
"Sorry, I don't have enough money for the cake, so I bake it at a friend's place. even though it is not looking good, it is really tasty" Vishnu said while scraching his head. if Sia is the previous Sia, she might feel very bad, that Vishnu don't even have money for her cake, but now she know, that her Vishnu is the best gift she ever get, so all her unhappiness go away.

"You know, none of my friends' husbands or boyfriend ever bake a cake for them, so I am feeling too lucky," Sia said while hugging Vishnu. Then they cut the cake and feed each other.

"This is your gift," Vishnu said, and give the box to her. Sia look at the box in her hand, it is wrapped with gift paper.

"What is it?' Sia can't help but feel excited.

"Open it," Vishnu said with a gentle smile. Sia tore the paper, and realized that it is the mobile phone which she wanted for a long time.

"Wow, thank you," Sia said with a big smile, she is too eager to use this, but then she suddenly realized that Vishnu don't have a job, then how he managed to bring her a phone.

"But wait, form where you got the money?" Sia can't help but question him.

"I have my ways, now, let me cook something for you," Vishnu said, Sia realized that Vishnu is not walking properly. She also remembers that she didn't hear the horn of his bike, and then some thoughts appears in her mind.

"Vishnu give me the keys of your bike, I wanted to go on a night ride" Vishnu after listening to this stumble for a minute.

"Sia, my friend take my bike for some days, he has exams so he needs it" Vishnu replied.

"Really? "Sia said while looking in his eyes. Vishnu tries to not look into her eyes.

"Tell me the truth," Sia demanded. But Vishnu decided to act like he don't know anything. Sia finds her phone and quickly call Vishnu's best friend. After confirming her guess, she doesn't know what to say.

"So you sell your bike for my gift?" Sia can't help but question him. She knows the importance of this bike for him. It is the first bike he ever has, or can say his first possession. This bike is in his life for a long time, even more longer than her. She can't help but start to cry. She is feeling guilty for asking for such a big gift from him.

"Sia don't cry, the bike is too old, so I don't need it" Vishnu now wanted to beat his friend, who open his mouth and tell Sia the truth. He is feeling little sad, that he can't even afford a new cellphone for his wife. And now he even make her cry on her birthday.

"You are on a idiot," Sia said while punching on his chest.

"Okay, I am, but please calm down," Vishnu said while trying to hug her.

"I don't want this phone, I want your bike," Sia said between her tears.

"Sia..."Vishnu doesn't know what to say now.

"You now tell me the truth, do you come home by walking right?" Sia questions.

"No, Sameer give me the lift, he drop me near the corner," Vishnu said.

"Then why are you having difficulties while walking?" Sia questions. On which Vishnu don't reply.

"If you lie or hide something from me, I will hate you" Sia threaten him.,

"They need a stuntman to do a difficult scene, and the pay is good, so while doing that..." Vishnu now knows that Sia is going to be angry with him, she strictly tell him not to do anything which will harm him, but what can he do, he is not getting any job, and he needs money for her birthday.

"You... Show me your wound" Sia said, and she put the phone on the table and quickly run to bring the medicine box they have.

"They already treated it, don't worry,,," Vishnu tells her. But Sia forces him to show his wound. When Sia sees the wound, she wanted to kill herself by asking for the phone, the wound is too much, she don't know how Vishnu can endure that pain, and even be able to make a cake for her, thankfully the wound is treated.

"Why you are like this?" Sia now having difficulties taking a breath, she is too sad now.

"Sia don't be like this, I just wanted to make you happy, but I am sorry I disappoint you" Vishnu feel panicked. He doesn't know why they ended up like this. He is doing hard work, and Sia too, still they struggle for money. He help that girl with a good heart, but eventually, it is him who gets in trouble and even make Sia's life more troublesome.

While he is in his thought he suddenly get hugged.

"You don't disappoint me, actually you make me proud, just for my smile you endanger your life, I am too lucky to have you" Sia whispers in Vishnu's ear. Thankfully Loki tells her that Vishnu has negative thoughts in his mind.

She can't handle this situation like she do previously, her Vishnu is too good but full of insecurity. She decided not to trigger him.