! Where are you hiding this time big sis!?" They disappeared and appeared on my back. 'We missed you!"

I groaned and slouched my back. "You two are the most annoying creatures to ever come into existence."

"We really missed you big sis!"

"Uh-huh! You're the bestest."

"That's not a word you little tramp." I threw them off of me.

"Damn....I'm a devil and not even I would treat my siblings like that.." Lilith said.

I looked at her with a demonic glare. "They are up for sale you can get them for 100 percent off, I'll even pay you to take them.....think they are cute....behind those two cute faces are demons..."

"But they are angels."

"So they seem...wait for it.....wait for it."

And there it was. That ear bursting scream and tantrum. "It's your fault big sister threw me!"

"No! Yours!!!"

They began fighting. They aren't going to blow my cover.

"Time. Out."

They fell to the ground. All there magic drained.

"You little brats....who brought you here...." They pointed at grandpa.

"Then bother him then...I get enough of you when I try to sleep in my own bed at night. When I'm eating, even when I'm reading...."

They are the only ones who don't run solely off of magic energy. They got energetic and jumped on a shoulder each. I shook my head.

"We wanna fight with big sister please....."

"You can get hurt...you know I'm not strong enough to defend you both."I lied.

They were a bit puzzled and then did an 'o' with their mouths. They are annoying but intelligent.

"We're strong enough to protect big sister!"

"No need to fear!"

6 year old twins. Children of my mother and some unknown God.

"Aww.....Andrie aren't you gonna let them stay..." Honey asked.


"Why big sister." They set up to cry.

I had them both in my arms and put them down to the ground squatting to their level.

"Because...what will happen if I loose you two? I wouldn't forgive myself. I promise that I'll take you to help me in a world after. That sound cool?" I said for only them to hear.

They instantly got happy. "Okay!"

"Now go back. Don't stay here."

They left. I put back on my sleepy don't care face and stood up. I turned around.

"I still don't want to participate....."


"I'll try in the slightest."

He smiled. "I knew you would give in soon enough."

"Why do you need her to fight!? I'm sure we are capable of doing this by ourselves."

"Don't underestimate that lazy attitude she put out. I thought you guys knew she disgui-" I made him unable to say those words and glared at him.

"She what?"

"That...she....has a number of useful skills."

"Still, I don't think we need her."

"Don't worry.....when the arch angels and supreme demons come to assess you in a few minutes, I'm going to be asleep."

"A-arch angels...they are coming here!?"

"Su-supreme demons!?"

The ground shook a bit and five of each entered. Two Commanders and their students.

"See. There they are."

We were to team up with the devils. This is the competition room and we're in some kind of arena like setting. We had to sit opposite to them on separate stands and watch our headmaster and demon control the destiny crystal. That will say who we're up against

"I heard there is one here whose power level is incredible! I wanna compete with her.!"

"Calm down Rose.....you may commence' She signaled to them.

"And the crystal has chosen.....-"

I ignored them and sprawled off in the back and dosed off.

"Lilith and Griffen."

"If you guys actually win against the higher ups, you will become S class."

I didn't pay any attention to any of the matches. All I know is that we won only one and they had the advantage.

"Now...Andrie and Nate, against Rose and Marie."

I don't wanna go.....I will actually have to fight because they might actually try to hit me. Or I can hide behind Nate and let him do all the work. Yup....sounds like a great plan....

"Come on lazy, let's go."

He pulled me along. Why does this room permit angels to be touched by devils.

We entered the place and it turned into a beach like setting. "We challenge you to a game of volleyball."

We both said 'eh'. Why was I automatically put in a swim suit. Just this once.....I don't have to use much magic. I won't be lazy. I stretched. All because I love volley ball. I sat down. 'W-what is she doing...?"

"I have no idea..., but let's get this started!" They hit the ball straight at me and I hit it over into their place making it hit the sand. Nothing happened. "I'm guessing we're not playing normal volleyball and actually this was a diversion. The land below me began to shake.

Rose looked insane. "It's you!!! You're the power I want to fight."

"You might be wrong." I floated above the sink hole and held Nate from being sucked through. "I don't want to be part of this fight so I'll end it now. And for that craziness...both of you can go on time-out. They collapsed to the ground. I copied their spell and sucked them into the ground.

"And that is how you lazily defeat the enemy." I pretended to be exhausted. "Aye...I can't fight on. That was my strongest spell..." I lied.

"W-what is happening...why is the destiny crystal choosing you alone Andrie...against them all!?! Huh!"

"Nope. I'm out. Too much."

He pulled me back. "You're lying. You didn't even use a fragment of your actual power."

"Yes....my magic power.....is all used up....I cannot fight on." He left the arena.

I was changed into combat clothes. Uggh..that damned destiny crystal wants to see my real power. What an annoying thing. Whatever is watching is not going to see it. I just know someone is tampering with it....

"Since you're are just a kid, we'll fight you evenly. One on one"

"I don't wanna fight...I wanna sleep."

"Andrie. Come on....stop acting like this! Don't make us loose!" The others shouted from above in the seating area.

"Acting? I seriously want to sleep." I really need to sleep.....or even lay down with my eyes closed for a solid three minutes for the least.

One of them came up against us. They allowed Nate to stay in the arena for some reason. To be fair I guess. I sat on the floor and put down my head."What's she doing...."

"Being as her traits describe. Lazy."

Hmm....should explosive magic circles work. Oh yea...that will obliterate them. I had a sinister smile on my face.

They stopped and looked at me.

"Are you seriously not gonna fight us? We'll stop for a while just because I wanna see what you're gonna do."

"All of you come out on the battle grounds.....or are you too scared?" They stupidly walked out. "We'll finish you off right now!"

"I don't think so.."

I put my two hands on the ground. "Inflame...ignite.....destroy my targets....."

Magic circles appeared beneath them all.

"What is this!?"

"We walked right into her trap!!"

I laughed hysterically. "Now....you guys better pray....that this room stops death."


I clenched the ground making them light up. "Boom....." I sain softly

They exploded blasting them. "More.....you guys need more...." I increased the density. It won't kill them until it devours all their magic and then poof. They will go.

"What kind of power is this!?"

"Stop! Stop the match!!! She'll kill them! Pull her hands off the ground! Someone! quickly!'

I was pulled off the ground and he held my hands together. "That what happens when you don't let me sleep."

"That power......What have you done! How could you allow her to fight knowing her stats headmaster Taros!! How is she in a simple angel class! What is this!" The commander screamed.

I looked pass her bodily figure and bent my head squeezing her heart.

"No one talks to my headmaster like that you know. You should have known better that he wouldn't have called you to challenge us if at least one of us couldn't beat you.....do you think he is stupid!? All of you doubted me...keep on doing that.....you are puzzled now aren't you...you're trying to read my stats because you commander Ranen can do that and all you see is random numbers am I right?" I grabbed his heart also and squeezed them.

"Ahhh!!!!" They screamed in pain.

"Andrie stop! Please my dear!"

"But grandpa.....you forced me into this battle. You know what happens when I get angry.....you should have prepared for this."

"Angels don't do this much harm or even try to kill people! Andrie what are you thinking!" Brooke yelled

"Oh Brooke......hmm. knock me out Nate or all of them will die. Now you guys will hopefully understand the reason I'm always asleep. And leave me the hell alone"

"Knock you...out?"

"Hit right here in my neck with force. Only you can touch me for some reason in this state...don't know why you're not dead yet... Go on."

He hit my neck. Good. Now I feel better. I'm crazy....everyone is supposed to know that....but I still choose not to tell anyone.

I fell half way unconscious in his arms. "Thanks...I didn't mean to do this. I hate fighting in my angel form. It always goes crazy."

He spoke closer to my ear. "Was that your strongest spell or have I completely mis-judged you."

I chuckled a bit. "Just because I like you in the slightest...that was my weakest destruction spell..."

His eyes widened a bit. I did that to myself by putting on a sleep spell.

All the ones who got hit by the spell were lying on the floor.

"What are you exactly...." the demon teacher asked me.

"Who....me? I'm Andrie....the weakest angel on my team."

"That's not true! That was one of the most powerful purification destruction spells I've seen. If I were in that battle I might have died...."

I laughed a bit. "That drained too much from me. It exceeded my magic levels....I have no power left." I lied. Nate looked at me and shook his head.

I got out of his grasp.

"Peace out peeps...I need my beauty sleep..."

"Hold it!!!! We can't just let you go off with what you just pulled young lady! For all we know you are using forbidden or stolen magic."

I stopped in my position with my hands behind my head. "Okay, hear this. That was very weak magic. Magic of my own. I'll allow you right now to read my stats."

Of course I won't show my actual stats. I'm not stupid. I'll just show them my a portion of my angel stats. If I don't that'll be problems.

His eyes widened. "You......you aren't supposed to be here..."

"Why not? I'm now a S class angel.....we did beat you. And that was the deal."

"You have the angel stats of an Arch angel. Arch angels aren't supposed to be in this low ranked training school."

It's higher than that. My angel form is that of the ancients. They sure are stupid not to break through this measly barrier. I'm supposed to be in Divinity Central, school for Gods.

"So what if I do....... I choose to be here."

"Why!? You could have so much more!"


"Andrie.....think this over my dear. Are you really going to leave...." gramps said. He knows that I could leave if I want to. And I don't even have to do any of this. I was just looking for an escape from those little devils. And my dad....he was the one who sent me any way.

"Yes, with magic like that. Of course!"

"And what realm would that be in?"

"The Nebula Expanse. Realm for only the most elite and powerful angels."

"Nah.... I like the beds here.....nice....soft.....and the rooms smell great."

"We cannot allow you to stay here."

Uggh...they'll force me to try to go with them. Gotta do something....

I turned and grinned at them. "Big commanders like you couldn't tell I was making up a fake statistic reading?! How stupid! That spell I cast. I didn't cast it to be honest I used another one of my skills and took some of Nate's energy causing me to use a very simple illusion spell combined with one that weakens and causes pain the weaker you get. What I used there wasn't strong power but strategy. If that's all I'll be going now. Can't carry a lowly ranked angel from a petty school like this to the sacred Nebula Expanse now can you. Bye, bye."

"Again. Hold it. Tell us how you pulled of that death sentence."

"Death what?"

"Bypassing the flesh and bone and going straight to the heart, grabbing it and squeezing it until it is no more. That spell...is forbidden. Well.....unless you're a God. And an Infernal one at that."

"Is it? How are you so sure that was the spell I used?"

"It had to be! Because I, being the the demon commander I am, doesn't have a beating heart in my chest! It takes alot of mind concentration and high magic skills to find it. How did you do it."

My face went serious. "You guys ask to many questions." I wiped their memory of me ever doing that. That's why I sleep so much.....to keep my inner darkness on lockdown. If I don't sleep, I won't be able to keep up in this form. Only in God form can I be normal with both sides of me. Well.....sometimes.