There for the Food

The ball was ridiculously full of people. The room was big enough to accommodate them though. There were both men and women of all ages. Some tan, some dark or pale. It was almost exciting to be in such a crowd. The chittering of the people died down as a tall man in white and gold walked out. He had blond hair and freckles. 

"Hello, and welcome." He motioned and a beautiful woman with light brown hair and light blue eyes came out. Her long silver dress trailed behind her. "Today my wonderful queen and I present to our kingdom our lovely daughter, Caroline."

A young blond girl came out. She wore a simple, yet elegant pink dress. As she reached her spot, she bowed. The crowd cheered.

"Hello citizens of Ellesmere, I am sorry you haven't met me until now, but I have known of you my entire life. I have fallen in love with this kingdom and it's people time and time again. As for tonight's ball, I wish you all the greatest luck."

Her father nodded at her. "The ball shall start after a short break. May the rest of you get home safe. And yes, good luck to you all." As they exited the scene people started to leave. 


"Yes, Cassandra?"

"You have to stay, I want to know how it goes!"

"...Did your brother put you up to this?"

"No? I just want to know who is chosen. If anyone put me up to it, it would be mom. See you later!" She smiled and waved before running off. I did borrow clothes, I may as well honor the wishes of the people that gave them to me. I know I'm not going to be picked anyway. The group went from thousands to only a couple hundred. Some were talking with each other, some eyed down their competition. Others, like me, just stood there awkwardly. Classical music started playing. Finally the princess arrived and the guys sorted themselves politely to dance with her. They all tried to show their best manners. I just stood by the food. I filled a cup with some kind of sweet bubble drink and made a dish of fancy chicken and pasta. The line lasted a while, especially since she talked with them all. She looked more interested at first, but her responses became almost automatic as all the answers started to echo each other. I was sitting at a table when she joined me. 

"You didn't join the dance?"

"Nope. Want something to drink?"

"I can get it."

"No need." She seemed oddly familiar.

"Tea?" She asked.

"Sure." I took a few steps before doing a double take. I walked back. "Wait… Baco tea girl?"

Her eyes went wide. "Be quiet, please… and it's Boca." I laughed.

"Ok, I'll go get your tea." The selection was varied. Girls like sweets, right? I found a fruity sweet smelling tea and poured some in a cup. I grabbed a dessert plate to share.

"This good? You liked fruity tea, right?"

"Yes, sir. Do you remember all your customer's orders?"

"Only the regulars and oddballs." She giggled.

"What did you come here looking for?"

"I wasn't looking for anything. The food is good though. Next time I'll look for food."

She smiled. "If you weren't wanting anything why are you here?"

"My coworker's sister wanted me to come. So I came as a favor for a little girl."

"Oh. Well, If you did want something what would it be?"

"A job. If I wanted something, it would be to help the animals on the streets. Maybe make a difference in their lives."

"Do you have any animals?"

"Not really, I can't afford it. Right now I do have a cat at my house though. Some kids were being mean to her so I brought her home."

"Awe. What does she look like?"

"She is a pretty tabby. Gold eyes, pink nose. Standard."

"I wouldn't know how standard looks. I've never seen a cat in person before."

"Oh? No fluffy white pet persian?" She rolled her eyes.

"Those things shed worse than average I hear. I could never…"

"What about you? What do you want when this is all over?"

"Me?" She appeared surprised at the question. "I suppose… If I could choose, I would travel. I want to see more than just the world visible from my window for the rest of my life. I hope whoever I choose will trust me enough for me to do that. I want a friend in my king."

"Sounds like a good thing to want."

"It's not too selfish?"

"No. Why would it be?"

"Because I'm the future queen. I belong here." She looked disappointed.

"Well, if you were in charge, a vacation shouldn't hurt, but that is just my thought."

"Thank you." She smiled a bittersweet smile. "Sorry, but I have more people to get to."

"Okay, wish you luck finding your guy."

"May I ask your name before I leave?"

"Caden. Caden of Halmen City."

"Thank you, Caden."

I sat at the boothe with the remaining mini cakes and watched as he went around chatting with the rest of the guys. One of the noble guys turned his head my way. I looked down, maybe he didn't see that I caught his gaze? Nope. He saw me, he headed over.

"What did you guys talk about for so long?"

"Not that much. What is it to you?"

"If a filthy peasant is spreading stories to seem better than he is, that is my business."

"I wasn't making anything up. We just talked about ourselves and ate food. I figured after talking to so many people that she may be thirsty, so I got her some tea."

"Tch, whatever." With that, he got up and left. Not without a glare though. After a while another boy came and sat down. 

"Hi, the princess has almost made all her rounds. Now most of us boys are just talking. I'm Christian, you?"

"Atheist" I joked.

"Um, not like that…" He laughed nervously.

"I know, I was just kidding. I'm Caden."

"Okay, it's fine. Nice to meet you Caden."

"Nice to meet you too." 

We sat in awkward silence. 

"So, uh... what did Jenson have to say?"


"The snobby brunette in the white cloak."

"Oh, him? He just accused me of lying to the princess in an attempt to impress her or something."

"Did you?"

"No. Would you?"

"No, I wouldn't win anyway. Do you think you will?"

"Definitely not."


"I just came here as a favor. I don't expect a guy with little-to-no ranking to do well at impressing a princess and her parents. It is always another higher up that marries."

"I suppose. It could happen though, you never know. But I get what you're saying."

"Yeah. Who do you think will win?"

"...Well, not Jenson." We laughed. "There were some nicer guys in that group," he pointed to a corner near the back. "And then there were a couple loners that weren't bad, but I'm not sure most have a chance. A couple times Caroline talked to someone longer, but she is trying to not show favorites so she leaves. You were one of them. That may be why Jenson was so weird about it."

"She wouldn't choose me…" She was probably just enjoying not being hit on or not hearing me gloat nonstop. I'm sure some of the others did. We didn't talk that much either. "How many do you think she talked to longer anyway?"

"About twenty or so. I am one of them too, actually."

"I thought you said you didn't think you would win?"

"I don't."

"Just checking out the competition?"

"Honestly? Yeah."

"No worries here, I'm not expecting anything. I don't even want to be here."

"Okay, good to know…" Not long after, he left too.