Chapter 764: Un-Missed Opportunity

After landing, Cylus took Sadie to a venue hall, but the entire time the woman was panicking about being brought to another country. She kept asking him if Mina knew about the arrangement, but no matter how many times he answered 'yes,' she was not satisfied with his response. She only calmed enough to feed Lady, who was still grumpy from the flight. Still, Cylus assured her that she was fine, but when he could tell she was ready to bolt the second he left her alone, he decided to fill her in at least a little on his plan.

"Listen, Mina was supposed to model a dress for me, but she got caught up with work. Your body frames are similar, and I need you to fill-"

"What?!" Sadie shouted. "You brought me all the way to another country to model a dress?"