Chapter 765: Wait

In the morning, Mina tried to wiggle out of Ian's arms, but her motions woke the man, who pulled her back into him. He planted playful kisses on her face and neck, making her giggle from the tickling sensation that it sent down her spine. Eventually, his hands began to wander, and before she could stop him, he was massaging her breasts. 

"What are you doing?" Mina panted, but Ian did not respond. Instead, he positioned his body above her as if he were ready to pick up where they left off the night before. 

Unfortunately, his plan was thwarted by Lady, whose babbling sounded like she was annoyed, obviously unhappy with the fact that she was being ignored. Mina went to get her niece, who she brought back into the bed to say good morning to her uncle. Ian took Lady from Mina's arms and in a manner that was so serious it was funny, he asked her if she were targeting him. Unable to speak, Lady did not respond to the question, but it did not stop Ian from pressing her.