Chapter 244: Value

Mina could not understand why Cylus had suddenly ditched her when he was the one who suggested for her to attend the event as his companion. He was also the one who made all the arrangements for her, even going as far as to send her a professional to help her get dressed.

Speaking of dresses, Mina even wore something completely uncharacteristic as to not disappoint, but as badly as she wanted to be angry, she could not. Mina was no fool and she knew that the reason Cylus had chosen to abandon her, whatever it was, had to be serious.

Mina remembered Cylus telling her that his grandmother was at the event, and would make a brief appearance, but due to her health she would not stay long. She found herself worried that something may have happened to the woman. Mina had worked at a community center when she was younger, and she knew the effects of dementia could, at times, mirror madness.