Chapter 100: Drax’s First Date-1 (A Side Story)

Mills' heart thumped in her chest. She had not realized that Drax was capable of such a romantic gesture. Even if he sought outside advice to help him plan everything, she was still taken by his willingness to do so. Not even her brother had bothered to buy flowers for Calla, and they were obviously in some sort of a romantic relationship. While the pair didn't call their frequent outings dates, it was clear to everyone around them. Mills knew that the pair were probably just being cautious. Family standing meant a lot to prominent people and Milo was not considered to be a top prospect for the daughter of such a high ranking professional. This made Mills wonder if Drax came from an affluent family. She did not want to fall for someone she could not have.


When Milo returned home that night, his sister was still awake. She was staring at a bunch of roses. She didn't seem to notice him come into the apartment and he caught the sight of her gently caressing the flower petals as she stretched her neck to smell each one. There was a genuine smile on her face. Something that he hadn't seen in years.

"Who are those from?" Milo asked, and his sister jumped out of her chair as if she had been physically attacked.

Embarrassed, Mills picked up the roses and hid them behind her back. The gesture was futile and made Milo shake his head. "Are they from your boyfriend?" he asked and Mills' face reddened.

Milo loved seeing his sister this way. Since they were young, she had always been tough. She never allowed their mother to dress her up in frilly clothes and when they lost their parents, Mills lost any opportunity she would ever have to be a frail girl, but right now, Milo was looking at his sister's vulnerable side and he wished he could capture the moment for her and freeze it in their memories forever.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Mills said. A gentle smile crossed Milo's face as he noticed that her reaction was not as strong as it was the first time, he teased her. He knew that she had some sort of feeling toward the sender of the roses.

"Then are they for me?" Milo asked playfully as he walked up to his sister and tried to grab them from behind her back. Mills dodged as she scolded her brother.

"Hey, watch it. Don't break them. They are fragile!" Milo left the flowers alone. He knew they were from Drax; he was the one who gave the man their address.

Walking toward the couch, Milo noticed a long white box, he opened it and saw a silk gown that looked as if it were specifically designed to match his sister's features. Picking it up by its straps, he rolled his eyes at the design.

"You're not wearing this," he said. When Mills saw that her brother was holding her gift like it was a dangerous item she reached out and snatched it from him, but she was careful not to tear it.

"Says who?" She quipped.

"Mills, will you tell me who sent you these things?" Milo asked, he only wanted to see if his sister would be honest with him and she was. Satisfied, he probed for more.

"Do you like him?" he asked, but Mills did not answer. There was a complicated expression on her face, and he could tell she had something on her mind. "What is it?" he probed, and Mills shook her head.

After a long bout of coaxing, Milo was finally able to get his sister to open up to him and tell him what had been on her mind. They had never had a problem communicating and he was worried it was something serious. Mills was afraid that if she allowed herself to feel anything for Drax, she would end up disappointed. She did not know what his family background was, and she was unsure if his parents would approve of her.

Milo knew that his sister's concerns were valid. He knew that Drax's brother was the Vice President of Pan country and when he revealed this to his sister, her face fell. Milo did not think that his words would affect her so greatly and before he could utter a single syllable more, Mills had already shut herself in her room. This was the first time he had ever seen his sister behave so delicately. He felt even more determined to lift their family's status so that he would never see that despondent look on his sister's face ever again.


Mills was depressed for the rest of the night. She hadn't thought Drax's family background was that prominent. She knew he was probably well off due to the expensive nature of the dress he sent her, but she had no reason to believe that he had not earned his own fortune. Picking up her phone, Mills sent a text to Drax cancelling their date. To her surprise he replied to her immediately.

The text was not romantic at all. Drax had sent her the paragraph and line number of the stipulation in their contract that said that she must go on dates with him whenever he was free. Although it was rude, it put a smile on Mills' face. He could have invoked this clause in the contract earlier, but he did not. He went through all the trouble of preparing flowers and a gift for her, and it gave her the feeling that he genuinely wanted to get to know her. For now, she decided that she would let herself be open to any possibility. A date did not mean anything, it was just a nice gesture. Eventually he would lose interest in her. Especially if he found out her family history.


Mills was extremely anxious. Drax had sent someone to help her prepare for their date. The woman was named Mercy and she was a professional personal assistant, massage therapist and makeup artist. She instructed Mills to shower and then she massaged the woman from head to toe in some sort of oil. After the massage she prepared lunch for her charge and when they were done eating, she asked Mills to shower again. Mills reluctantly obeyed the woman, and this time when she exited the bathroom, she realized her skin was as silky smooth as a baby's. The woman noticed Mills caressing her own arm and gave a knowing smile.

"I'm one of the best in my field," she said, and Mills only had to agree. By the time the woman was done with Mills' hair and make-up, it was nearly time for her to leave. Milo had come home early specifically to see his sister off. Like a proud father, he snapped several pictures of her dressed like a lady. He did not like the dress she was wearing, but he had to admit that his sister looked amazing in it.