
A week after wiping out the cobra mob, the crackdown on gangs had come to an end. With more than 30 gangs and one of the top gangs being wiped out, the ash corps had sent a message to every gang to not mess around or interfere with the ongoing projects.

This was necessary because most of the ash corps forces would be positioned outside the city.

So in the case that gangs and terrorist groups like the league of assassins were to pull off a crazy stunt, colonel Darius had decided to not partake in the expansion so that he could deal with them personally.

As for the expansion itself, for it to begin prince Bryon was the one to activate the arrays that would begin the process. From there, the wall which was an artifact would continuously be fed with thranium crystals at certain intervals.

During this process, the city wall wouldn't be able to generate its barrier, and also it would be in a weakened state.