Chapter 482: I Know That Woman

After helping Mina rinse her eyes free of sand, Mills scanned the area and found four men laughing and high fiving each other, clearly feeling victorious in whatever they had done. It was clear just by looking at the faces of the other people around that the laughing group was the same that had thrown the ball. Mills did not even need to ask why, because she did not care. As soon as she was sure Mina was fine and could blink without pain, she picked up the ball and started to walk toward the men.

Mina started quickly packing their belongings, stuffing them into one bag, because she knew they were about to get into trouble, and she did not want to leave their room keys behind if they had to run. She watched Mills sashay her way toward the men who were now lustfully staring at her, as she balanced the ball they had thrown in one of her hands.

"I think you lost something," Mills said, and at the same time, she used both hands to chuck the ball into the face of one of the men. He reacted too late and fell backwards with a busted nose. Another man stepped toward Mills, and she broke his wrist and nose before he even managed to speak.

Mina could see that the remaining two men were going to gang up and Mills, so she charged at one of them. She knocked him onto his back, and before he could move, she picked up as much of the sand as her two hands could hold and rubbed it into his face, trying to smother him, and it worked. Mina could see her friend, but she could feel someone approaching her from the other side, and she quickly threw sand up into the person's eyes before they got close enough to grab her.

Mills saw what Mina had done, and while she had only been toying with the man she was fighting, she became serious, seeing that Mina was now involved. Wanting to humiliate the man further, Mills ripped his trunks off. She did the same to the man wailing about a broken arm. She quickly incapacitated the man who Mina had thrown sand in the eyes of and removed his shorts as well.

Having already stripped three of the men, Mills went ahead and pulled off the pants of the man who was still choking on sand. It was not enough for Mina though, and she stepped forward to collect all the swimsuits, taking them with her as the women ran.

"We should hurry before someone calls the police." Mills nodded, and Mina grabbed their bag as they fled the scene. People behind them started to clap and some started chiding the homophobic tourists. Mina threw the shorts she was holding in the nearest trash bin, and when the women were closer to their resort, they found a place to catch their breath before bursting into laughter.

"I think we have to keep our hands off of one another from now on," Mills said, and Mina nodded, still slightly shaking from the adrenaline rush she received. Mina was not one for fighting, but she was proud of herself for not getting into Mills' way.

"You two. Stop right there," called a voice in a tone that both women were familiar with. It was the same annoying way all police officers spoke, and without the need for words, or for the need for Mina to translate, the women fled.


Drax was rubbing his temples while Ian was going crazy trying to find a capable interpreter. Unable to understand what the police chief was saying, the men had to use translators, and someone forgot to translate the most essential information that was told; 'when the women are found, do not approach.' Ian and Drax knew that Mina and Mills did not have any identifying documents with them because Ian had insisted on keeping them with him, and Drax, having seen Mina's last escape attempt, thought it was a good idea at the time.

When a new interpreter was brought in, the woman was more competent than the rest, and she was able to get across complete messages. She told them that the women were last seen entering an outside district, and Drax clapped his hands together knowing that Mills was taking Mina to the slums. When she was a criminal, she often avoided police pursuit by going into areas too dangerous for police to follow, and habits like that were hard to break.

"They are going to where the gangs are," Ian said with a frightened expression. He was under the impression that the women would face a language barrier, because he had no idea that Mina could speak the local dialect and he could only imagine the danger they would be in.


Mills entered a bar radiating confidence. She and Mina had put wraps on, and compared to other women around, they were modestly dressed. They sat, keeping their glasses on, and as Mills had expected, someone came to question them. Mina translated for Mills, who looked calm in her element.

Mills chuckled at a thinly veiled threat, and then she threw cash in front of the man, who laughed quietly, flashing his yellow teeth at the women. Mina translated his response, and Mills replied with the name of a hard brand of whiskey. The man smirked and came back with three glasses, but Mills pushed all of them toward him, and he smiled before downing all three.

"I know you women aren't from around here, but from your behavior, you come from a place very similar."

"Oh, you speak Panglish?" Mills responded sarcastically. She removed her glasses and leaned forward to look the man in the eye. "Who is in charge? Because it certainly isn't you." Without words, the man got up and went into a back room. Mills looked at Mina, hoping that for the girl's sake that things did not go south. "If I say run, you run. Do not wait for me. Do you understand?" Mina nodded, but she would never just leave, and the woman knew it. "Liar," Mills whispered.

"Ladies," said a man who had an accent, but spoke Panglish as well as a native speaker. "You are trespassing. Give me one reason we shouldn't kill you?"

"We aren't here for violence, we came to spend money, but if you need a reason; I have a gun pointed to your pecker. If you so much as lift a finger in a direction I do not like, I'll pull the trigger." The man tilted his head and smiled at Mills before looking over at Mina.

"I know that woman."

"Yeah?" Mills asked, and the sound of a gun cocking could be heard. "Tell your men to lower their weapons now."

"There is no one-" Mina cut the man off.

"The man at the bar, the man behind the bar, the woman in the booth next to us, and the man we just spoke to. Those are just a few of them," Mina replied. She still had on her shades, so it was not obvious which direction she was looking, and it was easy for her to spot small movements. The man laughed and spoke loudly, telling his men to drop their guns before he sat in the open chair.

"Like I said, we are not here for trouble, we just came to spend money." Mills handed the man Drax's card, and Mina intuitively knew it was to alert the man of their location.

"Why should we trust you? What if you want to get us drunk and set up an ambush for us later?"

"Did I ask anyone to drink? You can order food, water; hell you can charge oxygen to that account and it would not faze me." The man lifted the card behind his head and the same yellow tooth man who greeted them came to collect it.

"You ladies have my attention."