Chapter 238: Ambitious

Ian did not mean to let out a sound when Mina turned to leave, he had not even known he was holding his breath. All he knew was that the woman before him had been transformed from a fairy into a deity.

Ian was already obsessed with Mina visuals and he honestly believed that she had already reached the pinnacle of beauty, but he was wrong.

The sight of Mina's open back was a tease and it made Ian want to stop her from leaving. He wanted to send her back into her room and make it so that she would never see Cylus again, but he knew that would be devastating to the girl.

Still Ian would not just sit back and do nothing. He had to at least show himself to prevent the rise of future male competitors, and if possible, to sabotage Cylus Rue. It was making his blood boil that all Mina's beauty would be on full display for others to see.