Chapter 46: Hot & Cold

Once Ian and Drax arrived at the second location, they quickly came up with a plan in the car. This warehouse was large and had many high vantage points unlike the first place they visited. They would have to proceed with caution henceforth.

Drax agreed with Ian, he was not just a shrewd businessman, but also a military prodigy. In all the years that he had worked with, and for Ian, Drax never questioned his tactics.

The men followed the same routine, except this time, Drax was the one who knocked at the door. This group of men were a little more organized and after Drax was thoroughly searched they used rope to bind his hands and legs. As Ian expected, Drax was led into the warehouse and all the men who should have been standing guard followed the others inside.

Drax who was poorly tied up was led to a small room that was probably an office in the warehouse. As he walked, he passed by the hostages and two bodies that were sprawled on the ground. Taking a closer look, the men were not dead. He guessed they were shot with tranquilizers. He scoffed, wondering who the hot and cold person who dared to take on the Lee family could be.

Once in the room. Drax sat on a small wooden chair. He waited a few minutes before the most beautiful woman he had ever seen walked in. Behind her, there was a man who had similar features, after a quick glance Drax's full attention returned to the woman alone.

Before, he had wondered who was so indecisive while going up against President Lee, but it looked like he had his answer. The man was probably the one who insisted on bullets while the woman wanted to use tranqs. He could imagine her softly pleading with the man, who was obviously a relation, to go easy on their hostages.

As Drax was making this assessment his eyes never left the woman's face. Her gray eyes were unearthly, and her physique was just too good to ignore. She was dressed in tight black leather pants and a black v neck t-shirt. Over the shirt was a thin army green jacket with various labels and stickers on it. She wore accessories on her hands and wrists that Drax was certain served a purpose other than being just for show.

While scanning this woman up and down, he could not help but to flash her a smile. She was his type. He had not even known he had a type, but he was sure that she was it.

Milo felt uneasy seeing this man look at his sister with clear lust in his eyes and he moved to step in front of her. Drax leaned back in his chair and smiled at the man.

"Good boy, protecting your sister." Drax said as he tilted his head to take another look at the stunning beauty in the room. Coming back to himself, Drax asked the pair their demands. Before Milo could speak, his sister pushed forward and smiled coyly. She was not shocked that the man knew they were siblings, it was obvious to everyone.

"Mister, do you think we don't know you are not President Lee?" Drax smiled. He had it wrong before, she was the hot one who preferred bullets and he was almost positive that her ring could double as an eye gouge.

Again, Milo felt uncomfortable with the way the man was looking at his sister. Drax shamelessly flirted with the woman while her brother seemed to be having a mental breakdown. Normally, his sister would just break someone's nose or jaw if they looked at her in such a shameful manner, but for some reason she was giving this man a pass.

"Beautiful lady, may I know your name?" Drax asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"You may not." she replied. Drax chuckled, and he was thinking about asking Ian if he could keep her.

Mills looked at the man before her and she had to admit he was handsome. He had all the classic features that children associated with military men, but he was also quite beautiful. His skin was smooth and tan, he obviously spent a lot of time outdoors. He looked to be about twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, but his aura was calm and relaxed, giving him the feel of a much older man. His body was healthy, and his muscles bulged through the tight shirt he was wearing. Just looking at him she knew he was not an ordinary man and by the way he carried himself, she could tell he was extremely well trained for this situation.

As if sensing something was not right, Mills stood up and ordered her brother to leave. Seeing the panic in his sister's eyes, Milo was unsure of what he should do, but his sister pushed him toward the back exit. She was prepared to follow behind him when she felt a huge hand encompass her waist. Milo looked back at his sister in a panic, but she just shouted at him while she turned around to fight. Milo was not used to this sort of thing, but he knew that his sister always returned home safely. Snapping out of his daze, he turned to leave but was met with the barrel of a gun. He was caught.


Drax was pleasantly surprised by the woman in his arms. She was stronger than she looked. Unfortunately, she lacked formal training, so none of her blows landed on him. This seemed to irritate her, and she briefly lost control in a fury of swings, but Drax was able to dodge all of them. When he looked at the woman's face, her lips had twisted up into a smile and she pulled her elbow back to hit him square in the jaw. Drax was sure that if he did not turn his head just in time, his jaw would have been broken. He used his hands to massage his face while looking at the woman in front of him. She had modified her technique to match his mid fight.

Drax was in love.