Chapter 227: Let Me Go

Mina wiggled her body under her bed and two things came to mind. First, she would need to dust the area and second, what was taking President Lee so long to come and look for her? She knew she had hit him hard, but surely his rage would have given him the strength to overcome the pain.

It already felt like forever had gone by and Mina's nose was becoming irritated by the dust under the bed. She feared she would sneeze and give her position away before she was able to escape. Her mind was beginning to wander when she heard the door open and close. Mina tensed.

"Mina, I know you are in here. Come out and let's talk about this." Mina silently scoffed. The last conversation they had ended in her being drugged, tortured, and kept hostage. She would pass on all conversations with President Lee in the future.