
Vishnu who is ready for scolding gets surprised due to Sia's word.

"Sia...." Vishnu doesn't know what to say any further.

"why you are so good with me? where I am so bad" Sia can't help but say, she remember who she often fights with him, and how badly she treated him.

"You are not and, you are the kindest person I ever see," Vishnu said while holding Sia in his arms, he help her to get in a comfortable position.

"me and kind?' Sia can't help but mock herself.

"You know Sia, from childhood, I only see pity and disgust from other people's eyes. in orphanage I always think that someone will come and adopt me and give me a complete family, but no one dare, they look at face and consider that I must be the child of some home wrecker, or might be the child of a rapist or come in this owner due to unspoken reason.

I don't have many friends when I am a child, and when I grow up, I get some friends, but none of them consider my feelings very much, I am also not able to express myself in front of them.

Some girls often show interest in me, but many of them give up after knowing that I am an orphan and financially struggling. And those few who show interest in me never treated me with respect, but often as an object.

But are too different, you treated me like I am really valuable...I am worthy.." Vishnu wanted to say more, but Sia bite him on the neck.

"I treated you like that because you are worthy, You don't understand hubby but you are too valuable to me," Sia said while taking his hands in her hand and kissing them.

Sia doesn't know about his past, but she knows that he suffer a lot, today is the first time he talk so long about his past, even though it is quite short, she can understand that her Vishnu suffers too much.

"I love you, Sia. Please never leave me" Vishnu said to her, this is the first time he show his this side to her. Sia remembers while she is convincing her parents, and her parents find a boy who is rich and quite handsome, it is Vishnu who tells her to marry that boy.

Sia remembers that she fight with Vishnu due to this and call him that he is a coward. She remembers that day, she sit on the road and create drama, then as always, Vishnu ended up saying sorry. And convincing her, to go home. She remembers how relaxed he looks, even after her drama, so he is worried that she might leave him for a good future. But he still wanted her to let her go because he wanted to see her happy.

That day after dropping her home, he said thank you to her, and even promise her to be the best husband in the world, and he make his words true.

"I also love you so much," Sia said while kissing him on his jawline.

"hmm. but you are going to return this phone tomorrow and going to bring your bike back" Sia then said while looking at him.

"But it is your gift" Vishnu protested.

"You are the best gift I ever have" Sia replied with a gentle smile.


"no arguments, you are going to return it, and if you wanted to make me happy, then make love to me. The way which I will never forget." Sia said while winking at him. They both are too engrossed in their life that they often don't get the chance to make love, and even if they get time, it is often rushed.

She remembers how passionate her husband is about this, and how she refuses to him, whenever she is tired, but thankfully her husband is loyal and never cheated on her, and doesn't even quarrel with her but instead understands her.

"Okay, but before that let me cook something for you" Vishnu replied while kissing the crown of her hair. Sia now realized that she is too hungry. But she remember his wound and stop him from cooking.

"I will cook something, you should take some rest," Sia said and quickly run towards the kitchen.

She with whatever she has ended up making dal rice, thankfully she have garlic chutney so they eat the dal rice with eat. And for sweets they have cake. After that, they wanted to make love.

But they both are too tired that they ended up sleeping.

The next day when Sia woke up she found out that Vishnu has a fever. She realized it must be due to that wound. So she quickly take bath, she quickly get ready and decided to take Vishnu hospital.

"Wake up Vishnu" Sia tries to wake him.

"Sia.....five more minutes." Vishnu requested.

"Baby you have a fever, we need to go to the hospital" Sia requested.

"The doctor who treat me already give me medicine, I forgot to eat it, and he tell me to take enough rest" Vishnu sit up and try to convince Sia that he is okay.

"okay then take some milk and biscuits and then you take the medicine and then go to sleep," Sia said in a worried tone.

"Okay," Vishnu replied. He is not in the mood to talk more. So he quickly do what Sia said and again go to sleep. He is feeling too tired suddenly. He understands it is due to the injection the doctor give him. The doctor already tell him that after taking the injection it is better if he take a full day's rest quickly, but he ended up traveling here and there to give a surprise to Sia.

He doesn't regret it though. His Sia is worthy of all the efforts. Thinking this he falls asleep.