Chapter 721: Who We Are

Ian wanted to show Sadie that she was not the only one with the ability to manipulate, but at the same time, he did not want to get on Mina's bad side, so he went for the least damaging type of provocation. As expected, the woman reacted harshly, demanding to know what was 'agreed' upon. She kept pestering Mina for details, but the woman genuinely had no answer because they had not had much dialogue as they waited for Sadie to return. He tried to engage her in conversation, but she literally stood like a statue, tuning him out as if his words were background noise.

"He's goading you," Mina finally said, but Ian was prepared for that as well.

"Are you afraid of her Mina?"

"Afraid of me?" Sadie questioned loudly, and she patted Mina's hands off the back of her wheelchair. "Mills lady, you're Mina's friend, right? Take me back inside of the hospital."

"Sadie," Mina said incredulously. "Can you not tell that he's playing us?"