Elemental battle arrays.

It was at this part of the conversation that the entire class was interested because only very few people had talked to Blake much less hear his ideology.

'I guess this was what I signed up for by choosing to become number 1.' Blake thought as he stood up.

"Well, the school activities so far have been quite challenging for me, but that's the fun part about it. In the space of 2 weeks, the classes and exercises have opened up my mind to new possibilities and the strength of teamwork." Blake said.

"So, what can you say about your team with respect to his complaint?" Professor Mack asked.

"Individual strength matters to some certain extent, but most of it can be covered up by teamwork. As long as the gap in power level isn't that much, the team with the greater teamwork will surely win." Blake said.

"Well said. Alright, that's enough for today, let's get today's lesson started." With that professor Mack warped all of them to one of the practice rooms.