Chapter 239: Is This You?

Lisa had been staring at Mina and Cylus from the moment she had spotted them together. She had to admit that Mina looked beautiful, but Lisa was also beautiful, and to herself and to many others, she did not lose out to Mina in any way.

For that reason alone, Lisa had convinced herself that Cylus would follow her around like a puppy the entire event, but so far, all his attention had been focused onto Mina. From the moment he concluded his introductory speech, he spared no one, except Mina, a second glance.

Lisa watched Cylus and Mina playfully flirt with one another and the sight irritated her. Not because she wanted Cylus, she was way over him, but because she thought that Mina was trying her luck with two prominent men at the same time and appeared to be on the verge of success.

Out of anger, jealousy, or maybe a mixture of both, Lisa mustered up the courage to approach Cylus' mother, and in a not so subtle way, warned the woman about Mina's hidden motives.