Hit and run tactic.

The moment the special ops unit had secured the perimeter, a signal was given to the majors at the walls which in turn was sent to prince Bryon.

The inscriptions as well as the city walls began glowing with a hint of purple. The thranium crystals in the large metal crates began levitating, before being pulled down to the surface of the wall.

Once the crystals came in contact with the wall, they began vibrating and those on the wall watched as the crystals melted and seeped through the wall.

"Go!" Major Reeves said as all the ash corps units made their way down the wall.

A group of them were tasked with clearing the area which included falling trees, pulling out their roots and transporting them back into the city to be used as lumber.

The second group was tasked with terraforming the area and protecting it. They set up protective arrays and weapons in case beasts were to attack since the wall weapons couldn't be used.