Chapter 713: Second Place

Mina curled herself into a ball as Sadie gently stroked her hair. She had not fully considered the consequences of 'killing herself' and Miss Meagan was the first person to confront her for her wrongdoing. It hurt because Mina's intention was never to cause anyone she cared about pain, she just wanted to stop feeling the burn of being betrayed, but it was still there, and from the moment she saw President Lee again, it had become much more difficult to ignore. He claimed to have been in a coma, but Mina believed that President Cam would have given her that information, yet he did not.

"Mina, why don't you just talk to him? You clearly still-"

"Sadie." Mina interjected. "If Troy cheated on you, would you forgive him?" Her sister was quiet, and Mina knew it was because her answer was no.

"But didn't he say he was drugged?"

"He told me the same thing when he-" Mina sighed deeply, turning away from her sister who pulled her shoulder back.