They both arrived at the site and silently looked around. In the special waiting area for experienced actors a man was flirting with a girl in ancient costume and makeup.

Liam softly said in Hope's ear that it was the second male lead Erick and the one silently reading the script was the main lead Leo.

Hope nodded her head and went near the main lead of the movie. She tried to converse with him. "senior Leo I'm a big fan of you. can I get an autograph of you." she asked innocently with a smile on her face.

Leo also smiled at her and gave her an autograph. Immediately after that he excused himself saying that he has to read the script to prepare for the next scene.

Hope thought that he seemed to be very professional and not as what the rumors claims him to be.

When she turned to Erick, he was feeding a strawberry to a girl against her will and she seemed to be very uncomfortable.

Then Hope went near Erick and said the same line. "Senior Erick. I'm your fan can I get your autograph."

Hope purposefully dressed herself in not so expensive clothes. She was wearing a casual indigo dress which falls slightly below her knees showing her attractive legs a bit.

When Eric saw that a beautiful girl was asking for his autograph, he immediately asked the supporting actress to leave and gave his autograph to Hope. He asked her to sit near him and even suggested to take selfie with her and tried to get close with her. When he was about touch her legs, someone suddenly grabbed her hands and dragged her from the chair.

Hope almost lost her balance and when she steadied herself and turned to look at the person who dragged her. it was a very handsome man in ancient clothes. From the clothes one can say that he was not playing an important role but even in those dirty clothes he looked like a prince charming. He was very tall, even Hope who was 170cm tall looked petite beside him.

"Are you okay?"

The magnetic voice of his brought her down from her imagination and she nodded her heads. "Don't stay here longer. It's not safe for you to stay alone with him." He tried to take her away from him.

When Erick heard that, he was annoyed and he grabbed the hand that the man was holding and pulled her towards him. Seeing this, Liam tried to stop him but Hope secretly gestured him not to involve.

"How dare a mere extra try to snatch a woman from my hands? If I saw you interfering again you won't be continuing in this movie anymore" Erick warned him.

"you were the one misbehaving why should I leave? if you don't let her go, then I will legally lodge a complaint against you."

The man was replying calmly to the angrily shouting Erick. That's when the director came there from hearing the noises. When the director saw Hope, he hurried to greet her. But was interrupted by Liam and he asked him not to expose her identity for now.

Not knowing the reason behind it the director still played his part. The man complained to the director about what happened and the director was very scared as Erick offended one of the major investors for the movie.

He tried his best not to show his fear in face and played along. "I need to investigate this properly. So, can I talk to you alone?" he asked Hope and she nodded and was about to move away from there.

But she was pulled again by that man "don't worry and explain everything to the director. I will be here if there's any problem okay" he said as if to convince a scared little child. Hope was impressed by his actions and nodded her head an followed the director.

When they reached the director's office, "Madam, I'm really sorry. I'll apologize on Erick's behalf. Please forgive us."