Chapter 712: un-Qualified

With Sunhari safe and on his way back to Bal, Mina made her way to her company's office space. She had never walked into the building alone, so security was shocked when she swiped her badge and President Madam Aych appeared on the monitor. She was greeted in the lobby by Chief Chute's daughters, who gave her the update on how President Lee got into her banquet. The women eagerly told her that the fault lay with Sadie's secretary. They were no fans of the woman, but Mina liked that she was honest on her resume, so she gave her a chance.

When Mina got into her office, the girl was already waiting with a feral looking Sadie staring at her in a way that gave Mina chills. There was so much she had not noticed about her sister as a child, but she was beginning to see that Sadie was not just capable of violence, she enjoyed it.

"Tell my sister why you did it. Was it for money?" Mina frowned at Sadie, who should have known better than to draw everything back to profit.