Ways to earn money

Sia reach at home in some minutes, and then quickly freshen up. Then she quickly make some tea for herself, and find the most beautiful pen she has, and writes down her question about how to earn money on which various information appears in front of him.

"Write down your specific problem" Loki can't help but tell her.

"Oh sorry," Sia also realized her mistake and decided to ask her question again, she then see the question in the book with all those answers disappear.

"See, All I want from the job or I can say the way of earning money, is to have the flexibility of time and also I get a good amount of pay" Sia at this stage realizes that she is too confused about her goals, she is not clear about anything.

After thinking about it for a while she finally know what she wanted to do, at least what she wanted to do right now.

"See, right now I wanted to focus on my physical health, and also my relationship with Vishnu, so I want a job, which can pay me a good amount of money, with working less hours, and also I want the flexibility to work from home, so overall I want to do to freelance work, which can help me earn good amount of money in a short period" After Sia write it down, she sees a long list appears in front of her.

There are some things she knew for a long time on this list, but some are new. After some thought, Sia shortlisted some of them.

1. Make an online course

2. Start a blog

3. Start writing on different websites, which can help you earn.

4. Become a content writer

5. Start a Youtube channel

6. Grow an Instagram profile

7. Email marketing

8. Build a website for business

9. Start your e-commerce store

10. Launching a podcast

11. Selling digital products.

12. Become a freelancer. It includes bookkeeping, editing, proofreading.

13. Become is a virtual assistant.

14. Trading in share market

This is the list, which Sia can try, she has writing abilities, she understands that, even though writing is a gift, and some people can write effortlessly, but it is also a skill which we can sharpen by our efforts. Talking about virtual assistants, she is not sure but there is no harm in trying. And talking about Instagram and networking, she knows some things about this but is not sure.

She also think about becoming a YouTuber, a long ago. So she also can try this. She can also work as a freelancer, as she knows how to edit and has command of English Hindi and Marathi languages. she decided to think about this and decided on three things on which she will focus.

She decided to read more about this, but that time she get disturbed by the knock on the door. She check the time and realized that it has been nearly 11.50 PM, she is too engrossed in her research that she forgot about the time. She hears Vishnu's voice and quickly opens the door.

"Hey, why so late?" Sia can't help but question him. She doesn't even hear the sound of his bike, often Vishnu when comes downstairs he give a horn so that Sia can guess he is downstairs. But today she doesn't listen to it, maybe she is focused on her reading.

"Oh sorry, I meet a friend after a long time so we ended up talking for a long time," Vishnu said while coming inside, he has a box in his hands.

"What is it?" Sia can't help but question.

"oh, that friend has extra books so I bought them with me, you like reading right?" Vishnu questions while putting the box on the little table they have. Sia doesn't think it has books, as it looks quite light, but she wanted to tell him about her idea so she decided to talk about this later.

"I am too tired today," Vishnu said while sitting on the sofa. Sia realized that he is working all day, and quickly go inside the kitchen and pour water for him.

"Do you eat dinner or should I cook something for you?" Sia questions, she also realized that she doesn't eat anything after coming back.

"Yes, I have, What about you? I think you are doing your work, do you eat?' Vishnu questions while frowning, his wife often skips her meal, due to work, and end up eating unhealthy.

"I don't, but listen, I wanted to tell you something," Sia said while sitting near Vishnu.

"First you listen," Vishnu said while pulling a chocolate from his pocket, And he stuffs it into her mouth. This is her favorite chocolate, Then Vishnu looks towards the clock, and kisses Sia on the forehead.

"Happy birthday Sia. I love you a lot," Vishnu says while kissing the cheeks of the surprised Sia.

Sia suddenly realized that she is too busy with her work, that she had even forgotten her birthday.

"Thank you" Sia can't help but say with a big grin.

"Now it is time for a gift, and also time to cut the cake," Vishnu said while standing up.

"So that box must have cake" Sia guessed, and she also quickly stand up, she is too eager to watch her cake, but when she opened the box she gets somewhat disappointed. Because the cake is too ugly to call a cake.