Best professor.

"First of all, I would like to say congratulations to every one of us on our first official victory as a team." After the rounds of applause, Blake continued. "We still have to continue training and working hard to keep securing victory in future exercises."

"Before we continue training I will like to address some of the issues I noticed in the match." Blake said.

"The first is our formation, it was more of a defensive formation than an offensive one. Castiel's elements are offensive, but I ended up putting him in the support role." Blake explained.

During the exercise, the students were meant to be on the offensive to capture the flag and end things quickly because the mechanical puppets couldn't get tired. If Castiel was part of the attack, they would have had a better chance of capturing the flag.

"So, if there are 3 on the offensive, are you planning on putting Tessie alone as the support?" Brian asked.