Chapter 213: No tricks?

When Lisa heard that Robert was the one who visited Mina, she called Cylus immediately. Her heart sank when he told her he was about to meet with President Lee. Her mind kept going back to the many times she and Cylus had given into desire. If he told Ian about it now, all her hard work would have been wasted.

Lisa had thought they parted on a positive note, but like her relationship with Ian, everything had changed between them because of Mina. She hated Mina, but she had to be careful with how she approached. She still had to prove to her brother that Ian would never choose Mina over her, otherwise she would be made a fool out of.

Lisa arrived at Ian's office in time to watch Cylus leave. She had no idea what the men discussed, but from the look on Ian's face; it wasn't good. Cylus said something to her, but she was too busy trying to read Ian's expression to hear it. Throwing caution to the wind, she blurted out a lie that could account for her rushed arrival.