Chapter 226: Let His Guard Down

Mina knew she had been dumb to trust anything that came out of Miss Luna's mouth. She knew she should not have let her guard down at dinner and she knew she should have hidden her dress before she left. She knew that everything with the Lee's had a price, and everything, a cost. Mina knew she had, indeed, brought all of it upon herself. She had gotten so confident in her ability to run and hide, that she had begun to think she was impervious to any sort of repercussion.

Mina could blame Adley, she could blame Adley's husband, but the truth was that it was her. All of it was her, and when she was caught, she had tossed all her pride aside to crumble before a man who no doubt, hated her to his core, and for the sake of what? To be broken into pieces over fabric and shiny rocks? No, she would not. The same way her sister had stood up for her when she was young, was the same way Mina was going to stand up for herself now.