Sia will only love you

To make sure she is not seeing things, Sia decided to take a look from near, so she goes towards the waiter. Vishnu also see her and froze at his place.

" need to compensate me" That woman is still talking.

"compensate you for what? your dress is not even so much costly, we can get it in some hundred bucks on the road" Sia said, she looks at the burn on Vishnu's hand, which is happened due to the coffee. She knows how introverted this man is, he will never fight for himself.

"You... why are to taking the waiter's side, and you know he spill the coffee on me, such bastard..."

"You mind your language, this waiter is my man, and no one can scold him, and even if he spills the coffee, he also gets injured, don't you have basic humanity," Sia said in a louder voice than the woman, the restaurant owner comes there, and he pushes, Sia and Vishnu from there.

The owner started to apologize to the woman. That woman again say some bad words to Sia and Vishnu, Sia also wanted to fight, but Vishnu stopped her.

"You are fired Mr. Vishnu, please get out," The restaurant owner tells Vishnu, Sia wanted to fight, but Vishnu said okay and drags Sia with him.

"What is happening? don't you tell me you get a role in a movie?" Sia can't help but question.

"The director replaces me" Vishnu said.

"Then still why are you working in a coffee shop?" Sia can't help but a question. On which Vishnu doesn't answer.

"Said something," Sia said looking into Vishnu's eyes.

"I wanted to gift you a new phone on your birthday," Vishnu said. On which Sia realized that her birthday is in this month, she is the one who complains about her phone and also tells Vishnu about how her friend's husband gives a costly gift to their wives. Now she is feeling guilty.

If she won't have a conversation with Loki, she might never think how blessed she has to have a husband like Vishnu.

"Let's go home," Sia said and dragged him back, to be honest, her good mood gets affected. After coming home, she drags him to the bed and started to apply some ointment on his scars.

"I am sorry I disappoint you," Vishnu said while looking at her, he is feeling bad. He is trying hard, but not able to get a job, he is not able to graduate due to his circumstance, so getting a job is quite difficult, he can't even afford a phone for his wife.

Sia looks towards her husband, he is someone who doesn't let her work in her periods, he gives every penny of his salary to her, he is someone who no matter how busy he Is, runs errands for her and her parents. He is always ready to help and always behind for taking credit, many people take advantage of him, but he is still kind.

"And how you are gonna compensate me?" Sia questions.

"I will cook dinner," Vishnu said while standing up.

"Sit down" Sia drag him, and give a peck on his cheek.

"I don't want a phone, having you in my life, is the best gift I can have, I love you hubby," Sia said while kissing his jawline. Vishnu feels surprised, from previous days they are fighting, mostly due to work stress and money.

"Take this, for now, add the extra money, I will return the money next month," Vishnu said while taking money from his pocket. He is saving this for Sia's gift, but now he doesn't have a job and her birthday is in two days, he doesn't know how he is going to manage the gift.

"Are you still angry with me?' Sia can't help but question him.

"No, I think you will get angry at me for being such good for nothing," Vishnu said.

"no, you are not, you are my baby," Sia said, and kiss him, Vishnu also responded, God, knows how many days passed since they have had this type of pleasant conversation.

"I will cook the dinner," Sia said while breaking the kiss. If she is not hungry, she might kiss him, but Vishnu hugs her, he is not willing to leave her.

"Hubby.." Sia said in a small voice.

"Only five minutes, let me hug you for five minutes," Vishnu said. Sia let him hug her, this man is soo...

After five minutes Visnu lets her go, then both of them cook together, the food is so-so as both of them are mature, but they have a good time together. Then they both eat the food and do the work of cleaning the table and washing dishes.

After completing it, Vishu and Sia sit together.

Sia can't help but complain about the office and its politics.

"You know what, I wanted to beat that bitch and beat my bastard boss," Sia said while acting like she is going to punch someone.

"So you don't like your boss?" Vishnu can't help but question.

"In the start of my job, indeed I respect him, but later things change, once upon a time, I wanted to be like this, but now.... no way. I will not be like him, never" Sia said with disgust.

"Oh... previously I thought you have feeling for him," Vishnu said in a little voice but Sia hear it.

"Hey, I only have feelings for you okay? Sia will only love Vishnu and..." Before Sia can't complete her sentence as Vishnu kisses her, while they are kissing, Sia feels his tears on her face.

"Sia, do I tell you something?" Vishnu questions while freeing Sia from his arms, on which Sia nodded.

"Today I am too stressed, after the incident of that girl, that actor is pressurizing others to not give me any role, I feel like I am a failure, while the woman in the restaurant, is scolding me, there are many thoughts in my mind which telling me to end my" Vishnu tell her in very little voice. 

  Sia froze after listening to this, she knows exactly what happens. Some days ago, one famous actor named, Vikram, is trying to force a girl, it is Vishnu who saves her, but the girl instead of saying thank you accuse Vishnu later.

Thankfully with that security camera truth come out, but Vikram feel insulted due to that, there are also some opinions about him in the industry, later they act like it is a stunt, and nothing happened. But After that, the work Vishnu gets started to reduce. 

    "How can you think like this, if you died what will happen to me? You are my life, my world, what can I do if something happens to you" Sia said and start crying Vishnu also cry with her, they both hug each other. 

     Sia remembers the message sent by Visnu that he is not coming, if Loki doesn't help her and gives her address, she doesn't know what happen with her love. She wipes her tears and says thank you to Loki. And this way they both fall asleep while crying.