Chapter 487: The Moment I Met You

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Mills was showering when she heard the bathroom door open and close. She peaked out to see that Mina had replaced her plain towel with a fluffy white robe. She smiled inwardly, thinking that the woman must have been trying to show her that she was not angry about what happened with President Lee.

Mills cut the shower, lightly dried her hair with the blow dryer, and wrapped herself in the robe. It felt warm, and Mills found herself thinking that Mina had outdone herself. She stepped out of the bathroom, talking to Mina, but was stopped when she saw the candlelit dinner that had been set up. She peeked around the corner of the room, and Drax was standing at the bar, pouring two glasses of champagne. He turned to face her, also wearing a robe, but it was black and much more masculine.

"What's going on?" Mills asked. She knew what Drax was doing, and she felt like an idiot for asking.

"We are going to have a romantic dinner," he replied while pulling out a chair and gesturing for Mills to sit.

"But I'm not dressed."

"and neither am I." Mills found herself wondering how naked Drax was under his robe, but she quickly reeled in her thoughts, and recited Milo's warnings about confusing lust for love. She sat, not seeing the harm eating could do, and when she saw how basic the meal was, she found herself slightly disappointed, expecting more. Drax smiled at her reaction, because what he had planned for them should not be done on a full stomach.

With their meal eaten in mostly silence, Drax gestured for Mills to stand with him on the small terrace. He stood behind her, wrapping her in his arms as they stared out onto the beach. Although they were far, the night was so clear that Mills felt like she could jump into the ocean from where she stood. A light breeze made her shudder, and Drax pulled her in closer before kissing the side of her face. Mills was no longer uncomfortable with being naked under the robe, because so far, Drax had been a perfect gentleman, and had only touched her in ways that he had been doing since they met.

"Look," Drax suddenly said, and Mills trained her eyes on what looked like a small boat floating in the ocean. Fireworks started to go off in the most dazzling and beautiful patterns. Mills looked up at Drax, who kissed her forehead before continuing to watch the show. "I need my phone," he said, and Mills nodded. She too would have liked to capture video of the magnificent display.

As Mills watched, the fireworks became increasingly intricate. The colors were so pretty that she stood there with a stupid smile on her face, trying to figure out what lucky woman was the recipient of such a romantic gesture. Just as the thought crossed her mind, Mills' name was spelled out by the fireworks, and she froze in place. The next display caught her so off guard that she stepped back, her leg hitting something warm as she did. She looked down to see Drax holding a small box, he opened it, revealing the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

"From the moment I met you, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I have almost lost you too many times since then, and I refuse to lose you again. Mills…" Drax said while shifting closer to the woman, still on his knee. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Mills' words were caught in her throat. She wanted to say yes, she wanted to say she was not worthy, but more than anything, she wanted to be with the man that she loved. She nodded slightly and Drax scooped her up, placing gentle kisses on her tear-filled eyes as he slid the ring on her finger.

"This is too beautiful for me," she said while looking at her hands, but Drax hushed her, returning her eyes to the fireworks that he had arranged. "I love you," Mills whispered while her back was to the man, and he buried his face into her neck, seemingly pleased with her words.

With the firework display finished, Drax pulled Mills inside and led her toward the bed. He stood her in front of him, and gently started to pull at the small knot that held her robe in place. Mills was scared, but she did not stop him. He used his huge hands to gently open the fabric before sliding it off her shoulders. It fell to the floor, causing a shiver to run down her spine. Mills instinctively went to cover her bare, but Drax pulled her arms away and settled them on the knot of his own robe.

Mills hands were shaking as she tugged at the fabric, and the fact that Drax was staring at her hungrily made her clumsy. He placed his hands over hers and stopped them from shaking for just enough time for her fingers to undo the knot and repeat the action he had done to her. Her eyes immediately cast down to Drax's mid-section and she looked back up at him, unsure if she could continue. She opened her mouth to tell the man to forget it, but he had already started to kiss her, and the thing she had been worried about pressed into her abdomen making her gasp.

Drax used the force of his kisses to push Mills backward and onto the bed, then he positioned her in a more comfortable way, before settling his naked body on top of hers. He kissed her gently, wanting the woman beneath him to stop trembling before he did anything. He loved Mills, but he was not a gentleman enough to ask her if she was ready or sure, because he was ready and he was sure. He still wanted the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with to be comfortable with him though.

"Is this your first time?" he asked, and Mills hid her face in embarrassment, something that made Drax chuckle. He had never asked because he did not care, whether he was first, second or third, was irrelevant when he was going to be the last. "Answer me," he said, as he lowered Mills' hands. She nodded and Drax rewarded her with a deep kiss. "Are you ready?" he questioned, and Mills held her breath, a clear sign she was nervous. "It will hurt," Drax said, not wanting his girlfriend to break his nose as he entered her.

Drax pushed himself against Mills' core, and she whimpered. He pushed again, and she let out a pained sound, which forced him to stop. Seeing that she was too nervous, Drax trailed kisses along Mills body, letting his mouth explore her mounds before allowing his tongue to lap at her core. It was something he had never done, but Mills was his, and she deserved all of him. She tried to pull away from him, unable to handle the feeling of his mouth on that sensitive part of her body, but it only made Drax more confident, and he picked up the pace at which his tongue moved.

After Mills reached her climax, Drax repositioned himself between her legs. He was now throbbing from desire, and he wanted her, no he needed her. He pushed, and with less resistance, he slid inside of Mills, who released a hiss as she tightened her grip on his shoulders. When her breathing was less shaky, Drax took her the way he had been wanting to since he first laid eyes on her; increasing the speed of his thrust with the sounds she made, decreasing when her nails on his back told him it was too much.

Drax interlocked their fingers at the sides of Mills' head. He thrusted into her, as she whimpered from the mixture of pleasure and pain; and like that, she cried into the night.