Chapter 212: Stay Away From Her

Mina woke up to Luna shaking her. She felt like she had been beaten with rocks. She rubbed her eyes and looked around; President Lee was not there. His question had invaded her dreams all night and his reaction to her response confused her. Before she slept, her mind had travelled down a dark path. She did not know what that expression on his face meant and it was torturing her. He was visibly angered by her statement and she had to brace for the consequences.

"You're finally awake," Luna said. She could tell that Mina hadn't gotten enough sleep.

"What time is it?" Mina asked.

"Noon!" Lisa replied, as Mina blinked hard and looked at her clock. It was indeed noon.

"Is something wrong?" Mina asked.

"I just think you and I need time to unwind." Mina looked at the woman suspiciously.

"Is Miss Lisa coming?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, just us," Luna said with a smile.

"Why?" Luna pointed to the bruise on Mina's face.

"We have a lot to talk about," Luna said.
