Chapter 225: Where is My Dress?

Lisa called Luna for the fifth time with no answer. She knew her friend was back in town and she did not understand why she had suddenly cancelled their plans. Luna had been ignoring her calls all week, and it had ruined the plan to get rid of Mina.

Lisa had set everything up with Shai who was going to have himself and Mina locked in his office for an unspecified amount of time. He said that he would use his expertise to make things appear as though he and Mina had been intimate. Lisa wanted him to do more, but he insisted that he was not that type of person.

Despite his reputation, Shai was better at taking advantage of the perverseness of the human imagination. Since beggars could not be choosers, and Lisa was desperate, she was happy that Shai was even willing to work with her in the first place. Still she was angry. She could not get through to Luna at all, and from what Carmen had told her, the reason was likely because of Mina.