
The Climb

Everyone was looking at the two of us and Scarlett was grinning from ear to ear.

"So.....you guys suddenly got close."

We both turned and gave them a murderous glare. "Shut up."

"Don't ask."


They backed away. "Don't you guys just ship those two!? I think they look cute together..." Scarlett told them.

My friends looked at her. "Uh.....I don't think that's gonna work out."

"Yea....those to are complete opposites.Basically incompatible"

"Opposites attract you know..." she said.

"I'll kill that girl.....why was I sent here..."

"It's a test. I'll kill her too when it's over..."

We both smiled sinisterly.

"See what I mean. They are smiling."

"No....they are plotting....."

"Plotting something sinister."

"Yea right...."

I stopped in my tracks.

"What's wrong...."

"Don't you feel that....."


"Get down!"

I pushed him down to ground and a bunch of arrows flew above us. Glad my reflexes are quick. Had time to put up a barrier.

"This part of the woods is booby trapped. Watch your step. Someone really doesn't want us to climb that mountain."

"Traps won't stop me!" She yelled.

"No! Stay there! Don't.....move" She stepped on it already and set off a trap. The both of us were trapped in a net.

"Thanks alot. I'm sure this was mean't for one person."

They all laughed.

"Hug each other! It will be more comfortable."

"Get us down!!!!"

"Nahh....You two can get down yourselves down. Come on guys, let's go."

My siblings were asleep and all of them ran off.

"They aren't serious..." he groaned.

"I think they are."

"I'm going to kill them"

"I'll help you. But first we have to get out of here without changing into our normal forms."

"Sure...but you have many other forms am I right." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me even closer. I grabbed the other side of the net.

"Come on....not now....we're already so clustered.....you're not serious."

"Tell me."


This is so not right. Because of how small the net was, my legs were stuck around his waist and my chest against his. Ugh.

"What do you think you're doing!! Get your hands from there!"

"It's getting smaller! Not my fault!"

He's squeezing my ass!!!!!!" I'd slap you if I could! "

I made a knife appear in my hand and cut the rope. He fell on top of me.

"I feel so violated." My face was blank. "I'm so violated...."

"What? We're out aren't we?"

He doesn't even notice and he's still moving his hands.....

"Umm....Nate....please remove your hands."

"What do you....oh....."

He moved them and stood up.

"So sorry about that....."

I got up and dusted myself. "That was awkward. Now. I'm gonna kill Scarlett."

"I'm with you."

"Here is the plan. We climb from the other side of the mountain and sneak up on them. She hates surprises."

"It's a deal." He said

"If you carry me on your back, I'll tell you one of my secrets. I've exhausted my daily output of energy"

"It's a deal. " He said again

I got on his back and he began running. I fell asleep.

"Sleepy head....wake up. We're here."


"Yup. Now. Let's find a place to wait."

I got off and rubbed my eye.

"You look like a little puppy."

"Shut up.."

"Now, you have to tell me." he said sitting on the ground.

"No....I changed my min-Ah! What are you doing!"

"No one is up here to save you."

His arms were wrapped around my stomach.

"Do what you wish."


"Hey! Hey! No! NO! What kind of assault is this! I'm violated! How dare you!!!! LET ME GO YOU PERVERT!!"


"Fine! Fine! I have very powerful magic that can open gates to realms we aren't allowed! There I told you! Now stop!!" He covered my mouth.

"Do you hear that...."

He seriously expects me to speak with his hands over my mouth.

The ground shook and I heard a roar.

I moved his hand from my mouth.

"Is that what I think it is...."


He pulled me along with him as he backed into a small space where the dragon couldn't see us.


"Orsu.....I warned you about coming into my territory"

The dragons speak in this realm?

"Shh...." I couldn't back up any more than I was. We were banned from using our angel forms or any other form than this one....without showing him some of what I can do. We're stuck here.

"Affirmative....." He replied

"I don't want to fight you sister. I want you to join me. I must devour all!"

"No Orsu! That is the not right! Have you forgotten all the things humans and demi-humans did for us!?"

"It doesn't matter! That may have been the earlier generations, but the ones now are different! Have you forgotten that we were banished to these mountains!? They even come up here to slay us! There are only 100 of us remaining and because of the mother dragon's weak stage we cannot go to the Krodderial Realm!"

"The realm of dragons...Krodderial. Wait.....Zezzyn is dying.....how did that happen."

"You know the dragons?"

"Yes...Zezzyn is the mother of all dragons. I didn't know she even left the dragon realm."

"Hmm....now I wanna torture more answers out of you."

"No...please don't."

"Did you hear that." One of them said.

"Yes. And I smell demi-humans."

We covered each others mouths. The ground shook .

They will kill us in this form! I have no choice.

"Listen to me Nate, you have two choices, I send you to the others, or you get the once in a life time chance to see the sacred realm of Krodderial."

"W-what.....of course I want to come to Krodderial!! That place is ancient! Not even the crystal at school can make a portal to there!"

"Then you must keep this a secret between the two of us. Not even my parents know I have this skill."

"This once."

I took a deep breath and my eyes widened and changed color. My hair grew drastically in length and had special ribbons tied in them. As if my hair wasn't touching my feet already.....

"Amazing. That's so cool. You're eyes are crystal like."

"Now...please don't take this the wrong way. I'm going to give you the power to turn into a dragon kin."

"Dragon kin....isn't that like a demi- dragon. How can you give me that kind of power!? Or even form?!"

"I'll explain things to you later. Again.....don't take this in the wrong way."

Oh boy.....why is this the only way...

"Why is your face red? Are you turning into a!-"

There! It's done! Dumb thing can only be transferred through a deep kiss! It didn't mean anything to me!

His eyes were wide. It worked. He was transforming. His hair actually grew longer.

"Dragon kin form actually suits you. Come on...fix your face."

"Y-you.......I didn't know you liked me as to kiss me goodbye. I'm touched"

I face palmed myself. "You're a dragon kin now you idiot. That's how it is transferred."


I pulled him out and we grew in size. Just in time. Might have broken my neck in that small space.

"Sooo cool."

"Orsu! Omess!" I called out to them

They came toward me.

"Are you crazy!! You did all that just to be granted a death wish!?"

"Two dragon's kin in demi-domain? Who sent you?"

"The elder dragon Quthia and the king, Zummeth has sent my partner and I to heal and retrieve the mother dragon Zezzyn. Then we are to return all dragons of this world to Krodderial."

"How did you know the mother dragon was here?"

"The king, being her elder brother got into communication with her and that used up her strength. So now there is no way she can open a portal."

"We understand. Orsu, do you wish to slaughter those below or return to our home world."

"Any dragon that attacks the ones below will be slaughtered by the two of us. Your choice."

He flinched. "I....I will return to my home world."

"We shall escort you to her now. Hop on"

They lowered themselves. I got on.

"What are you waiting on?"


"I won't eat you! I'm chill..."

He hesitantly got onto Orsu's back.

They took off. Wow...this air is putting me to sleep.

We went straight past the clouds. To the peak of this tall mountain.

My body vibrated. What the...

They landed. There was a vibration in my head making me clench it.

"What the heck!?!"


Then the pain stopped. That was Zezzyn..

My eyes widened a bit and I could see where she was. This form boosts your sped. I ran toward her.

"Oh Andrie.......I'm so glad I get to see you once more....."

"And maybe the next time I visit you."

She was really weak and lying on the floor.

"Why did you exert yourself so much? Why didn't your to get into contact with me when the mortals injured you!?"

I went up to her. "Your scales are fading...."

"I know.....soon I will no longer be the mother of dragons...." I chuckled. "Yes old friend....laugh at my failure." She sighed.

"Your memory seems to also be fading...have you forgotten who I am?"

"Oh yes...great Goddess.....thank you.....I couldn't ask for anything more than to be healed by your hand. What an honor."

I sealed off the area. If anyone sees this....especially that annoyance. I'll be in trouble.

Nate's P.O.V

She suddenly ran off. We went after her. "S-she knows the queen....." Orsu said.

We eaves-dropped on their conversation. She really knows the queen of all dragons. This just makes me even more attracted to her. I want to know her secrets.....she has so much.

The talking stopped and we could no longer hear or see them. What the...."

I turned around and the two of them gave me a scare.

"What the heck!"

"Tell us, who are you. She's a healer and you are?"

"Her partner."

"You're of a strange type of dragon's kin....never sensed such power before. You even smell like the girl."


"Has anything in Krodderial changed over the years?'

Oh no.....I don't know anything about this....Andrie where are you!!!!

"What's wrong with you?" She suddenly put her hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"You're quite jumpy today....."

I sighed. "So what's the plan now."

"Their quest is to kill all the dragons and take two scales from each. My plan is, that to enter the dragon realm, you have to give me two scales each."

"Smart idea. But where are all the other dragons?"

"She's calling them."

A big bag appeared in my hand. Make that two. She opened a huge portal. That will never get old.....

"Omess? Orsu? Are you ready?"


"Give me two scales each then you can enter."

"Anything for you great healer. You healed our queen. We are forever grateful.'

They left.

"Four down. 96 to go..."

"You sure are something Andrie..."

All of a sudden, a swarm of dragons came toward us. The queen I presume was behind Andrie.

She didn't even have to say anything, they gave me the scales and entered through the portal.

That happened quicker than I expected.

"Thank you so much Andrie. I'm forever in your dept."

"Yea.....sure...just give two scales and pass through.....I'm sleepy....."

She smiled at her. "Typical daughter of th-"

She stopped her from talking and pulled me through the portal with her. Whoa.......

I'm amazed. This place is awesome......

"Time in this realm and the demi one are different. 1 minute here is half hour over there. So we have like 48 minutes here.....then we have to go back. Because in approximately one day, they'll reach the top of the mountain."

"Sounds legit."

"Now.....you have to treat me to food......I'm hungry...."

"I don't have money here you know..."

"I was just kidding...I get everything for free."

She lazily walked around. Here is filled with exciting stuff! I don't ever wanna leave....so many dragons and the air is so clean!

"We can eat here."

"The food looks weird...."

"You're a dragon's kin right now so it will taste like normal food."

"Makes sense."

We walked in and the place was filled with others who looked similar. Huh. Why are they bowing.

"Welcome elite warriors...anything on the menu, you may have."

She led us to an area separate from the others. Being around this lazy chic has perks. Alot of perks.

"Bring us one of everything on the menu...." she said.


"So tell me Andrie. What's your plan?"

"What do you mean....."

"What are you going to say to them when we get back? They are going to ask questions you know."

"I'm skilled in illusion magic. I'll make an illusion of dead dragons and blood. Simple and easy."

"Of course you had a plan."

"Your food." The waiter returned.

"Wow....that's alot of food."

"Not really...I've not eaten in over a week. I'm really hungry."

"How are you not dead."

"Not going to tell you."

"Another thing I have to force out of you."

She narrowed her eyes at me. Suddenly there was alot of noise then the curtains were pulled and in entered four.

"What an honor for you to pay a visit to our world Andrie." He bowed down to her. "You have once again saved our world and we are once more in your dept."

She looked like she didn't care. "King Zummeth, as a friend of mine, why do you bow? You know I hate when people are overly formal to me. And it's strange that you're in this form."

"Come, follow us. We will throw a banquet in your honor. "

So popular....why isn't she moving.

"Aren't you coming?"

"You should know me better than that.......I've exhausted my daily output twice already.....I'm not moving."

They didn't know what to do. What a lazy and spoiled brat.......

"Come on. We're going."

"Make me."

I face palmed myself and threw her over my back.

"If you put me down....I'm staying right there you know."

"Whatever....let's go."

They were in a bit of shock but still led the way. I enjoyed the scenery and she refused to get off my back even when we arrived at the palace. She didn't even eat anything.

"Are you sure you're not hungry...?"

"Yes...I'm not hungry.....for food at least...I'm hungry for my bed...."


"Anyways, it's time to go back."


"Yes. They are almost there."

"How would you know....."

'We've been here for an hour."


"I'm off....when I feel like...., I might visit again."

"We await your next visit."

She opened a portal and I went through.

"Change back to your demi-human form."

I did as she asked. This demi form is so weak.....

She came down and placed her hands on the floor and the illusions of blood, scattered dragon body parts and many dead dragon bodies.

"Revolting...." I gagged at the stench.

"Looks and feels real too. Now we gotta wait."

I sat on the floor and pulled a leg to my chest resting my head on my knee.

She looked at me making me throw my head back. "What happened to you.....you look like a demon."

"One favor...."

"W-what is that....."

She moved my hand and rest her head on my leg. The fudge...

"Much better....wake me when they get here."

Again.....typical lazy attitude. What else could she have mean't by that.

2 hours later

Where the heck are they.....we've been here for 2 hours....I'm so bored and she's enjoying sleep.

I looked at her. Hmm....she really likes sleeping, she looks so peaceful.....but I have a feeling she doesn't do it fully by choice. Out of all the people I've met in my life span.....never have I met someone with so many secrets and abilities. She must be good at everything. She opened her eyes and rose up.

"They are here."

All of them came panting as they drew closer.

Their eyes widened when they saw us.

"What! How did you two get up here!!!?"

'Easy, climbed."

"It took us and entire day and a half!"

"Too bad for you." They looked around.

"Y-you slaughtered all the dragons......by yourselves!??"

"All 100 of them."

"Impossible! We were supposed to only kill fifty and one dragon is already a hassle."

I threw the bag of scales at them. "We all could have been here sooner if you didn't abandon us at the foot of the mountain."


"Sis!!!" They jumped on her.

"I forgive you two because you were sleeping."

"Would you believe they slept the entire way..."

"Yea....don't you know we share traits? Just instead of lazy, energized.....if they run low on energy...which is a rare occurrence. They can sleep for up to a week. Me too if you guys don't keep waking me up.

We all laughed. She had the two of them on her shoulders.

"I'm off now. I'll leave you all to come back down by yourselves. And might I add, today is the day when all the monsters down below come out of hibernation."

Say what...I'm following her.

"W-what.....what monsters!?"

"Scarlett.....Matt, you tell them. You are the bravest am I right."

"No! Wait for us!!! You two are the strongest here!! We will be killed!'

She shrugged.

"And that net could have killed the both of us because it was a death trap. Shrinks and emits a poison from it after a while. Then another thing...you had my baby siblings with you. You should have left them on the floor below us. If anything had happened to them I swear I would have hurt you."

She actually looks angry....

She jumped down the mountain. I went with her and we flew threw a portal.

"That was awesome.....but where are we...."

"Back in the sky realm, so don't touch me. I'm back to being in an angel form."

"What's wrong?"


"You're not acting like your usual self."

She spun and looked at me. There was no sleepy expression at all. Her eyes were bright and her face casual. She almost looks like a real princess. Her two siblings fell asleep though.

"Nothing. My usual self may be of a lazy decent. I might have my eyes closed half the time, but I'll let you know...it has a reason behind it. I'm not as lazy as I portray myself. If you knew me by now you would know what a good actress I am and how good I can disguise my stats."

I knew it...my suspicions were right.

"Where are you going now Andrie..."

"To sleep of course."

"Say what...." She went back to her normal self. Bruh....

We headed our separate ways.

I lay on my bed thinking about the two times we kissed during that quest. Man was it a dream......if that's the way she shares all her skills...I should get us in those kinds of situations more often.

Oh what a good demon I am.....

The room feels different being so empty. I kinda miss being around her and pestering her. Her reactions are priceless and adorable. The closer I get to her.....the more I'll know. That girl doesn't act like an angel half the time. Not even I know how to disguise my stats. But I can read them. When she was sleeping, the barrier for some reason wasn't up. Although I couldn't tell what her angel stats were, her demi-human stats are so powerful....if she wanted, she could have gotten us out of that net alot faster....wonder why she didn't do it. And why did she get angry at her friends.....