After exiting the store, the trio went around the mall for another hour and returns to the hotel.

She spent the next two days with her friends and went to most of their favorite spots from childhood. It was quite a fun filled weekend for Hope after a very long time.

After spending the weekend with her friends, again Hope returns to her work on Monday.

When she was verifying some documents, Liam came to notify her that a girl has come for the interview for the secretary position. Hope gestured him to let her in.

Hope heard the sound of knocking and looked towards the door. It was the girl from the clothing store. She seemed to be scared and nervous.

"come in" she said with a smile on her face. "Thanks mam" the girl is still nervous and it is clearly shown in her face.

"You don't have to be nervous around me. Be comfortable. I won't eat" Hope tried to ease her nervousness and gave her a glass of water.

Hope was surprised by her resume. "your name is Mona right?"

"Yes madam"

"you were graduated from a good university and even have worked for a year in a reputed company. Why did you resign that job and work as a sales girl?"

She was a bit hesitant and lost in words.

After coming to a conclusion, she decided to be honest with her. "I don't have any big family background. I completed my studies with scholarship. When I joined that firm, I was often bullied because of my status. During a company dinner, my boss tried to molest me and I assaulted him to escape from him. He was from a wealthy family, so instead of him I was fired and blacklisted in the industry. I got the job in the store with the recommendation of my friend."

"I was not sure if can get this job still I wanted to give it a try. That's why I came here. I can understand if you don't give me this job"

" Even if you don't have this qualification, I was going to give you this job. But now you have the required qualification why would I miss a good employee."


"you will be my personal secretary. You can start tomorrow and if you have any questions you can ask assistant Liam."

The girl was still in daze and she couldn't believe that she got the job. Hope tapped the table and brought her back to reality.

"Thank you, madam. I will work hard and will never disappoint you."

She left with a big smile on her face. Then Hope gave a few instructions to Liam and again started to review some documents.

After reviewing all documents that needed her attention, it was almost lunch time. She called Liam to know about the schedule for the rest of her day.

"Boss, we have a meeting after 2 hours and that's it for today. After the meeting I was supposed to visit the shooting site of the movie but it would be great if you can come."

"Why? is there any problem."

"There was a rumour circulating saying that most of the female junior artists were bullied and harassed by the male lead of the movie. We are still investigating the accuracy of this rumour but I personally would like you to interfere."

"Why do you want me to interfere? Is the rumour true?"

"I'm not sure about what happened in the filming site but the second male lead of this film has previously molested his co-star and has been sued. So, I suspect him blaming the main lead who is under our company. If we don't take actions it may affect our artists career and the reputation of our company"

"Then cancel today's meeting. We will visit the site after lunch and don't notify the team about the visit. I want to see myself."

"Okay Boss. What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"I'm a bit tired so I'll skip lunch and take a quick nap. You can go have lunch and make arrangements for the visit and then call me."

Liam left the cabin and Hope went to the lounge area attached to her room to take rest.

After an hour Liam made all the arrangements and they both boarded the car to visit the filming site.

"Liam does anyone in the site know me?"

"The director knows you as he attended the investors meeting. But except him no one knows you."

"Okay let's keep it that way. I want to personally investigate this matter so no matter what happens don't expose my identity until I say so."