
With laziness comes great will to sleep

"Gimme five more minutes...."

"No girl! We got a new class today thanks to you! We're S class now!!!! Woohoo! We get new classrooms. New teachers and even new dorms!"


"Did I mention....softer and better quality beds." I flew up, got ready and pulled them out.

"What are you waiting on! Let's go to those new dorms!"

They laughed. "What's so funny...."

We headed to the new class. When we entered I was blown away and grabbed my chest.

"W-what's wrong Andrie!?"


"It's what!?"

"Beautiful!!!" I rushed over to the soft cushioned seats. "So soft, comfortable....How wonderful! And this desk is made of the most comfy wood I've ever felt."

"You're not serious....all you think about is sleeping."

I put a finger in the air. "With laziness comes great will to sleep. I'm very lazy so my will to sleep is high."

They laughed and took their seats.

"Question...why does this class have two sections?"

"That's because my dear. S class angels and S class devils share a class room." A teacher walked in.

"What! Why!?" Brooke asked.

"That's simple. The tasks you will get are more complicated, so will your tests and challenges."

The devils entered. "Hello students. I'm your new teacher, you can call me Coretha. Teacher for the devils."

"And I'm Jabril teacher for the angels. May I ask your names."

I put my head down and closed my eyes. So comfy.


I didn't budge. "Excuse me. But it's very rude to sleep while your teacher is in class you know. And what must your name be."

Man is he stupid. "You sure are stupid..." I rose my head. "How could I hear you if I was asleep? You even asked my name. Do you think I will subconsciously answer?"

The devils of course laughed.

"The name is Andrie and I'm a professional slacker. Don't expect nothing from me."

"That's not very angel like."

"Hmm.......nice to hear."

"I will not accept this level of disrespect."

"Then move. I'm not holding your wings....."

He was getting angry. I looked at him blankly and put my head back down.

"I would expect that kind of behavior from a devil! Not an angel!"

I slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Don't mind her teach, that's how she is." Brooke said to him

I was asleep now. Nap time.

Something fell on my head and woke me up.

"Your new book of tests and quests!"

"The heck is your damn problem dude! I ought to knock you out with this frigging book! Are you trying to kill me!? How would you like it if I hit you with a big book like that!? Oh no....! Let me get a tank!!"

Brooke and Honey held me back.

He laughed. "Just you wait.....watch your back sir...."

His expression got serious instantly.

I made the book go to my room and put my head back down.

"No you don't missy. Go with your friends and get packed. You will each have to take on a demi-human form. You're going to the Demi Domain. You have to compete with those devils to defeat the dragons. If that world is destroyed, the devils win....but if it isn't! We will win!"

I stood up, put my hands behind my head and walked away. "Count me out. I'm not taking part. I'm not walking. Because I'm sure we are forbidden to using any other form"

"Why are you like that! What is your problem!?!" I pointed a finger in the air.

"With laziness come great will to sleep. That's my motto. I'm the laziest person you'll ever find."

"Oh no you don't my dearest."

"Move it old man....I'm not going!"

"Yes you are. And your mother has instructed you babysit your younger siblings." I don't even see eye to eye with mom!

I made a sword appear in my hand and stuck it through my chest. It didn't hurt...that can't kill me.

"I can't if I'm dead!"

"That won't kill you. Who are you trying to fool Andrie..." He shook his head and re-newed my body.

The two ran and jumped on me. "Yay!!! Mommy said we can come with you!"

I groaned and then the biggest idea came into my mind. I put a hand on my head. And closed my eyes"Oh my lovely siblings. You know you are my two most favouritist people in this entire world...right?' I opened one eye.


"Your favorite big sister isn't feeling well. Can you two strong babies carry her?"

"Of course! Anything for our sister!"

They lifted me off the ground. Perks.

Everyone was watching. "Let's go people what are you waiting on!?"

I changed into demi-human form and changed them also.

"Cool!! We got ears and tails!"

"Now my adorable foxes! Onward to Demi Domain!"

"You're so advantageous Andrie....." Brooke shook her head.

"They enjoy doing this.....plus I'm really light. Ash was lifting my feet and Annie supported my shoulders. With the help of their magic of course. It's like being on a stretcher.

They opened a portal for us and we went through. I ended standing up afterward.

All of us were in demi-human form. We walked toward the guild. Even the devils were here. As soon as I entered and they saw me they went into an uproar.

"She's back!!!!"

I hid behind Brooke.

"What did you do now."

"Nothing....I came here once before and accidentally saved the guild hall from a fire because I was sleeping in it....I didn't know we were supposed to come here...."

"Never thought you'd come back Foxy!"

Aww no.....

The two of them were on my shoulders.

"Foxy...." They burst out laughing.

"That's what they call me. They don't know my name. My name here is Ember. Ash is Hunter and Annie is Amber. You better get names for yourselves"

"So you are familiar with this world. That's a relief. Because we weren't given directions or anything."

I pointed a finger to my chest. "Me? Direct? You must be dreaming."

I caught a glimpse of a familiar demi-human in the distance. Didn't know the day would come where I'd see her again. Scarlett. We gotta save their world.

"Ember? Is that you!!? I've not seen you in so long." She jumped on me.

"I've missed you too. Heard you're going on a SS+ class quest. Want some help?"

"Sure! Me and three others are going. We'll be leaving in a few minutes. Just going in to get my stuff."

I gave her a thumbs up.

"And please...don't take sudden naps during this quest. I don't want you to get taken by a drag-"

I covered her mouth. "Hurry and get your friends and stuff." I smiled widely.

"So you're good friends with the demi-humans. I see you have a big advantage, they are on your side"

"Not necessarily. Your kind is her type. She's stupid when it comes to boys. If you tell her to jump off a cliff after saying she's cute trust me, she'll do it."

He burst out laughing. "I'm telling the honest truth. And I warn you.....she has a terrible habit of.....I won't tell you. You'll figure it out yourself...."

He grabbed my hand. "Tell me."

"Nuh-uh......use that charm of yours less and you just might escape her groping hands."

I covered my chest remembering her weirdness. She's 19.

She and three others came out.

"This is Matt, Harper and Dustin. And If I didn't tell you, I'm Scarlett. Nice to have you all join us on this hard quest."

"What's the quest anyways?" Lilith asked.

"To slay 50 dragons in the dragon's layer all the way on Mt. Ignition."

My eyes widened a bit."You're completely looney now...."

"What do you mean!? Don't think I can handle it!?"

She appeared behind me and I felt her hands on my chest.

"Let go! No! Stop!"

Everyone was taken aback. "What did you say again?"

"Nothing! You're the bravest their is! If possible you could do this all by yourself!!!! Now stop groping me!!!"She grinned and stopped.

The devils were laughing like crazy. 'She did you good Andrie!"

She looked in his direction with a hungry stare. Oh dear. In seconds she was in front of him.


"My, my...what do we have here...you're just my type." She got even closer to him. I could tell what was going to happen next.

His eyes widened and face red. "What do you think you think you're doing you crazy witch!" She squeezed his butt even more.

Something is seriously wrong with her. I laughed now along with my friends. "Haha! Whose laughing now!"

She turned back at me. He got out of her grasp and hid behind me.

"No! Move your ass!" She looked like a hungry predator.

"My goodness was that the best thing I've ever felt or what."

We both sped away and hid in a tree.

"I don't want nothing to do with that crazy rabbit!"

"Me either!"


"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" We screamed and sped back to the others.

"Keep her and her grabby hands away!!!"

She laughed. "Another time." She slapped us both on the ass and walked forward. "Let's go people!"

"You two rugrats! You aren't protecting me!!!"

"Sorry big sis..."

"Ya...these sweets taste great. Sorry."

"I hate you."

We began venturing toward the mountain.

She pulled the two of us under each arm.

"So are you two together or what?" She asked with a smirk.

"What are you talking about. Do I look like I have the time for a boyfriend? I'm almost always asleep."

"That is true but you two could still have something going on.....spill......"

We both shook our heads."Nothing at all."

"Okay. If you won't tell me I'll find out myself."

I groaned. What a nuisance.I slouched my back. I'm tired.....I dragged on. It seemed like it took ages but we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. It was dark...

"We'll camp here and begin climbing in the morning.

Brooke patted my back. "That's the longest I've seen you move for sis!'

I wasn't actually moving. I connected myself to my siblings so I was basically sleep walking and following where they went.

"Amber, Hunter!"

"Yes sis!?"

"Build a tent and I'll let you use me as a teddy bear this once. Make sure it's extra comfy."


I sat on the floor and watched them.

"How advantageous you are..." Honey said.

We all sat in a circle and they were chatting away.

"I'll tell you all the tail of the berserk demi-god...."


"Berserk demi-god?"

"Yea.....said he was banished form the divine realm by the God's because he was half human. So they cast him away to the demi Domain...." She continued. Scarlett has the weirdest stories.


"No!! I don't wanna hear any scary stories!" Honey and Rachel held hands. Oh boy.....

"Stop being babies..."

Ash and Annie sat on my lap listening to her. They sure like a good story....

"It was said to happen over 400 years ago....Exotl, the God of Spring, once took human form because it was his season. There he fell in love with a mortal. They spent the entire spring together, but when it was over he couldn't possibly part with his new found love, so he turned her into an angel and they ascended to the divine realm together. But little did she know she was carrying a child."

"A baby?"

"Yes little one. And the baby was half human and half God therefore making him a demi- god. Sadly, after a few years, when the boy turned 9 he was kicked from the realm by the supreme and higher Gods. There was nothing his parents could do to save him. The legend says that anyone who roam in Xavier's forest will be killed by him."

All the rest of them were scared. Even the devils.

"Yea right.." Nate said. "I'll believe that when I see him myself. Oh great Berserk outcast Xavier! I challenge to try and get this lazy chick off her ass!

"Why am I part of your equation!?"I yelled glaring at him.

"I dunno. Just felt like saying it."

There was the slightest bit of movement. No one else felt it. well maybe Ash.....he's a God and the God of the Hunt after all.....sudden movements. Even the movement of ants. He'll feel it.

I looked at him and his eyes was opened wide. He leapt at me.

"Put up a barrier quick! I don't know how."

I saw it coming. Shit, she was right! I shielded us from the attack.

"Great. Now look what you did Nate.....""

I stood up.

"He fulfilled your wish. Got me off my lazy ass. Now show yourself! I'm not scared of you." I saw him pass by a tree.

There was malevolent laughter and he peered from behind a tree.

"Eyes sharp....you could actually see me....fine, you deserve a face-off." Thanks for showing yourself.

I sped behind him and pressed him down on the ground.

"Now.....my siblings were right there and that blast you sent almost hit us. Should I kill you now ?"

He got out of my grip. Can't use much power in this form.

"A worthy opponent. That's why you chose to trespass......" His face was insane and he laughed.

I walked up to him. "You can never defeat me! Xavier! Demi-god of the fores-" I hit him hard on the head. "Shut up. Your voice is annoying."

"Ember! No! He'll kill you! The legends are true then!"

I looked back at them. "Remember Scarlett. I'm not weak."

"How dare you! A measly demi-human! I'll kill you first then all your friends."

I gave him a bruh expression.

"Are you done? Now...." I grabbed one of the swords around Matt's waist and hopped on his neck holding it against his throat.

"My skill is enchantment. This is a special sword. If I decapitate you...you'll actually die. You have a chance to live.Pick your poison."

He trembled in fear.

"Y-you're crazier than I am! I love it....."

I rolled my eyes and dropped the sword. I had put an enchantment on his neck and arms. Never noticed.

"He's no longer a threat. Let's go to sleep. Well I'm going to sleep. You guys can talk to him.

"How did you do that!?"

"Easy...." I yawned and made it look like I spoke in my yawning. "And done."

"I didn't hear a word you said."

"Too bad."

I went in the tent and lay down. I waited for everyone to fall asleep then went outside.

"I know you're there Xavier."

He came out. "You're mean Andrie.....you promised that you will get you back to my parents."

"I know.....I didn't forget. I told you that I'll help you when I get back didn't I?"

He looked at his feet.

"Firstly to clear that craziness from you."

I approached him and touched his head. "Wow....the world looks so much better."

"Because the curse you were banished with is cleared. Now take this."

"A necklace?'

"Once you have this on they can't cast you out. I've already told your mother you'll be arriving."

"W-when did you do that?"

"Just now."

I opened a portal. "When you walk through your mother will be there waiting."

He squeezed me. "Let go you brute....she's waiting you know."

I kicked him through and closed the portal. I shook my head and began walking back to my tent.

"How are you going to explain that one princess?"

"Shit...what you saw there was an illusion."

"I'm not stupid you know. How can you open a portal to the Fallen and Divine realm?"

"A skill of mine."

"That's what you say for everything. I'm not going to believe that. Spill it."

"I don't have to tell anything to you. So what, I'm not as weak as I say I am. You already know that...."

He grabbed me. Uggh!!!! Did he develop a habit of grabbing me!!

"I'll let you go when you tell me how you're able to do that."

"Then better get comfy cause I ain't saying nothing." I stuck out my tongue at him.

"You're so stubborn....."

"I'm not talking to you."

We stood there and he was serious. He isn't letting me go....

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Come on....you just have to tell me."

"Not happening."

"Guess we're staying here all night...."

"Fine by me."

"Even like this?"

He went from holding my arms to holding me in a hug position.

"Let me go!!"

"No. Tell me."


He squeezed me tighter.

"That hurts you idiot! Let me go!"

"No. Not until you tell me."

"Fine. I'll tell you."

"I'm waiting."

"Let me go first."

He narrowed his eyes at me and slowly let me go. I sped off.

"Not so fast."

"Aha! That hurt.....why push me to the ground like that...."He had me pinned on the forest floor.

"The longer you take to tell me the closer I'll get to you."

"What kind of torture method is this!?"

I tried squirming away but it was useless. He's stronger than my physical form. He wasn't lying he actually got closer.

"Stop.....I'm not going to tell you." I glared at him.

He's too close to me. Uggh!!

Just then his lips smashed on mine.

"Yas! Caught you two in the act! Just needed a little push." Scarlett's voice suddenly appeared. My eyes widened and I pushed him off and backed up on a tree.

"You menace! How dare you!" I screamed at her

"You two were all over each other. I was waiting so long to see it, but he wouldn't take the initiative, so I gave a little push." She grinned widely.

How dare she.....how dare she? Why'd she do that....why in the world would she do that....I looked delusional.

"You sure are shy Ember...I'm tell you two now. You can't stay more than 1 foot apart from each other."

"And why should we listen to you!?"

"If you don't I'll let all your friends know. man won't they be in shock."

I grumbled and he glared at her. "You're annoying."

"I know."