
Chapter 6

Andrie's P.O.V

I held my head as I looked at my two sibling laying their heads on my lap. I pet their heads. "You two pip squeaks....do you know how worried I was? What if I had lost you. You're irreplaceable."

I'm not even tired. My stats may say I'm always sleepy and lazy. I'm actually not. I sleep for a reason and the laziness is just an addition to the act. What an annoyance that Nate is....for the entire quest he kept touching me. Can't keep his hands to himself!

Can't say I hated it though.

I woke them up."Are you two ready to go back to mom?"

"No....please don't send us back.."

"Keep us a bit longer. We rarely see you anymore Andrie...."

"Fine....but don't go telling mommy now." I poked their noses.

"We won't!"

"Do you want to go the beach?"


I made them each little swimsuits and brought a two piece for myself. I brought along sun screen and water items.

"Which beach are we going to?"

"The hollow, the shadow sea, Azure Oceans or Celestial Springs?"

"We wanna go to Azure!!"

"Of course you do..."


"Yes Annie?"

"Can we bring your boyfriend along. He's all alone...."

"Boyfriend!? Where did you get that idea!!!!? I don't have a boyfriend!" What kind of random kid is this! How out of place she is!

"Then your friend. Can we bring him along."


"Pretty please sis!"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine....." I made a portal to his dorm.

"They asked me to bring you along to the beach. If you don't want to you don't have to."

"Sure.....I'll come." You could have said no.....

I opened a portal to Azure. "Then let's go."

"Oh right now?"


I let the two of them go first and followed after them. "Wow. I've heard of Azure Oceans but never went."

"That's sad dude....." I shook my head and looked over at him.

"We wanna go in the water!"

"You can't swim.....and I don't wanna go in the water right now. You two can...build a sand castle of something. Here are your beach toys."


They grabbed them and went on to making whatever..

Using my powers I changed into my swim suit and put on shades. I placed down a beach towel, stretched and lay down. "This is the life...." I yawned.

"You're so lazy...."

"I know..."

I got a solid five minutes of relaxation.

"Sis....can you help us swim please..."

"Please Andrie....we want to swim and play in the water."

I smiled. I did want to bring them. I took off the shades. "Fine. But put on the floaties."

I helped them put it on and they grabbed my hand and ran toward the water.

"Me first!"

"No! Me!"

"Why don't one of you ask Nate for help. He's right over there. You're the ones who begged me to bring him....."

Ash went over.

"Sis is the best teacher ever."

"Am I? Come on. Move your feet with a bit more force."


"See, you're getting better already."

I looked over at them. The heck! Where did those surf boards come from!?

"What are you teaching my brother!?"

"How to surf.....duhh"

"This is so fun!!!"

"Andrie...can we do something cool too?"

"Of course...craft enchant..." I made a jet-ski.

I hoped on and helped her on also. "Let's go sis!"


Their jaws dropped.

"This is way cooler than your tricks Ashie!!!" Annie stuck out her tongue at him.

"No fair!!!! I want to ride on the jet-ski!!"

I gave it to them and got a flying inflatable boat instead.

"Ready Ann?"


"Here we go!"

"No way......still not fair! We want one too!"

I gave one to them. "Have fun!"

"No! Let's have a face off! Winner gets named best swimming instructor!"

"Okay dare devil, you're on!" I made obstacles appear in the water. "Get past these and make it back here to be named the winner!!" We both got ready. I made sure Annie was holding on tight. I made a whistle blow and we were off.

I swerved around the first set of obstacles and made the boat go into the air to get over the tall one.

In the end of it, I won. Why? Nate and Ash crashed into one of the obstacles. How? I do not know...it wasn't that hard to get over.

That was alot of fun I had to admit but I have to send them home now...

I opened a portal and pushed Nate through. "Your friends will be back soon." I lied.

"You two have to go back to the Divine Realm"


We got changed and I opened the portal. "Ready?"


I took their hands and pulled them in. Been a while since I've come here...

Many looked at me as if they saw a ghost.

"Andrie!!!!!!!" Someone squealed and jumped on my back. "Oh how I've missed you!!!"

"Hey Avriel....long time no see....."

"I didn't see you last Autumn! What happened!?" Of course. Expected from the Goddess of Autumn.

"Odehena..."I knew she was approaching me.

She put all her weight on me. "My most favorite person of all time.....the only one who understands the true properties and importance of sleep..." Well said by the Goddess of sleep.


Oh dear.....

Ash and Annie ran off.

"Nydea.......Rilana. What now.."

They pushed the other two away. "Don't be such a buzz kill Andrie! You're the only one here who can keep up with our aggressive ways!" They slapped my back. I hit them both in the head.

"Not today..."

"Our idol....." They enjoyed the pain. Creeps....

"Isn't it my lovely future wife Andrie."

"Oh...Rhix...I don't like you. Not in the slightest.."

"I'm the God of destiny, and I say we are destined to be-" he began.

"Far away from each other." I pushed him off of me.

"You won't push me away now would you!?"

"Yes I would...you're just as annoying as Rhix, Uaos...."

"No! I'm Chaos and mayhem! He's...mushy destiny."

"You better take that back! Andrie is mine!" Rhix raised his voice pushing him

"She's mine!" Uaos yelled and pushed him back.

"You're both wrong! She's mine!"

"Shut up Vedius! Go back to counting your stars!"

"Why you...!"

The three began fighting. Oh jeez....

"Andrie my darling! It's been so long!!!" She squeezed me.

"Aunt Atheria. I have to ask you something. My entire aura changed and everyone got quiet and looked at me."

"What is it dear?"

"Do you know of the arch angel Arcadious."

"It so happens that he is one of my angels. Why?"

"Two weeks ago......did anything go missing?"

"What are you talking about."

I made a mini portal and grabbed her crystal from the Fallen realm.

"Does this remind you of anything? Because if I remember clearly auntie.....a God's reader crystal is supposed to be with them at all times."

"How did you get that!? That was in my Flame barrier surrounded by guards!

"I took it from Arcadious and a demon named Alexia."

"Give it back." She demanded.

"No. Not until I'm sure you didn't have anything to do with this because my friends and everyone in the sky realm were in danger because of this. Tell me aunt. Did you have anything to do with their scandal?"

"No! I swear."

I could tell she wasn't lying or using any magic at all to disguise the truth, so she isn't lying.

"Talk to that Arcadious of yours. If you don't know the demon lord Alexia.....she's right below the dark God Damien. So keep that in mind next time you leave it carelessly."

"You're always so mean to me....I'm your aunt....."

"Ehh.....where's my mom..."

"Right here. And I saw that young lady." I smiled widely. "Stop right there..."

"Oh mother, don't you love your daughter" I hugged her tightly. Haven't seen her in so long and that's the introduction. Heh...

"Gotta split." I opened a portal under me. "Peace out." I grinned at the three boys. "My boyfriend sure wouldn't like me hanging around you three" I lied. Their expressions were priceless.

"Get back here Andrie!!!! Tell us who he is! I'll personally kill him!"

"No I will!"

"Not if I do it first!"

I closed the portal and rushed to my room. All the boys around me are doomed.....or dear. Why did I have to go say that in front of those psychos!!!!

I lay on my bed for hours looking at the ceiling.

"Andrie! How dare you leave us behind!"

I flew up. "Phew...it's just you three. You guys look like wrecks...I didn't even regonize your voices..."

"Cause we were attacked!"

I shrugged and fell asleep. I actually woke up before everyone and went to the class room after getting ready. I can't sleep....That's strange. After a while everyone filtered in.

"Strange. And surprising. Andrie is here first."Brooke said to me.

"Shut up."

"Hello students! Big announcement. We have some new students. Both angels and devils."

Oh no....

I saw five of them enter and three devils I happen to know...

All those 'angels' looked at me. How dare they. Two Goddesses of destruction and three God's who are obsessed with me. My jaw was dropped.

I slid under my desk.

"No, no Andrie my idol...."

"Nydea...Rilana...what in the world are you two doing here!? And why did you bring those three idiots along?"

"They were coming and we wanted to come too!!!"

I put my head on the table. I glanced at them and they had grins on their faces. Uggh.

"Causing more problems Andrie.... Shocked that you aren't sleeping in class today..."

I glared at him. "I forgot you are our teacher. I'm out."

I stood up and put my hands behind me head.

"Oh no you don't...you have to answer our questions first"

"How about....no."

I shook them off but they pulled me back and sat me down. "Finally! Someone who is actually stopping her rudeness." Jabril said.

"Shut up you old fart...no one wants to hear you. Especially not me."

"Why you little!"

Those aren't....oh no...what are those demons looking at! Why are they here!? I mistook them for devils! How did demon disguise themselves so well!?

"Hey twerp....." The demon I know as Harley said to me.

"That tongue of yours is still as hot as ever sugar." Cassidy winked at me. Uggh....

I can feel the tension in the air. I crossed my hands over my chest.

The demon teacher spoke. "Now that we have 16 students we can send you on a quest to become D class Arch angels."

I stood up. "Not interested."

They pulled me back down.

"All of you here will go through the test of saving mortals from the danger of a demon lord."

"And you devils have the choice. Make it hard for the angels to do so or even tag along to maybe laugh at their failures."

"Boring.." Uaos yawned.

"Oh you want something harder."

"Throw it at us." Why are these boys so annoying.

"I'll give you a SSS+ quest then. The world, Lustrecia, has been over taken by three demon lords under the control of the dark God, Minnie. Stupid name for a Dark God....I know..but she is very dangerous. If you are unable to complete the quest forfeit before you seriously hurt yourself or even die.

My body froze. "So she's in the world Lustrecia...nice to know." I mumbled.

"So you're going then Andrie?"

"Happens to be so...."

Everyone was looking at me. "She's actually is going somewhere willingly!"

I skimmed thorough my book. Hmm....well what do you know. Defeating a demon lord rewards me 50 points, if I loose to the demon lord Nate will get 100. Sounds good to me.....as if I would loose.

"Let's go. One thing to know about that God.....she doesn't stay in one place for long." I informed them.

Rilana pulled me closer to her. "How would you know." She asked in a whisper.

"Because....we have some unfinished business. When I find her I'm going to kill her."

"Ha! You!? Kill a God!? How hilar-" Tom began. I knocked him out and walked out the class. Jabril opened a portal to the world. "If you're going, better go now....."

I walked through and they filtered into the world. I made it so that everyone was in human form. We have to work with humans afterall.....

I stretched. "Well, Nate. Beat me to group. Let's see if you will get them to back down." I grinned and ran off in the direction I sensed the mortals we were to assist.

"Oh no you don't!" He came after me. Finally away from those nosy angels.

I stopped. "Finally...I caught up to you."

"I'll let you know now, those three dudes who entered class.....want you dead."


"Don't ask why, just stay away form them and don't touch me at all.....like seriously, don't even look my direction"

"I understand."

I saw Callahan, one of the humans who was on the team going against the foes. "Hey."

He turned and looked at me. Pervert. "Well hello there...."

The rest of them caught up to us. The three annoyances came in front of me.

"What's it to ya." Vedius said

"Yea.....how dare you look at her like that." Rhix crossed his arms and glared at him

"You looking for death bro." Uaos went up in his face letting off a murderous vibe.

I punched the three of them. "Shut up. Callahan right? We all will be joining you and your team on the quest."

"It's an S class quest. Think you have what it got to help us?" Another one of the humans came up to me.

They think it's an S class quest....that's why we have to help them....they would have been killed.

Another one came up to me. "We're the best of the best. They wouldn't have been sending only the five of us if we weren't powerful."

I read their stats and shook my head. I looked at the five at them and pointed to one of the humans, Mimi. "You.....have the ability to read stats." I set my friends and partners out in a straight line. "Start with me. Read my stats and keep going down the line. If we aren't capable.....then we will leave." I'm being fueled by anger....

"Sure thing...but better have the stats to back up your mouth." She smirked.

A small magic circle appeared around her eye. "Let's see....holy mother of...." She fell to the ground. "I'll take that as a yes. Come on, let's go."

"Typical Andrie." Nydea shook her head.

"Well, if you're coming, you need weapons." Callahan said.

"We all can wield magic. Yea, all sixteen of us if that's what you were wondering."


"Call us the guardians. The king has assigned me as the captain of your little team here and I decided to bring my friends along. I'll let you know now, your father, the king himself sent me because he knew that this is not an S but an SSS+ quest. If you had gone alone you would have instantly been killed." I lied about being sent by his father and the whole guardians thing.

"My father sent you..." Callahan said looking disappointed

"Yes." I replied.

"Why would he do something like that! Has he no fate in-"

"Stop right there. Before you go criticizing your father's choice. It's not that he has no fate in you. Answer this question. What are you going up against."

"An S class demon."

'Is that all you know? Well, you're going up against three SS demon lords and the dark God whose name is very stupid."

They backed up. "Let's go. Once I'm there, I'll make sure you don't die."

He looked hurt. I pat his back hard. "Don't worry, I won't intervene unless you're suffering." That enlightened him a little. "Now, lead the way." I smiled.

"You never smile at us...." The three of them said.

"Are you puppies jealous..." I teased.

"Very much so...."What's funny is how Nate was trying to figure out the reason I said that to him.

We began our adventure.

The three if them surrounded me again bringing me to a stop.

"So which one here is your so called boyfriend..."

"Not telling you. And again, I will never tell you because, one, you'll try to kill him and then again....I don't like any of you! Now leave me alone!!!!!"

"Don't be like that Andrie!" Vedius said.

"Yea! You know you love us...." the other two added.

"I'll kill you." I seethed.

They backed away. We continued walking for hours... the air got thick and I stopped them.

"Stop right here." I made a light barrier to stop everyone in their tracks.

"Don't breath the air! You'll die!" I can breath the air along with the other demons, but this impure air will injure or even kill an angel....