Chapter 657: Trust

Ian never hated his best friend before, but Zane had really outdone himself. Mina looked absolutely stunning in the dress she wore. Its unique color and its fitted design did nothing to hide her curves; her cleavage was modestly on display, and her skin seemed to be glowing. He had not immediately noticed her because he had been speaking to Tavin Bell, but once he saw her, it was hard for him to peel his eyes away. Especially when Zane lifted her chin in what he could only describe as 'comfortable.'

Jealousy seethed through Ian, and he started to make his way toward the woman, only to see her being pulled away by Ellie. His sister had not been told what was happening because she was being cut off from dangerous jobs, but she was invited by default. The only reason Mina had been excluded was to protect her, and Zane tended to avoid any place that Cam would be, so Ian allowed Drax and Mills to manage everything.

Although he could not tell for certain, Ian was almost positive that Mina was avoiding him by continuously moving around the room with Ellie in tow. Had it not been for Zane trailing the women, he would have quickly lost them in the crowd, but eventually they disappeared.

Panic consumed Ian until he spotted the woman speaking to Milo, who pointed at a rear corridor. He cast a quick glance at Zane who shrugged in guilt before he started after the woman, who Ian could swear was jogging. As soon as it was just the two of them insight, he covered Mina's mouth and pulled her into the nearest room, where he pushed her against a wall and planted a longing kiss on her lips.

"What are you doing?" The woman asked in a whisper, pushing him away as she spoke. "Please don't do this to me." Ian could see hurt in her eyes, and he incorrectly assumed she was feeling disrespected by him.

"I just wanted to kiss you," he admitted, hoping that the woman would relax, but her nostrils flared, and she pushed past him in a way that told him she was unhappy. "Mina, I'm sorry, okay? I'm just jealous," he confessed, holding the woman from behind. "You look beautiful, and it bothers me that I'm not by your side."

"There is no need to be jealous; you've got what you want, now let me go."

"I don't have what I want; not yet at least." Mina stilled and she looked up at President Lee with fear in her eyes.

"Please not here," she begged, and Ian found himself scared that he was going to lose her. She had not looked at him with such a wary expression in a long time, and he hated its return.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, not fully understanding her reaction.

"Please just let me go." Ian tensed. The way she had asked to be 'let go' did not sound like she meant it physically; she was asking for him to leave her alone forever.

"Mina?" He said as a question, turning her to face him. "What is wrong?"

"President Lee, I-" Mina wanted to tell the man that she was hurt, but Zane's words about her strength filled her with a sense of pride that she did not want to lose even if she were the loser. "Let's talk about this later; for now, I would like to get back to my date and you should get back to yours."

Mina pulled herself free of President Lee's grip, and he let annoyance and authority drip into his tone by ordering her to stop moving. He told her that he had attended the event alone, and when disbelief revealed itself in her expression, he closed the distance between them and picked her up, carrying her to a couch at the furthest corner of the room. She tried to fight against him, but he held onto her, trapping her under his body before resting his forehead on hers.

"I'm not here with anyone. I will explain everything later. Right now, I just need you to trust me the way I am trusting you despite you going out on a date with my best friend." Mina's eyebrows raised in outrage, but the man had a point. She had gone out with Zane, and while they were just friends, it could have been misconstrued as an intimate outing, even now.

"Are you sure?" She questioned, still feeling the pangs of hurt in her chest as the man nodded.

"And to prove it to you…" Ian slightly lifted the woman's dress and began to caress her thighs. He wanted nothing more than to take her right there, but she had already expressed a dislike for places they could be caught. "I won't leave your side for the rest of the night."

Mina felt her heart hammering in her chest, she could not tell if the man was playing games with her or being honest, but she chose to believe him. Worst case scenario is that he was lying, and she would be embarrassed, but she did not feel as though it would come to that.

Sighing in defeat, Mina relaxed, and President Lee used the opportunity to slide his hand under her dress, stroking her gently as he locked her lips with his. She was soon panting with the man's actions, but before her climax could come, his phone rang, and he groaned in frustration. He struggled to break their kiss, but he eventually gave in.

"What?!" He said into his phone. His tone was annoyed, and Mina covered her mouth trying not to laugh. She knew that the man was attempting to ease her into the act and he was angry about being interrupted. Ian noticed Mina's reaction and decided to have a little fun of his own. "She is underneath me right now, why?" The woman pushed him away in a panic, but he showed her that he had already ended the call before she could flee.

"That wasn't funny," Mina whisper-shouted, and Ian scooped her into a hug before helping to adjust her dress.

"Come on, there is something you need to be a part of."


Zane had only taken his eyes off Ellie and Mina for a second to apologize to the person he had bumped into, and when he next looked up, Ellie was alone, and Mina was gone. He glanced over to Ian, who was glowering at him before the man's eyes were pulled in a specific direction and he went its way.

Seeing that his friend had found Mina, Zane went to confront Ellie for her actions. When he pulled the woman into a private room, she completely misunderstood and leapt into his arms. She pressed a kiss onto his lips that was not desperate but held some desperation in it.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this?" She moaned, and Zane, who had involuntarily pushed the woman against a wall to deepen the kiss, released her like the forbidden fruit she was.

"This cannot happen," he said, walking toward the door, but Ellie tripped him up and climbed on top of him, pinning his arms above his head.

Zane felt helpless as the woman moved her lower half against his, and he found himself just watching her facial expressions as she brought herself to the peak of pleasure. When he felt his own body start to react, he tried to stop her, but Ellie sealed his lips with a kiss that he welcomed, and when she released his hands, he flipped her body under his before regaining his composure.

"Ellie, please. You are Ian's little sister."

"In name only," she whispered, craning her neck to nip at Zane's neck, making him suck in a deep breath. She slid her hands down to his waistband and the man tried to move away, but she wrapped her legs around him.

"Ellie please stop; this is wrong."

"Is it because you don't want Mina to find out?" Zane's expression soured and he suddenly realized that Ellie was testing him, so he decided to play her own game against her.

"Fine," he said, using one of his hands to support his weight and the other to unbuckle his bel, never breaking eye contact. Zane lifted Ellie's dress and the woman whimpered as she broke composure and tried to crawl away. "Where are you going?" He asked seductively. He turned the woman onto her belly and allowed his very real erection to press against her rear.

"Wait Zane, I just wanted to put doubt in your mind. I wasn't serious."

"It felt serious," Zane said into her ear, and while she was still trying to pull away, he could see she was affected by him.

"It was a bad joke. I'm your best friend's sister."

"Then don't tell him," Zane replied, yanking on the woman's underwear, which had become wet. She started to panic, which was what he wanted, but her words brought him instant regret.

"Stop. Zane please... I'm a virgin!" Zane rolled off the woman and quickly started to fix himself before bending to make sure she was okay. He was being a pervert, but he would never have violated her or any woman.

"Ellie, I'm sorry. I was just trying to scare you."

"Why?" She whispered, clearly distressed, which made Zane feel depraved.

"I realized that you were trying to gauge my relationship with Mina, but there is none. I just wanted to make you feel as uncomfortable as you had made me feel. Why would you do all of that to prove a point?" Ellie stayed quiet. It was not just to prove a point; her physical attraction to Zane had been growing since she had returned, and what had started as a fake kiss quickly turned real for her.

"I shouldn't have done that." Ellie became quiet, and Zane wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Please, never put yourself in a situation that could easily turn against you again. I know that you have training, and I know that you can take care of yourself, but the next time you use your body as a weapon may not go in your favor."

Zane had no idea, but his words had permeated Ellie's heart, and she leaned into the man, wanting to melt into his touch. Her mother had been begging her to find someone she could settle down with, and she had. Now, she just had to make him hers... permanently.


Drax stared at the bloodied face of the teen who had tried to take his fiancé. He had not touched him yet, but Mills was no damsel in distress, and the idiot had unfortunately learned that the hard way. He had followed her toward the restroom area, and wrapped his arms around her back, resulting in her flipping him and breaking his nose before rendering him unconscious, and tying him up.

When Mills had gone back to Drax's side, she looked perfectly fine, and had she not given him the code they had settled on he would not have known anything happened.

"I called," Drax said. They were waiting for Ian and Mina to come before starting the questioning. When the pair arrived, Mina's face paled and she rushed to the man, trying to untie his bindings.

"Mina stop. He was hired to abduct Mills to force you into using yourself as ransom."

"He's a child," she replied, but she was pulled away. "Please, take the gag out of his mouth, let me talk to him myself." The gag was removed, and the man pulled in a deep breath.

"Miss contact spy. I promise; I meant no harm. I was paid to hug that woman. I thought it was part of your spy theme." Ian and Drax exchanged confused looks.

"Who hired you?" Mills asked.

"I didn't ask; he said he was her manager. "