Chapter 720: Don't Change

Sadie was unceremoniously tossed from the Drax man's car as the Mills woman shouted for him to be gentle, but still the man was not bothered by the fact that she fell hard against the pavement. Sadie was good at hitting people where it hurt and having heard a little about the man's insecurities from Mina, she knew just what to say. It did not surprise her when he retaliated, but it did surprise her that Mina was already waiting for her to return.

"You shouldn't have come," Sadie said, brushing herself off. "I had the situation under control." 

"I don't want to talk here," Mina replied, and Sadie limped toward her sister. If being held in a leg bar by a giant for ten minutes was the reward for being selfless, she was content in staying selfish.

"What have you done to my sister?" Mina snarled, and Sadie could not help but to smirk behind Mina's back. She dropped her body to the ground and began to spasm erratically, making her sister shout.